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Is this new site selling a visual method for real ?

Started by I have cookies, August 06, 2011, 03:17:04 AM

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I would be very surprised if it happened NOT to be John. (Jafco)

I have cookies

I had some email contact with him in the past - true gentleman - i might send him one more as i would like to know if hes behind that site - and if its towards same writing as VIBE i sure many new users would find it a good read and start into the visual ballistic arena.



You can argue, as forester does, that there are not much new in the approach. But he sure does a nice job of teaching and with good explanations and good pictures.  Makes it learnable to most newbees.  The big job is then to transform the play on to real wheels and i guess thats an individual thing.  But if one has the basics completely under control in knowledge and how to apply it,  they will get there sooner or later.  The biggest problem with Laurances material is that he is far more intelligent than the average joe on most aspects of gambling, math, probability and life in generel and his material reflects that.  Thats why many newbees are lost on his material. 

I have cookies

QuoteThe biggest problem with Laurances material is that he is far more intelligent than the average joe on most aspects of gambling, math, probability and life in generel and his material reflects that.  Thats why many newbees are lost on his material. 

Well i just have to agree with you as i respect Laurance very much and to be personally i can mention that he help me out allot.
As you mention so is Laurance insight about the game incredible and i allways try to pinpoint out does small details when he elaborate about a subject or a question.
Regarding hes book i continues recommend users that get in touch with me to start out with hes materials.
From that its more easy to learn other similar methods like UWE among others with slower speeds.
Its important to build a basic foundation of knowledge to move forward and start to comprehends different subjects to advance.

My 2 cents.



Now he happens to sell a home made VB system and happened to be the first who did it, but even if he was a car sales man you would only find him among the best and genuinest cars.  He would also be able answer all questions you could think related to cars but also just about anything else that might springs to your mind. I respect him just as much for that as for his roulette. Many people just sees him as another system seller,  but thats pretty far from the truth. 

I have cookies

QuoteMany people just sees him as another system seller,  but that's pretty far from the truth.

I can only say that i comprehend what you say and are on the same page.
I have very hard to believe that any one who had speak to Laurance in private would regard him as another system seller.

You put it out like he has a repetition being one and i cant not say from a personal view that i come a cross that many witch would stretch them self to backtalk Laurance.
I just notice a few witch i would not bothering to argue with - as we both know where that discussion end.
Like the time when Bago claim that John was Mark Howy.


I have cookies

Quote from: Kelly on August 06, 2011, 04:31:34 AM
I would be very surprised if it happened NOT to be John. (Jafco)

Update - email sent and now i wait for answer - if John is behind it i will purchase one.

I have cookies

Now i can confirm this site is not from John/Jefco - just so there is no missunderstanding.


The style of the site, and especially video demos is all John. Other than him being nice to my face while behind my back telling people I'm a scammer claiming everything he offers is better than what I offer when its rather the other way around, I dont have a problem with him. Although I'm yet to see anything of his that is beyond very basic stuff, and on very easily beaten wheels. I do agree too that his material is nice and easy to follow. Whether or not it is john, who knows, but it looks like it is. Just because he may denies it doesn't make it so. There is nothing wrong with him having multiple sites though. He does teach legitimate methods, but nothing new to experienced players.

I have cookies

Quote from: Steve on August 08, 2011, 06:47:12 AM
The style of the site, and especially video demos is all John. Other than him being nice to my face while behind my back telling people I'm a scammer claiming everything he offers is better than what I offer when its rather the other way around, I dont have a problem with him. Although I'm yet to see anything of his that is beyond very basic stuff, and on very easily beaten wheels. I do agree too that his material is nice and easy to follow. Whether or not it is john, who knows, but it looks like it is. Just because he may denies it doesn't make it so. There is nothing wrong with him having multiple sites though. He does teach legitimate methods, but nothing new to experienced players.

1) I will not allow you to back-talk John - is not him and you should be a gentleman like he is.
2) I speak with who is behind this method and again he is not John.
3) I might buy this method and make and judge upon my opinions about how they estimate ball and use a 2 pin game.

Not sure who know maybe M Howey is behind this LOL who to trusth even is not so much money ...



What I know about John is not all peachy. Your experience with him is different. I have spoken to him before, and he proved to be two-faced from what my own players have told me. But like I said, whether or not this is john, who knows, who cares. It wouldnt matter anyway.


I don't know if people have figured it out yet, but I can say for sure that Jafco and masters roulette are NOT the same person. For a start Jafco can write English, whereas Masters' use of English is just terrible, almost incomprehensible at times. It's obviously not his native language, and he should have paid an editor to correct his script. Not only is the English terrible, he also changes font sizes and colours without reason.

Mr J

This is 13 months old. Not that it matters, just pointing it out.



Quote from: I have cookies on August 08, 2011, 07:35:10 AM
1) I will not allow you to back-talk John - is not him and you should be a gentleman like he is.
2) I speak with who is behind this method and again he is not John.
3) I might buy this method and make and judge upon my opinions about how they estimate ball and use a 2 pin game.

Not sure who know maybe M Howey is behind this LOL who to trusth even is not so much money ...


Hi Mr. Cookies
Just wondering if you've purchased it and what's your feedback?

