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Learning the Kimo Li way.

Started by PokerTwist1994, September 24, 2011, 01:15:26 AM

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Always look forward to the annual Kimo Li post. At least we know you are alive. Good health to you.

Kimo Li

The best advice I can give a roulette player is "Know thy self," the main reason for failure is denial.

If you find yourself having a hard time leaving the table, you may be a compulsive player.

Have a great strategy, stop win, or stop loss.


What a great advice Mr. Li.

It is so so important to know when to quit the table, after a stop loss or stop win, that it makes the difference  between failure or success.

A great strategy makes de difference but without discipline the best strategy can't avoid you being a loser. I used to be a compulsive player so I know what i talk about.

This is my piece of advice, those, serious players, who want to be inspired by wise words should read Kimo Li's " A collection of thoughts"  in his homepage.

And remember a great strategy should be simple enough to name it by the acronime of KISS (Keep it simple stupid).

Im happy to know Mr. Li is well and sound.


Kimo Li

I did it.


What happens when someone questionable gives you their assurance?


You know what you are.


Intuitive play has it's place. It's called gambling.

I never quite understood the meaning of intuitive play until I watched a GPM player break the rules of engagement. His rationale, or lack there of, was to rely on a feeling that a particular trend will come in, based on his observations.

Needless to say, he lost and continues to lose. There is no hope for anyone who cannot follow instructions.


A human being must stand by one's integrity, especially when confronted with compromise and betrayal.


Perception of time is measured by the actions of one's daily movements.


I cannot control anyone's actions. I can only control my own. I saw it coming. But, I put my faith in mankind and learned another lesson. Losing a friend because of money issues is a lot more difficult than losing 10,000.00 dollars playing roulette. It's easier to make 10,000.00 dollars.


Ignorance, it is something I cannot control, something that presents itself without warning, something that may lead to misunderstanding, something that may give rise to forgiveness. Ignorance, without seeking understanding, is unforgivable.


Adversity is merely a task.

I am reminded that life is a series of tasks, simple, redundant, and complex. I am at peace, knowing that one day, every task will come to an end.


A person with a strong conviction will come to a crossroad. Ultimately, they must make a choice. The path one chooses leads only to another crossroad, such is life.


The power of the subconscious mind provides the roulette professional the means to be very successful. A professional roulette player is able to see ball movement when the conscious mind knows every number position on the wheel head. The subconscious mind works interchangeably with the conscious mind to predict which group of numbers or number will have the optimum probability of coming in within a certain amount of spins.

Think about a time when you thought to yourself, "zero is coming in on the next spin." Zero shows up. That's the power of the subconscious mind. Study the map of the wheel head using GPM method. Your subconscious mind will produce a power beyond your imagination.


What happened on previous roulette sessions is history. Focus on the session at hand, making sure the rules of engagement is perfectly executed. Stay within the rules of engagement. Know thyself.

To count on future sessions for a win is a foolish thought. Always stay in the mindset of the present.


Preparation plays a key role when planning a trip to Las Vegas, just printed tracking cards, cutting and organizing them into two piles, hit and run cards, and grinding cards.  Each card I touch holds a monetary value, what a concept. I don't need the tracking card. But, holding a card in my palm brings me joy, knowing it turns into money.


There is something to be said about perseverance.

In Oct 2017, a person was interested in learning about GPM roulette. He had no Excel experience, limited finances, and personal issues. I told him he did not meet the requirements to take lesson one. Within a year, he learned Excel. The following year, he proposed a payment plan towards lesson one, making sporadic payments for a year until the 2,000.00 balance was paid.

It has been almost a two year journey. He completed lesson one on Aug 29, 2019. Congratulations.


Most people don't think about their mortality until they either experience a medical episode or someone close has played out their final chapter. We live in a world where passwords drives our daily lives. Should anything suddenly happen where your life ends without notice, is there anyone you trust who can access all of your information.

I suggest you keep a password file of all the accounts on a thumb drive and designate someone (lawyer) as the executor of your estate or personal representative. The person in charge would have to know only one password, that is, the password to your Excel spreadsheet. Listed will be all of the accounts, including the passwords.

Examples include, phone, computer, bank accounts, social media accounts, and in the world of roulette, forum accounts.


When I am not playing live roulette, I practice playing 50 spins every day. I usually reach my target within 8 spins after first tracking the first 8 spins. I would tell my self, this is the point I would stop. I reached my target. That's 16 spins total.

I have a balance of 34 spins left to play. So, I continue to play out the rest of my spins. Ultimately, two things happen. I experience a loss; or, I make more money. I pondered why do I do that? It dawned on me, I was looking for action, gambling. "Keep it in Check, my friends." Practice as though you are playing for real.

In a real live casino, once I hit my target. I stop. So now, I practice with only 16 spins, win or lose.


A new team, XEPA, is about to hit the road. Welcome aboard.


A life changing experience may mean something different to each individual, whether it's winning the lottery, a dream job, marriage, birth of a child, death of a friend or love one, etc. But, how can someone have a life changing experience by becoming a professional roulette player? One thing for certain, I can present a life changing experience to anyone who so desires.

Recently, a select group of roulette members decided to take a leap of faith to pursue the highest level of roulette thinking I had to offer, not knowing what was in stored for them. Each individual, in a matter of about two hours, experienced that moment and changed their lives forever, a leap of faith. For these individuals, it has been a long journey. Their investment of money, time, and education has finally come to fruition, masters of roulette.


Each and everyone of us do not make the best choices in life, even though we know better. That's a reality, that's life.


How useful are tracking cards, whether it's provided by the casino or created by the individual? What exactly are these players tracking? Is it as simple as tracking red and black, odd and even, high and low, dozens, columns, or something more sophisticated? Whatever the case may be tracking cards are highly useful.

In the live B & M, casinos do not care if the player is jotting down spins results, tracking characters, sections of the layout, or even groups that only make sense to the player. What the casino cares about is if the player is consistently making money? Only then do these tracking card players experience harassment from the pit boss, the polite statement, like, "Sir, while the casino allows the use tracking cards, we reserve the right not to take action from you at this time." In other words, we don't want your business. So, what use is it to play live if you cannot use tracking cards.

There are other options. The player can use tracking cards at airball wheels with touch screen betting functions, live wheel with touch screen or RNG machines, highly effective use of tracking cards, no one to hassle you, until you start winning consistently again. Once again, you may be subjected to the refusal of patronage syndrome.

So now what? Well, you do everything in your head. Even that does not guarantee full patronage privileges. You see, the casino can refuse you patronage for any reason, the way you dress, the way you speak, the way you walk, practically anything. They don't have to disclose the reason. If you do not comply, you will be issued a no trespassing warning. Should you come back and trespass, you will be arrested and spend some time in prison.

So, how useful are tracking cards? Better question, why would anyone play roulette?


You have been studying roulette for many years now, 5, 10, 20, and some even 30 years plus. I'm in category of 30 plus years. I realized that it does not matter how long one has been studying roulette. What matters is the information retained from all that studying. I know I can teach someone, from beginning to end, 30 days, all three lessons, information which took many years to develop.

My only wish is that I had learned from someone who had already figured out the Holy Grail 30 years ago; Why?, so I could reap the benefits of someone else's hard work, at a worthy price, instead of racking my brains, falling prey to pitfalls, and wasting precious time. Do the math.


When you have two strong minded people, it's often difficult to give advice to one another. You observe the other person making decisions, knowing that the outcome will be bad. You cannot say anything because it will only add fuel to the fire. So, you let the other person find out the hard way. Lesson learned.


I am reminded how being on the road can feel, airline travel, rental car, the constant movement from casino to casino, sleeping on different beds, pillows, different showers, soaps, and other amenities. The worst is constant sights, sounds, and smells. One thing I cannot complain about is the food, pure heaven.

If a player frequents a casino everyday, same time, same routine, it can get rather boring. But I a reminded that I could be stuck in an office 40 plus hours a week, making a modest wage, something I can make in a few minutes on one session on the roulette table. So I feel grateful that I have a skill that allows me to enjoy the simple things in life. Be humble my friends.


Ever feel like you are on an island in the middle of the ocean with no human in sight. You have all this knowledge and no one to share what's on your mind. Don't worry. There is a group of players who speak the same language, how nice, peace of mind.


Visualization, such an integral part of playing roulette professionally, manifests success through the virtual reality of one's mind. Without it, the fluidity of execution will fluctuate and may lead to mental distress, questioning one's reason for playing roulette.


Playing roulette professionally is a lifestyle, like living in the jungle, surrounded by the spoils of the hunt. So, if you have hunting instincts and enjoy a solitary environment, playing roulette professionally may be a great fit.

On the other hand, if you like interacting with people, become part of an international group of roulette professionals, lesson two graduates, who share the same information, speak freely, exchange ideas, bond as roulette professionals, and become lifetime friends.


There is no reason to lie. "Action speaks louder than words."


Self-taught, what an interesting concept. What does it really mean? How does one teaches oneself? Does a person read and study someone else's work and use their methods? Or, does an individual invent or discover a way to beat roulette, thereby creating an original idea. Is this considered self-taught? No, it is innovation.

Welcome to my world.


There is something to be said about protecting your bankroll. In live play, over confidence in a strategy may cause devastating  results. A player may have 6,000.00 as a bankroll,  sounds reasonable enough, except when the player decides to risk 3,000.00 in one session and loses. He knows during practice the strategy does not lose two session in a row.

Does he risk the other 3,000.00 on the following session? If you have been in this situation, stop playing roulette immediately. Rule number one, never risk 50 percent of your bankroll in one session.  Rule number two, have a bankroll that can sustain 20 sessions.


The buy-in should total the amount you need to execute your strategy, which is also the amount of your stop-loss. If it takes 18 units to execute your strategy, then only buy, maximum, 20 units. This is a crucial point. I see players buy-in 100 units all the time. Their strategy requires only 18 units to play.

Unfortunately, many players do not realize that having a lot of chips in front of them may encourage them to play more  and eventually lose all of their buy-in, often wondering what went wrong and, later realizing they got off their game plan.

Why do you think casinos payout with roulette chips instead of cash chips? A huge stack, psychologically, gives the player a false sense confidence.


Magic happens when you're not looking. The idea just pops into your head.


The saga continues... We turn the page and a new chapter begins. So, savor the last chapter. The ending will give reason to pause, and reflect on how one would do it differently.


Without getting into details, there are three lessons, 1, 2, and 3. If you look at lessons from a university perspective, lesson one is the Bachelor's level, lesson two is the Masters level and lesson three is the Doctoral  level; or the undergraduate, the graduate, and the professional.


I am disturbed by the amount of people who play live roulette at casinos and lose. I am equally disturbed by a comment made by a casino host. He said, "Roulette is a game where the player is expected to lose. So, determine the amount you are willing to lose and enjoy the game."


“Education is not the learning of facts, but training the mind to think.” -Albert Einstein


The best decision made is when a person is on the fence.


Perhaps the most scariest part of playing roulette, or any form of gambling, is losing. Like anything else, arm yourself with knowledge, not just knowledge, but "applied" knowledge. The fear will dissipate. Yes, it will go away.


There is something to be said about specialization.  It is not necessarily the best approach, because focusing on only one strategy may require waiting for long periods of time, limiting betting opportunities, especially when the player who is playing live has to bet every spin.


The idea of someone buying a roulette system brings a negative connotation to one's mind, and quickly deem it unworthy of consideration. Why is that?  Buying a roulette system brings fear to players' minds because they do not want to be taken advantage by someone. Sadly, when a real opportunity presents itself, a person may turn down a chance of a lifetime. Courage will overcome fear; and doors will open. All one has to do, is knock.


A good treasure hunter knows how to follow leads and uncover riches, perhaps the Goose that laid the Golden Egg. The secret lays in plain sight. "Seek and you shall find."


Hard work + Consistency = Profit


The dreadful draw down, an inevitable occurrence, it may strike at the beginning, the middle, or the end of a session. How a roulette player deals that kind of adversity separates the professional from the amateur.  The consistent actions taken by a roulette player to offset the unavoidable drawn down is the hallmark of a professional roulette player.


The positive aspect of mentoring is giving someone the opportunity to gain experience without having to go through the pitfalls of pursuing the unknown.

Contention only exists when an individual tries to control how a person should behave based on their own worldview or mindset. Therefore, we can eliminate conflicts by understanding that the only thing one can control is their own actions.


I learned at an early age the value of learning from someone who I believe to be a mentor. My dad died when I was six years old. So I became very keen in spotting the experts who can guide me in my life, men who knew how to fish, work on cars, fight, etc. In my young adult life, I hired a golf pro to improve my golf game, best decision ever.

Finding a mentor is one thing; becoming one, leads to a different path. I understood that in order to be successful, I had to slay my own dragons, pave my own way, and create my own journey. I chose to become a professional gambler. My mother said to me, "If you are going to be a criminal, be the best." What? Her wisdom resonated. So, I am a professional roulette player.


What is the function of a roulette forum? It is a place where like minded roulette players gather to talk about the common knowledge of roulette. The reality of this kind of forum does not work because, when it comes to proprietary knowledge, most are not willing to share. Why is that? Take the elements that form a small town community, grocer, hardware store, ice cream shop, restaurant, gas station, barber, baker, to name a few, each contribute to the function of the community.

A roulette community does not function that way. Instead, if a roulette player has a strategy that works really well, they are "expected" to share freely, or else they are chastised and called all kinds of names, liars, scammers, etc.

In a town community, people pay for goods and services in order to function in life. Why should the baker share a secret recipe passed down from generations? Should the grocer give free goods to the entire community? Here lies the problem with roulette forum members, they want something for nothing.

Most forums have a policy where a player is able to solicit their goods and services, "Systems, Product, and Services for sale." The merchants are quickly scrutinized, and in most cases, endure bullying and abuse from the roulette community. Other places forbid the solicitation of goods and services regarding roulette altogether.

Word of mouth by a community shows the essence of communication. It has been my experience that when I decide to pay a premium price for a cherry turnover baked pie, it's because I heard about it through word of mouth, to see what the rave is all about; that is what a community is about, acknowledging the worth of our baker.

There is no point in having a roulette forum where only common knowledge is shared and goods and services are not welcomed. A close society is a dead society.


Catch 22, "Damn if I do and damn if I don't," if I post on roulette forums that I have a system that will help the roulette players win an average of 100.00 dollars a day, I am met with skepticism, criticism, and disbelief. With good reason, most players on these forums do not have a winning method. By winning, I mean something that a player will show a substantial profit at the end of the month. "Prove it," they would say.

So now, if I were to post my winning method of any forum, players would realize that I have something and they would benefit from my knowledge. 'Thank you very much," they would say, "you were right". Now they can go on their merry way and create wealth for themselves.

If I don't "prove it" publicly, I am regarded as a scammer. If I do "prove it" publicly, I would be an idiot. The solution, keep it private to those who are willing to venture into the unknown.


There are many reasons why an individual chooses roulette as a potential way of making money. Stories on the internet describe experiences of people having good fortune. On the other hand, there are horror stories of people losing their life's savings and going deep into credit debt, only a few people understand the purpose of playing roulette.

The most important thing that a serious roulette player is searching for is the ability to make profits on a daily basis with no fear of losing. Consistency, is the strategy consistent?


In 2005, the Roulette Formula - How to Predict the Exact Number is released. The following year, The European Roulette Book hits the market. The initial reaction divided the roulette community. There has been many debates since it's introduction. The Global Pie Method has stood the test of time. My publisher first stated to me that the shelf life of any gambling book is about ten years. These two books are still on the market and thriving.

A school was created to teach the concepts of the book. More significantly, strategies were taught so the average roulette player is able to profit from roulette on a daily basis. Today, there is a huge amount of graduates all over the world benefiting from their education. They live in Switzerland, Finland, Sweden, Netherlands, Australia, United Kingdom, Monaco, Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Russia, Portugal, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Philippines, South Africa, India, Canada, and of course, the United States of America, states like Hawaii, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, New Jersey, Chicago, Georgia, Oregon, and Alaska.

Each country have multiple members. Singapore has the most members followed by United States of America, United Kingdom, and Australia. Thirteen years later we are thriving. Interested, come and be a part of our family. Please note, not all qualify.


What most roulette players fail to realize is that having a winning strategy does not mean it is easy to make money. The player actually have to work. It is a grind. It requires a lot of patience, analyzing, and executing the strategy. It's mentally taxing on the brain. In some cases, it harder than working 9 to 5.

On the upside, it's sure beats working for some else.


The joy in life is the appreciation for food, not just any food, but food that touches one's soul, like mango sticky rice. There is a down side to roulette. It's boring. So, I must play roulette to win money, so I can eat. It's a vicious cycle.


Recently, I realized how important my time is to me. I am going to make use of my time more effectively and enjoy life, not to mention, do what I do best, that is, play roulette.


It's amazing to watch someone, who just completed a lesson, immediately go into profit. It's fun to watch. They start with the dollar level to test their newly found skill. After three days of playing live, the player is 184.00 dollars in profit. The player becomes comfortable. So now, they contemplate increasing their betting amount to the two dollar level. The strategy is still the same and the profit amount doubles.

In time, they will accumulate enough profit to be at the twenty five dollar level, which if you think about it, the 184.00, one dollar level, translates to 4,600.00 at the twenty five dollar level for three days, three sessions of twenty minutes, sixty minutes total; that's 4,600.00 per hour, crazy.

Realistically, at the twenty five dollar level, this is achieved by playing three sessions a day, twenty minutes per session. In case you are wondering, it is a hit and run betting tactic. There is a conservative approach, more playing time at the table to achieve the same amount. Some players, who like the action, prefer this style of play.

Whatever the choice of poison, the job gets done.


Just added three more GPM players to the list of domestic and international group of players, Arkansas (USA), Singapore, and Switzerland, congratulations. Most, if not all, describe their experience with two words, "amazing or phenomenal." I don't know about that. To me, it's just another day in paradise, shout out to the GPM players in Hawaii, visiting soon.


One of the GPM players has brought to my attention about the importance of a focused mind. He said his attention span deteriorates quickly, so he needs to use a strategy that has a high hit rate before his brain turns into mush.

When the session does not go as planned and immediately goes into a draw down, short of the stop loss, he is faced with a long battle towards recovery and achieving the stop win target. The brain and one's patience will determine if the player is successful. All to often, the amateur players go into tired mode and make the fatal mistake of pushing a large bet to recover. More often than not, the players lose that battle.

Know your threshold for being tired. Call it a day.


The key to beating airball roulette is identifying and classifying algorithms generated by the airball machine. Once the data mining is complete, the next step is to match the strategy with the algorithms being produced.

On a basic level, if the airball machine is producing streaks of red or black, meaning hitting seven or more times in a row, then the strategy to bet on a trend until it misses would be the appropriate choice. I have seen players bet on black while a streak of red is running, because they think black is "due," only to lose their money because red came in an additional fives times before black finally showed up.

There are complex algorithms which can be identified and exploited by a GPM player, a skill set necessary for any roulette player.  Without it, it's just a guessing game.

Live roulette produces a different kind of algorithms. It too can be identified and exploited by a GPM player. The pattern will dictate which strategy to use.


In this business, a player has to pay their dues by investing, studying, and learning. Imagine, you become a successful roulette player. Would you go to a public roulette forum and say you are winning?


There is no greater feeling than knowing GPM players can go into any casino and make their set quota for the day. The only pitfall I can foresee is when greed sets in. We all know that we either win big or lose big. Slow and steady will always prevail.


"Living the Dream." What does that mean? For most, it's working full time and supplementing the income by playing on the weekends or after work, for a few playing a few hours everyday, for others playing full time, 8 hours a day. What's your dream?


Failure is inevitable. Someone who does not take responsibility for their actions and tries to blame someone else for their mistakes will always lose. The player who takes responsibility, identifies their mistakes, and take corrective action, will not make the same mistake.


What kind of person would risk all or part of their finances in hopes of turning a profit, a person who understands business. If you do not approach roulette like a business, you are simply a recreational player.


People inquire about GPM all the time. They say they have read my books, scanned the internet, and read several posts on various forums.  Many have interest in private lessons.  Before that can happen, certain criteria has to be met.  I ask questions. I receive answers. Once they are qualified, I send them what the lesson would entail, including the cost, then silence.

I just added this behavior to my list, uncouth.

If you are the type of person who:

- want something for nothing
- looking for a get rich quickly scheme
- lack self-discipline, integrity, and respect
- is a compulsive gambler
- desperate for money
- self-absorbed, egotistical
- have major leaks in your life (Alcohol, drugs, lazy, to name a few)

GPM is not for you.


I learned early in my life. Fortune is made with decisive action. The door opened.

I was a bartender in my youth in Hawaii. A guy in a suit walks in the bar, orders a shot and a beer. He tells me he's from Florida. He's celebrating because he just closed a deal selling an exclusive franchise. "Tell me about it," I said. A long story short, I said "I'll buy one." He said, "Bullshit, if you purchase a franchise, I will put you up at my home for thirty days while you learn the business. But, you have to buy your own airline tickets." I said, "I'm not bullshitting." He said, "Man, you got some balls." The next day, I was in Florida. I bought a franchise.


I read on a forum today that someone was offering 30% of their winnings for life if someone would give him a strategy that wins, an offer made in 2017 and now again in 2018. Several years ago, I accepted an offer of 10% profit of winnings for life. I told him he was better off paying 2,000.00 for the strategy because in the first month, he would have made his 2,000.00 back and would not have to pay for the rest of his life.

He insisted in paying 10% for life because he felt anyone giving him a strategy that will win deserves to be compensated. So, I said okay, if that's how you feel. The player learned my strategy.  He did pay 2,000.00, 10% of his first month's profits. Then, he stopped paying the 10% for life. I mean it was his idea. I guess he realized my offer of 2,000.00 was good enough, which is fine by me. But now, what was lost is not the 10% for life, it's the friendship.


Looking for a mentor in roulette is like making a bet on the roulette table. The interested seekers scan the internet and find a group of potential candidates. They have to decide which one to choose. They make a decision and find out that it's not what they expected, a losing bet. Then they try another mentor, another losing bet. They find themselves in a "negative expectation." At this point, it's time to decide whether to pursue more learning opportunities, knowing that this "bet" may not payoff, growing deeper into debt.

But, one will never know the outcome until you place that bet. It's that time, "no more bets."


Fear of the unknown, perhaps a primordial defense mechanism ingrained in the mind of all living things, this is probably why the majority of people find discomfort when confronted with something they do not understand, something different. So most people turn to the only thing they know by claiming, "that's impossible," a defense mechanism that tells the brain to discount the idea and squelch any fears that may be harboring in their mind.

Some people are so scared that they defend their assertion by citing scientific data, they learned through formal education. Then, there are the brave few, with open minds, who venture into realm of uncertainty, hoping to solve some of life's mysteries.

Most gambling is not a social endeavor. It is a solitary journey that relies on the individual's skills to survive, harnessing new ones along the way. So you see, the sheep mentality is necessary for the wolf to thrive. The wolf enters a casino to take a portion of what the sheep had left behind.


Just when you think you know what you are doing, something else get thrown into the mix, always something.


Probability is a tool used to calculate the player's chances of winning.

Recently I was playing Texas holdem poker. I had pocket Aces. I was on the cut-off, next to the dealer button. The flop came 10d 10c 5h. There were two other players in the hand, small blind and big blind. Both players checked. I bet. Both players called. I bet because I want to see if any of these two players had a ten.  So, now in my mind, my pockets aces are no good.

The turn was the 3h. Both players check again. I bet again, knowing that a raise may be coming if any of the players have a 10. The small blind called. The other player folded. Now, I know that the small blind had the 10 because he wanted the other player to call the hand. On the river, I had only two outs. The probability of an Ace hitting the river is very slim. I should have folded on the turn because the small blind was trapping me with his trip tens.

The river came an ace, giving me aces full of tens. The only hand that can beat me is if the small blind has pocket tens, giving him quads, four tens. If that's the case, I would have experienced a bad beat jackpot worth 23,000.00. So either way, if he has only 3 tens or 4 tens, I win. I hope he had 4 tens.

He bets out. I raised. He re-raised. I re-raised. He re-raised. I re-raised. He paused, thought, and just called. He finally realized that I could have pocket aces. In his mind, he was calculating the odds of me having the pocket aces. What I did not know is that he held a 10 and an Ace. Before the river card, I had only one out, the case ace. The probability of the last ace hitting the river was definitely against me and I should have folded when I realized someone could have a 10 on the flop. Nevertheless, I won that hand and took down a huge pot.

Defying probability can give a player a false sense of winning. I was stupid to be in the hand, because, if I continue to defy the odds in situations like that, in the long run, I would eventually lose my bankroll.


"Understand it is possible to lose some or all of the money you wager at any gambling establishment, legal or otherwise." Like in all business investments, there are risks involved, roulette is no different. As stated previously below, "the right strategy and betting approach" will produce winning results.


The GPM roulette player focuses on the right strategy and betting approach, not the need to make money. Why?
Money comes as a result of consistent optimal decisions.


I see things and believe people see the same things as I do, only to be told by my friends and family that the way I think is not normal. They think I am a genius. I am not. What is normal?


The urge to figure something out is so great that it consumes my mind 24/7. I have conquered roulette, now what? Well, wood working offers that distraction, channeling the passion for solving challenges. The end product becomes an expression of one's creativity and satisfies that craving of figuring something out. What's your poison?


In American greyhound racing, there are 28 quinella betting combinations in an eight dog race, dogs that come in first and second place, the order does not matter. Of the 28 combinations, I am only interested in 18, 27, 36, 45, each quinella add up to the sum of nine. 1+8, 2+7, 3+6, 4+5, an idea that came to my attention when betting the greyhounds for the first time in Plainfield, Connecticut, winter of 1985.

If one studies greyhound statistics results daily , the person would notice that these quinella combinations come in at least once everyday in a 13 race event, occasionally these combinations may miss. But for the most part, the quinella combinations consistently show up daily .

The dilemma is the bettor does not know which race. I have solved this dilemma many years ago using a sophisticated tracking method. However, in it's simplistic concept, if I know it's coming in at least once a night, then I would wait for the first eight races to run. If the quinella combinations do not come in, then I will proceed to bet the next four races.

I did this in December of 1986 at Saint Petersburg, Florida to test my theory . In the 9th race, I placed fifty dollars on each quinella, 18 27 36 45, a cost of 200.00. That means I had 25 bets, each bet cost 2.00. The quinella combination 45 came in and paid 225.00 per 2.00 bet. I made 5,625.00, minus 200.00, the cost of the bets, such a simple concept.

The quinella combination provides an adrenaline rush because no matter what dog is leading, say number 4, the only greyhound one would be concerned with is the 5 dog. During the same race, if the 3 dog takes over the lead, then the focus changes to the 6 dog, what a rush.

This is the foundation of roulette.


Risk intelligence, you either have it or you don't. It's innate, most successful business people have it.
Most, if not all, professional risk takers have it. Do you?


The following are the components to successfully execute the Kimo Li Way of playing.

Learn the Global Pies.
Learn the Global Stars.
Learn the Roulette Layout, even chances, dozens, columns, streets, double streets, corners, splits, etc.

The concept is simple. Just like various hand motions exhibited in the movie, "The Karate Kid," there is a parallel correlation between learning each karate hand motion and learning each piece of the Global Pie Method concept. The Global pies and stars can be put together to in a manner of combinations to form strategies that can defeat the game of roulette, The Kimo Li Way.

It's always a pleasure to hear of someone's success. More importantly, it's always a pleasure to hear of someone's success when they have been struggling finding their way, a light comes on.


I did the right thing. A young family member wanted to learn how to play roulette. I said no. There were conditions. Go to school, establish a career, and contribute to society. Six years pass, he did that. So, I just finished teaching him. "Thanks uncle," he says, as he gives me a great big hug, "you know, Vegas baby."

He's still annoyed because I made him go through the "normal expectation" of life's journey. I don't care. I did the right thing.

In the end, all is but a dream. It does not matter with regards to the accumulation of things and wealth. What matters does not matter, only present thoughts of being. Even then, it will not matter, such is enlightenment.


How much would you pay for an college education, a house, a vehicle, clothes, etc.?
What do you think the Holy Grail of roulette is worth?, priceless one would think. Think again, it may be worth less than you think, at best, the price of a college education.



One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when one is overtaken by temporary defeat. Every person is guilty of this mistake at one time or another. An uncle of R. U. Darby was caught by the “gold fever” in the goldrush days, and went west to DIG AND GROW RICH. He had never heard that more gold has been mined from the brains of men than has ever been taken from the earth. He staked a claim and went to work with pick and shovel. The going was hard, but his lust for gold was definite.
After weeks of labor, he was rewarded by the discovery of the shining ore. He needed machinery to bring the ore to the surface. Quietly, he covered up the mine, retraced his footsteps to his home in Williamsburg, Maryland, told his relatives and a few neighbors of the “strike.” They got together money for the needed machinery, had it shipped. The uncle and Darby went back to work the mine.
The first car of ore was mined, and shipped to a smelter. The returns proved they had one of the richest mines in Colorado! A few more cars of that ore would clear the debts. Then would come the big killing in profits.
Down went the drills! Up went the hopes of Darby and Uncle! Then something happened! The vein of gold ore disappeared! They had come to the end of the rainbow, and the pot of gold was no longer there! They drilled on, desperately trying to pick up the vein again-all to no avail.
Finally, they decided to QUIT. They sold the machinery to a junk man for a few hundred dollars, and took the train back home. Some “junk” men are dumb, but not this one! He called in a mining engineer to look at the mine and do a little calculating. The engineer advised that the project had failed, because the owners were not familiar with “fault lines.” His calculations showed that the vein would be found JUST THREE FEET FROM WHERE THE DARBYS HAD STOPPED DRILLING! That is exactly where it was found!
The “Junk” man took millions of dollars in ore from the mine, because he knew enough to seek expert counsel before giving up..."


Desire, may all your wishes come true. I wish everyone good health.


I am reminded that roulette is not about chances. It is about desire, expectations, and discipline. It's about being a professional. Bottom line, it's about health, wealth, family, friends, and charity.


Let me know and I will teach you.


Doctors practice their craft on live patients. They make a diagnosis and treat your ailments with medicine, only to find out the diagnosis was wrong. The drug the patient was taking has terrible side effects. So now, you still have your ailment, compounded with drug side effects that should have not happen in the first place. So, now they send you to a referral specialist, someone who kicks back a referral fee. Same thing happens, they diagnose the issue and prescribe more drugs. It's not working. So, now they try something different. So that's why they call it a practice.

Roulette, the player is constantly practicing because there are no definitive strategy that applies to every situation. However, there are multiple strategies that apply to pertinent situations. The roulette player does not want to be in the position of a doctor, where there are constantly trying to figure out what's wrong. In roulette, the strategy used must be right the first time during live play or else the player is considered practicing, using live money. Practice, therefore, is only effective when not playing live.

Don't be a doctor. Be an expert.


Happy father's day, on my way to the casino.


Prepare yourself.


Shortcuts are created by beginners as they become experienced. Experienced players do not use shortcuts. Instead, they rely on strategy choice, relevant betting structure, and execution.


When you master the game of roulette, the only question left to ask is, what do I feel like eating right now?


Sometimes, it's good to set aside roulette and focus on other things in life. I know how difficult it is to stop thinking about roulette, especially when you see things differently and your mind cannot shut it down, a case of passion or obsession. What's the difference?


To me, it does not matter what strategy I play, as long as I win. Should I lose, it does not matter either, because I will win more than I would lose.


No wheel is safe from a GPM player. Although the number sequences on the American and European roulette differ, the principles of the Global Pie Method remains the same.


Flat bet verses progressions, a dilemma that most roulette players contemplate. Flat bet should be the primary objective. Progressions, when used strategically, can be a powerful tool. But be careful, using progressions is an art form. Only those who practice the principles of progressions should attempt in real play because progressions is notorious for destroying bankrolls, in a some cases, lives.


"Everyone loves a winner. But when you lose, you lose alone."


When reality comes knocking on your door, only then, you will find clarity in your life.


Control is a double edge sword. Fortunately, we control our own actions. So, refrain the urge to control others.


If you are playing roulette because you are having fun, I suggest you keep your day job.


Do not accumulate chips in your pocket throughout the day. Cash in your winning chips immediately following a session, especially when you win more than three thousand dollars. I say this because once I tried to cash in 20,000.00 in chips at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. The cashier asked me which table did I win the 20,000.00.

I told her from different tables throughout the day, morning until 11pm. She said sorry, if you cannot tell us where you won the money, we will not cash your chips. What? Apparently it has to do with the accounting of in and out of money from each table, they say. It's more like, did I steal these chips and now trying to cash in. I had to find several pit bosses that tracked my play in the morning, noon, and night to verify my play. I finally found a pit boss that authorized the cashier to cash my chips.

Word of wisdom, note the pit boss's name, table number, and how much you won, especially when you win big, 3,000.00 plus during a session. You can also use this information when preparing your taxes.


It's a shame to see recreational roulette players lose their money. They call it entertainment. What's more disturbing is to see players with some kind of strategy or method lose their entire bank, not because of the strategy, but not having the skill sets to manage their money, emotions, or leaks.


It behooves me to think that if someone has already figured it out, why try to "re invent the wheel."


Stacks and stacks of tracking cards, filled with tick marks, circles, X es, dots, whatever the preference, scattered all over your desk, tell the story of a journey only a GPM player can relate. Trying to find the right combination of pens, felt, ball point, pencil, black, red, green, becomes a greater task than the strategy of choice because the strategy is sound.

The reward comes when the hours practice is put to the test, live play. It's a masterpiece, the color of green.


A word of CAUTION, there are videos on YouTube that claim to be Kimo Li's method or How to Win using Kimo Li's principles. I have never made any videos explaining my methods. These videos are "Fake News, or rather, Fake Videos."


A poker player on my left kept on raising me every time I initiated a bet. The pot had been raised and re-raised by two other players. My instinct told me that these players were in collusion. I had flopped a monster hand, four tens. If I checked, I know they going to think I have a monster hand. So, I bet out and they raised and re-raised.

In the end, I won a huge pot. It was my instinct that provided me with the right play. In roulette, instinct also plays a role. It's knowing what strategy to play after a few spins pass.


Sophistication is manifested in the flow of simplicity and accuracy.
Simplicity is the organization of complex thought.
Accuracy is the result of simplicity.

"Your tracking methods and the spreadsheets are incredible, so sophisticated..." GPM player.


If you think about it, nothing matters. If you give it a second thought, it still doesn't matter.


Everyone has an angel, guiding us, encouraging us, and sometimes saving us. The angel is protecting us from ourselves for we are responsible for creating our own destiny. Choose wisely.



There is a direct correlation between predictability of numbers and the map of numbers on the roulette wheel head. How can a roulette player come close to accurate predictions? Simple, know the series and landscape of the roulette wheel. Only then, you will know how to produce accurate predictions. The same principle holds true for the numbers on the layout.

Amateur - "At least we had fun."
Professional - "Next."


Murphy's law: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong".

Murphy's law usually happens right after a roulette player first learns a new strategy and tries to play with real money. This happens to all GPM roulette players. You have 20 to 30 seconds to place a bet. So, the player places the bets, only to find out they had missed one number, "No more bets." Your missed number comes in, good old Murphy. Now is the time for the player to leave.

Oh no, the voice in the player's head says, I got to make that up. "Discipline has left the building." So, in good old fashion form, Murphy decides to show up again in the form of a "tilted" player. So, the player goes off the rules of engagement and increases the amount of bets on the next set of numbers. Yep, Murphy shows no mercy. None of the player's number hit.

Just remember, when an error happens, it means you were not as prepared as you think. Stop and walk away. Or else, Murphy will continue to show it's ugly face.


What is the optimum numbers to bet, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, or more?
It does not matter, as long as the roulette player does not bet more than 18 numbers. What matters is choosing the ideal strategy, following the rules of engagement, and maintaining a low profile.


Let us assume the Holy Grail of roulette does exist, enough said.


Having A Game Plan

In order to become a successful roulette player, one must have a game plan. There are so many strategy options to use, literally thousands. How does one differentiate from using one strategy over another? That is perhaps the most difficult decision to make when the player does not have a plan, which brings us to the idea of specialization.

There is no question that the most successful GPM player focuses on one or two strategies at a time, even though they are armed with thousands of strategies. They practice and exercise the mental synapses of their brain that triggers tracking strategies and commit it to memory, until it becomes second nature.  They execute their plan and stick to the rules of engagement, whether they reach their win goal or stop loss.


When you reach the point of boredom while playing roulette, that's when you know you are in it for the money.


The art of playing roulette. If you think of roulette like painting a picture by numbers, you will wind up with a self portrait of yourself, specifically designed by the casino for you to lose. If you paint from the point of view of the Global Pie Method, you would have created a winning master piece, by understanding the nature of number streams, and how trends develop from the ebbs and tides of random numbers.


In the zone, what does that mean to a GPM roulette player? It means that the player can look at the randomness flow of numbers coming out as a string of spins after spins and is able to detect the flow of characters being generated, apply to certain strategies, and act accordingly.

I am sure that most uninformed players have experienced winning one hit after another, without knowing why. They are just in the zone. A GPM player knows when and why this phenomenon occurs and takes advantage.

A beginner will notice the strategies offered by the casino, your typical red, black, odd, even, 1-18, 19-36, dozens, and columns. What they would see, whether consciously or subconsciously, for example,  red has come in many times and also notice that it's coming in the 2nd dozen.

So, now they place their chips on the 2nd dozen. A novice who has developed some kind of strategy would place straight up chips on numbers 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, and 23, all red in the second dozen.

A GPM player would see that these red numbers belong to sections 4 and 6 on the American wheel, choose to play only the red numbers in section six, 18, 19, 21 and add an extra chip on number 18 because even, low, 3rd column numbers are also running.

What makes an individual say to themselves, "I think red is about to take a run." Ask yourself. Are you in the zone?


It's very important to reflect on a win. "Wow, that was easy." Why? Winning is the result of doing the right things at the right time, sticking to the discipline that you have practiced for many hours.

Losing, on the hand, comes when the rules of engagement is compromised. Did you stop, for example, at your prescribed stop loss?, which by the way would have prevented a major disaster. There will be session losses. But, it will be "contained" to a minimum, instead of losing you entire bank.

So, winning is tied to discipline. Losing, unfortunately, is associated with having a leak, tired, insufficient bankroll, scared money, drinking, drugs, compulsive behavior, to name a few. I believe we create our own Good Luck. We, also, bring upon ourselves Bad Luck. Continue to be disciplined and eliminate the leaks.

In other words, "Keep it in check." KIIC


My faith in mankind has been validated today. Thank you. I am humbled and honored to be part of a group of GPM roulette players around the world. These professional roulette players are not just gamblers, they hold themselves to a higher standard and integrity.


Anyone who plays 24 numbers is an idiot.


No Fear is what separates the professionals from the amateurs.


Roulette inspiration comes in many forms. Sometimes if look and stare at something long enough, the answer becomes clear. Unfortunately for some, fruition may never arrive. But as long as you believe, the journey never ends.


When other forms of roulette started to emerge, I was a strong advocate of not playing RNG or airball roulette machines. Presently, it is much easier to win on an airball machine than it is to win on live tables. What led to this conclusion? Strategy research and development to counter the maximum bet of 35.00 per spin, have produced amazing results, just another break through in the war against the casino.


If you want to avoid someone, loan them 20.00.


In the movie, The Medicine Man, a compound used to produce a cure for a disease is found in a rare ant, not the flower that hosts the ants. Anyone can create a Matrix. It is not the Matrix that holds the secret to the Holy Grail, but the numbers within the Matrix that offers the Holy Grail.


The number seven, there is a reason why seven is a lucky number. Below is a quote from a Google search.

"What does the number 7 mean?
The number 7 is the seeker, the thinker, the searcher of Truth (notice the capital 'T'). The 7 doesn't take anything at face value -- it is always trying to understand the underlying, hidden truths. The 7 knows that nothing is exactly as it seems and that reality is often hidden behind illusions."

Magic can be found in the number 7, advanced GPM students know it's power.


Roulette cannot be beaten by pure mathematics. Ask the math fanatics. Try to prove them wrong. They will torture you with proven facts. Instead, roulette can be conquered by the world of probability, data analytics, and significant statistics.  It's not a pure science, not by a long shot. However, the approach will surprisingly produce consistent results, much like today's weather predictions: probability, data analytics, and significant statistics.


It appears that most players are trying to defeat random by organizing numbers, systems, and methods. Here's a thought. Why not conquer random by being random, in an organized manner, making random no longer random.
What? You say, exactly. Figure that out and you will hold the key.

The secret to understanding roulette is in nature. I once pondered how coral survived in the ocean. How did they eat? I knew what they ate (plankton). What was their strategy to capture a moving target?

Was the movement of plankton random? Or was there a pattern of movement?

Are past spins relevant? If so, how do you use that information? If not, is there a way to "contain" random?

Nature holds the secret to both mindsets. The strategies are governed by nature. I say this to give the roulette player something to think about.


I wanted to talk about the importance of knowing all of the numbers on the wheel. This notion is directed towards people who do not value this skill.

I see the wheel as a treasure map. Without it, I would be wandering aimlessly. Imagine you are on a row boat on the ocean, just floating. You have no goals, just going with the tide. Hopefully, you will find land before the elements kill you.

If you have a goal in mind, possess a map, and enough provisions to get there, chances are you will succeed. Memorizing the numbers on the wheel will open your vision to see how the ball is moving and what numbers the ball is favoring, not only in sections, but in intervals.

Once you have that roulette map, all you have to do is figure out what direction you will take to reach your destination.


Mathematically, European wheel has a lesser house edge. If you add a second zero to the European wheel, then the house edge is equal to the American wheel.

Although it is easier to memorize the American wheel, because of how the numbers are arranged on the wheel, the European wheel has the same identical strategies as the American wheel, although the numbers are arranged differently on the wheel.

When the roulette player learns the multiple aspects of each roulette wheel, they would be able to understand the importance of each number placement.


I have read the many debates about using past spins as a means to predict future spins, which is a natural human behavior. The wheel has no memory. So, the debate continues.

There is an approach which does not use past spins, something that has never been posted, quite frankly, will never be posted. But it is something for which to ponder while studying principles of....


I practice my roulette skills everyday, 50 spins. I analyze every angle. This helps me to keep sharp and constantly looking for new strategies. Keep in mind, when I practice, I pretend I am at the casino, with an actual layout and chips. I read 12 numbers ascending from the bottom to the top, just like the tote boards in the casino. I have loud music in the background to assimilate the casino, because my brain needs to feel comfortable in that kind of environment. It's a necessary routine if you want to be on top of your game. Walking is an essential part of practicing. Why?, because a roulette gambler will be moving from one casino to another. In other words, you have to exercise.


The live casinos require you to bet every spin. If you miss one or two spins, depending on what type of player you are, meaning beginner, above average or "frequent," a beginner will probably not get a reaction from the dealer. Above average will get a warning. A frequent (Pro) will be told he MUST bet every spin. Yes, the casino can tell what type of player you are.


There is no way that the casinos will ever shut down roulette tables. The majority of the players play by the rules that the game has to offer. Some may win, some may lose, but the casino will, in time, win by the house advantage.

Casinos create a following of losers by psychological warfare. Reward membership is their weapon. The more action you give the more perks you get, reward credits, tier status, free rooms, free play, free shows, free limo, etc.

Here's how the psychology works. When you win, it's a great feeling. You go home feeling great, money won and free everything. Now, they offer you more stuff and you go back. This time you lose money. You justify your loss by saying that you had all that free stuff, rooms, buffet, limo, shows. Psychologically, you say to yourself, I lost money but I had a great time and I "think" I broke even or the "value" I received equals my losses.


The cycle does not end. They offer you more free stuff because of your loyal play. If you have a reward card, you are a loser because the casino already won.

If the casino spots an advantage player, they simply refuse their patronage. So no, the casinos will never shut down the roulette games.

Are you a reward player?


Here is a typical scenario that happens when playing roulette.
The player buys in with a discrete bank, depending on the table limit, 100.00 for example on a 10.00 table minimum.

The player builds his table stake to 1,000.00 dollars. The pit-boss asks if the player has a player’s card. The answer is no. Do you want one? No thank you. This is when you ask to cash out and leave the casino.

If you lose your 100.00 or whatever you stop loss is, pull out your rewards card and ask the dealer to have the pit-boss to record your loss (play) on the card.


We as a roulette group cannot agree on the best way to learn how to beat the game of roulette. We, instead, speak about our own roulette experiences and what we have read from various disciplines and points of view: wheel-based, layout-based, physics, math, psychic, etc., disproving and justifying why a particular approach does not work.

I remember when The Roulette Formula, by Kimo Li, was first made public in 2005 regarding the many facets of dividing up the wheel and categorizing them into groups that would serve as a universal roulette language. For those players who have embraced the ideas of the Global Pie Method and later The Matrix, they are consciously and subconsciously reaping the benefits of pattern recognition and intuition. It could be as simple as which half of the wheel is the ball falling, or more complex, like reading boomerang patterns on the layout, and knowing the number relationships on the wheel.

The internal accountant retrieves information from several databases stored within the cortex of the brain, unlike a library that is well organized, but rather, data randomly scattered throughout the brain, most of the time duplicate in nature. If one part of data is “erased”, it can be traced and found in another part of the cortex. One must have data in their minds and not on a computer or cell phone. You don’t believe me. Imagine if you lost your phone. How many phone numbers do you remember?

Intuition, therefore, has a direct relationship with information gathered and stored throughout one’s experience using a set of principles that is “proven” to win consistently, which by the way, cannot happen without a universal language, set of rules, and discipline.

No pattern escapes the intuitive mind of a professional Global Pie roulette player. My intuition tells me that there is someone out there who begs to differ.


A professional roulette player is much like a professional boxer. The roulette player's nemesis is random numbers. How does one conquer random numbers? The boxer acquires the fundamental skills necessary to compete, jabs, hooks, upper cut etc. and applies certain strategies, depending on the opponent. So too does the roulette player, the player must acquire many skills, not just the basics, things like wheel head number positions, ball movement recognition, trends, pattern recognition, money management, etc.

To defeat one's opponent, a boxer must possess an arsenal of skills. He must learn everything about the opponent's habits and tendencies. Is the boxer aggressive, passive aggressive counter puncher, or multifaceted?

Random numbers behave similarly, tendencies like RRR BB R BBB R, LHLH LLL HH L, OE OE OOO EE O. From the GPM point of view, 4 6 8 5 9 7 or 1 5 3 2 6 4 etc.

The key to winning is to possess the necessary skills of identifying and classifying random numbers and applying specific strategies that will have a favorable outcome.

Most of the time boxers will accumulate points per round to win a match. Many boxers will try and often fail. However, a special boxer, a natural, will come along and possess the necessary skills to achieve a knock out consistently.

Some people are not meant to be boxers.


The most basic ball movement exercise is to study which side of the wheel the ball is favoring. To do that you must have knowledge of the numbers on the wheel, a map, the Global Pie map, American, 1, 5, 3, 2, 6, 4, European, 4, 6, 8, 5, 9, 7.

The American wheel, starting clock wise from the single zero to the double zero are three sections of six numbers labeled 1, 5, 3, also known as the “odd” half. The “even” half begins after the double zero, three sections labeled 2, 6, 4.

The European wheel, starting clockwise from the single zero to the number 10 are three sections of six numbers as well labeled 4, 6, 8 known as the “even” half of the wheel. The odd half begins with number five, three sections labeled 5, 9, 7.

The sections of the wheel are labeled by the number being in the section. For example, number 4 is in section four on the European wheel. There are two exceptions section one and two on the American wheel. Section one is next to the single zero, therefore is called section one. Section two is next to the double zero, hence section two.

So, now you have a reference point. What should you ask yourself? “Is the ball favoring the even side of the wheel or the odd side of the wheel? How do I exploit that information?”

This is a simple exercise to notice ball movement.


If you do not practice each day, 50 spins minimum, you are not a professional. Phrased differently, if you practice playing 50 spins a day, you are a professional.


What is your worth?

Every human being possesses some kind of skill. Whenever someone is in need of services from others, usually there is a transaction. I have family members who have skills which I could ask for help. I would never ask for help and not pay, maybe an exchange of services.

For example, my brother, who is a professional mechanic, could fix my vehicle for free. I would always pay him a fair price because I value his time and the years he had to study to be in that profession. More importantly, I respect his worth.

It's not about greed. My time is precious to me. If anyone wants to learn anything, they need to consider the value of what they are seeking, college education, technical skills, or roulette skills, etc., what is your worth?


END has two parts.

First, you choose what pie is likely to come in.
Second, you choose what star is also likely to come in.
Merge both pie and star. One number will be in both the pie and star.

European example:

Global Pie Four 32 15 19 04 21 02
Global Star Six 02 13 10 20 29 26

The only common number is 02.
So now, bet 02, one number, not 27 numbers


“Hi Kimo do you think during the time you studied and been involved with roulette it has become more popular worldwide, or less, or just the same?”

There have been many changes since the first time I studied roulette. Indian casinos, for example, bring marketing and awareness to roulette, making playing roulette easily accessible. Instead of going to the library to check out a book, we now have the internet. Learning about roulette is a click away. We have access to historical information, videos, and forums, etc. In terms of the popularity of roulette worldwide, there is no question that roulette is popular since I first studied roulette. However, I believe the level of interest remains the same.

Roulette may have gained worldwide popularity. But, I see many newcomers, casual, and seasoned players lose consistently. Last week, I had lunch with a friend who had worked as an accountant in a major casino. He said that casinos do not care about the advantage player, only if they exceed a certain amount, which is rare, he said. Money made from non-informed players make up the majority of their profits.

He said, most, if not all players, come to the casino with an amount they are willing to lose, not willing to win, but lose. Casinos would rather take money from players who have set a personal losing threshold before playing because the casinos know they will not break the player’s bank. Casinos do not want to break a player because they want them to come back. When players win, the player will tell their friends. When the player loses, the player will validate their losses to having a good time.

Brad said:

“As already mentioned by Kimo you must balance your life first: Family, friends, work, entertainment

You cannot play roulette successfully when you are not emotionally and financially stable.

First play for love of the game, and not about money. Once you learn the game money can come easily.

Roulette only has small house edge 2.7 or 5.4%

If you read Kimo's books and practise every day he already give us enough tools to overcome this edge easily

Pie strategy, star strategy, pie movement, star movement, eclipse

Analyse some spins online and walk around casino tables you can see the patterns: bow tie 69, hemisphere a and b, and so on.

Which leads to a final thought about money - money is a strange thing. The harder you reach for it the more it resists you. The less you focus on it and more on the task at hand the easier it will come to you. I think this definitely applies to roulette!”


How does a roulette player know when to bet?

The answer is when you start seeing the trends you that are familiar to you, make them your favorites. What?

No matter what vehicle you own, ever notice how often you see the same kind of car on the road. Most people randomly see various makes, models, and year every day. But, when a car like yours drives by, something strange happens; your consciousness awakens.  My advice, "own" several trends, trade in your vehicle from time to time.


Harry said:

“...Keep roulette as a hobby. Many people enjoy photography as a hobby. These people have a job, support their own and/or others need, and enjoy photography in their free time. Maybe, after a few years, someone notices that their level of photography has got to a high level and starts buying their photographs. This hobby then becomes profitable. Although, on their camera, they have many experimental, bad photographs. But that is the fun of their hobby.

Also it is not just you who has a "birthright", everyone has the right to a happy life. Everyone has the right to become who they want to be. But this is not automatic, you have to go and create the life that you want. You are not going to wake up tomorrow as the CEO of Microsoft just because you think you deserve it. If you want to be the CEO of Microsoft go and start at an entry-level job at a company and work your way up until you are, as you said, it's a birthright, but you need to go out and achieve it. It may even be fun, just like your photography hobby after a day in the office.”


Many years ago release point on the wheel played a major factor, as well as the previous number (drop point). Currently, dealers are trained to mix up the release point and speed of the ball, also alternate various balls during play. It now becomes moot.

A process becomes viable when consistency validates the outcome. By this I mean, when a player is faced with multiple trends and have the ability recognize what type of trends they are dealing with, only then can the player choose the optimum path to success, having learned either by experience or other means.

Today, however when one tracks ball movement, either by release point or drop point, it does not matter. What matters is having the ability capitalize on pure statistics.

Even chances and ball movement functions the same. Both provide similar trends. However, the only difference is ball movements also provide options for 6, 9, 12, or 18 numbers, even chances, only 18.


I had sat down on a 4 - 8 limit poker game. I am in seat 9. To my right, seat 8 is an aggressive player, meaning he raises a lot. He will be my fish today. Seats 1, 2, 3 are rocks, meaning they play only premium hands, pocket aces, kings, queens, etc. I will be able to bluff them on certain hands, meaning the flop did not hit their hands.

Seat 4 and 7 are amateurs, meaning unpredictable. I will only play premium hands when I am in a hand with them. Seat 5, he is like me. He knows what he is doing. So I will respect his play, unless he tries to challenge me. Then, I will make an effort to put him in check by trapping him. Seat 6 is an unknown, stay out his way.

It is important to size up the table before one begins to pursue playing a poker game. The same holds true when playing roulette. I treat roulette like a poker game. I study the current trends and treat each trend like a poker player. When the trend changes, I contribute that to a player is leaving and a new player sitting down.

Depending on the strategy of choice, based on what is trending, I can accumulate a mass amount of money in a short period of time with roulette. However, poker takes time because the pace is much slower than roulette. The principles are the same.


That's the beauty of trends. If it continues, stay on the gravy train. When it stops, jump on the next train. All trends can be managed. So, why choose the most challenging? Wait for the easy trend, "take the money and run."

Waiting, what a simple concept, it is necessary. Yet, most people fail to understand the significance, much like stopping, same principle.


The easiest trend to choose is the one that presents itself. That can only happen when one understands that every number is a star number. No matter what number comes in, it belongs to a group that is trending. Random numbers are no longer classified as random when the numbers gather in synchronicity.

If we let ourselves be influenced by "proven" mathematical principles, in game where Mathematical Positive EV does not exist, we are doomed to fail. So if we flat bet 10 dollars on red, on every spin, mathematically, a Mathematical Positive EV does not exist.

Who made these rules? Why do we have to bet every spin? Why only flat bet? And why do we need a long sample? How does one win at a game that is doomed to fail?

One may follow rules that exist outside the mindset of conventional thinking. If these rules were to be disclosed to the public, then these rules would also become conventional thinking. Common sense, not mathematics, tell me not to bet every spin, bet in strategic amounts, and stop when my target has been met, win or lose.

One can possess the Holy Grail of strategies. What good is it, if the rules of engagement is not followed as it was designed? Hence, the psychological perspective, it is the deliberate self-control and discipline that will conquer fear and greed, which makes for a successful player.

Sounds simple enough, I think.


If someone wants something bad enough, they will find the means. Nothing can be achieved unless there is desire. "Beware the power of a made up mind." Napoleon Hill.


European Wheel number distribution: Red and Black / High and Low

First Half: 32 15 19 04 21 02 25 17 34 06 27 13 36 11 30 08 23 10

High Red numbers and Low Black numbers:
19 21 23 25 27 30 32 34 36 (High Red)
02 04 06 08 10 11 13 15 17 (Low Black)

Second Half: 05 24 16 33 1 20 14 31 09 22 18 29 07 28 12 35 03 26

High Black numbers and Low Red numbers:
20 22 24 26 28 29 31 33 35 (High Black)
01 030 5 07 09 12 14 16 18 (Low Red)

American Wheel number distribution: Odd and Even / High and Low

First Half: 28 09 26 30 11 7 20 32 17 05 22 34 15 03 24 36 13 01

High Even numbers and Low Odd numbers
20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 (High Even)
01 03 05 07 09 11 13 15 17 (Low Odd)

Second Half: 27 10 25 29 12 08 19 31 18 06 21 33 16 04 23 35 14 02

High Odd numbers and Low Even numbers
19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 (High Odd)
02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 (Low Even)


I have many stories. I thought I would share an experience from last year, and one from the archives.

Last year, on July 21, I was staying at the Bellagio. I was with a GPM player called the Jammer. I was craving Hawaiian food so we went down town to the Plaza. After we ate at the Hawaiian restaurant, we decided to play some roulette.

The minimum bet was 5.00. We were use to 25.00 minimum bets. Without thinking, I bought in at 500.00 and so did the Jammer. We drew a lot of attention, immediately. The pit boss came right to the table. Our goal was 2,000.00 each. We started playing a strategy called Finger Prints, and we hit our goal in 6 spins.

After the second spin, they changed the dealer and the ball. The pit boss asked if we had a player’s card. We said no. Would you like one? We said no. Are you staying at the hotel? We said no. Where are you staying? I said, Bellagio. You bet like strip players, why are you here? I told him we came down town to eat Hawaiian food. He said oh, makes sense.

After we took about 4,000.00, we cashed out and the pit boss looked relieved. I imagine that's a big chunk of the profits from his shift. The moral of the story is to stay under the radar, play in accordance with the casino's expectations, like 1.00 chips and a goal of 200.00 per session, instead of 2,000.00. The common ways the casino tries to stop a good session are changing the dealer, changing the ball, delay the spins, wait for the players to bet before the ball is spun.

In one instance, back in 1989 at the Stardust, I turned 100.00 to five figures. They stopped my play, assigned me a host, and gave me the VIP treatment to watch the Lido show, the best seat in the house, very close to the stage, surrounded by half naked women, free everything, great experience. It was cheaper for the casino, for me to be at the show than at the table.


Discipline is the key to winning. Without it, you will be a loser, no matter what strategy you use.

I want to talk about the importance of keeping detailed records. I cannot stress this concept enough. Keeping a daily record of spins, choice of strategy, and amount of wins and losses, using spreadsheets provided or created.

If you choose to ignore record keeping, you may as well consider yourself doomed. How else can you analyze and measure your progress, success, or losses? I know when someone is serious. It's when they properly provide me with their record keeping in a professional manner.

Here is what I look for:

Target analysis, what is your goal, bank, stop win, stop loss, strategy used, betting strategy, length of session, among other things. These are the things one has to ask themselves. If you don't, you are in denial.

Denial comes in many forms. Here are some examples. "I don't need to keep records because I know what I am doing, or just too lazy. I just faced my stop loss, but I know a run is coming. The biggest denial comes when you hit your target right away, but won't stop and leave, because you crave action." I could list more.

I have one member who realized why he was losing. He told me he will never ever give back the money, never. Action was put in check. I was happy for him because HE came out of denial and faced his demons, which led to his success.



I was at lowest point in my life. I just wanted to escape. Escape I did. I was in my 20s. This is not an inspiring story. It's a story of running away from my mind. I had so many things on my mind that I wanted to forget, I couldn't stop thinking. Looking back, I think I was experiencing a breakdown.

The first time I played roulette I was at the StarDust in Las Vegas. The dealer said to me, "Put your chips on number 7." I did. Number seven came in. "Let's make some money," he said. "Press the number 7," he said. I doubled the bet. It came in back to back. He said, "Hey man, take care of your dealer," he said under his breath. Number 11, he said. So, I put 100.00 on number 11. I said, to him and to the pit boss, "50.00 to the boys."

The dealer was Vietnamese and said to me, as I cashed out, "When you play roulette, look to see what area dealer is dropping the ball. Play around the section. When the dealer hit the section, tip him good." He said, "There is no way anyone can beat roulette, impossible, unless you know the dealer." This was in the 1980s.

Impossible? I am a numbers person. "There must be a way." I had asked myself. It all started with sections. I found myself thinking about roulette 24/7. I became obsessed. So much so, that I finally had no time to think about anything else. The more I thought about roulette, one discovery led to another. I really thought I would never figure it out, which helped my mind stay away from thoughts that haunted me. But, I did it, 24/7.

I passed up many careers in my life, engineer, government, business leader, to name a few. I studied roulette for the wrong reasons. What people think of me, friends, family, etc., does not affect the way I conduct my life. I am a professional roulette player.

Funny how the world treat professional sport players with possessing skills like throwing a ball in a basket, hitting home runs, putting a golf ball in a hole, etc.


Brad asked:

Hi Kimo.

Thinking about a hot trend,  let’s say you pick it and you back it and you win

Are you of the mentality to ride it out till you lose or lock in a profit at a point (stop win) and move on?

Or would you consider both options depending on circumstances?

Your question hinges on two types of personality. The first deals with someone who follows a strict regimen of rules, "If I reach my goal, I will stop. If I lose X amount of dollars, I will stop." This particular approach is recommended for players who are compulsive by nature, someone who likes action and to takes too much risk. These are the players who need structure in their lives in order to win.

The second deals with someone who knows how to maneuver large swings of winning and losing. They have an established goal set before they even think about playing, for example, 60,000.00 in 6 days. They are keen in the ability to ride a hot trend, at the same time, recognize when a trend is diminishing, either by a set of predetermined losses or a win amount that will not draw attention. These players do not crave action, rather optimizing opportunities and know when to stop.

Personally, I would ride the tide and see how far I can exceed my target, stopping at 10 times my target goal or stop when I encounter a stop loss, while on a hot trend, winning only 8 times my target, for example.

If anyone finds themselves chasing, Use the stop win / stop loss approach, better safe than sorry.

A person will know when they have reached the level of professional, especially when the skills they possess is not roulette related. Know your skills and hone them. If learning roulette skills is on your plate, know that it is 24/7.


"God helps those who help themselves," a powerful quote.

One of the things I enjoy watching are shows from the American south, shows like Swamp People. It's about alligator hunting. But, it's more than that. It's about people who are very resourceful. They call it, hillbilly ingenuity.

They have the ability to figure things out, either by self reliance, by engineering, by past experiences, or by seeking wisdom from others. They are a proud people with moral standards and treat people with respect. That is not to say that all of these people are that way. But, for the most part, the majority of people live by a "code of ethics."

It takes a certain kind of person to pursue the life of a professional roulette player, one who is self reliant, resourceful, and wise. They always have a mindset of helping themselves, and when possible, others.


There is a common factor that touches the human experience and all professions. It's starts off as a passion. Then, it turns into an obsession. Subsequently, it may become an addiction. When passion, obsession, and addiction thrives in any society, profits exist, regardless if the profession is young or old.


It is within the nature of patterns that all wheels are vulnerable to exploitation, regardless of design. The gaming commission "makes sure" that the player is not at a disadvantage, any further than the percentage that is already against the player, with the games provided by the casino, hence a "balanced wheel."

The casinos may change the physical nature of the wheel or rearrange the numbers on the wheel. This will not deter an advantage player. So, it appears the only way casinos can combat any advantage player is to refuse their patronage.

The wheel I refuse to play, just out of principle, is the Sands roulette wheel found at the Palazzo casino in Las Vegas. It has three zeros, all next to each other, 0, Sands, 00, a total of 39 numbers and pays 35 to 1. Also, I would not play on non-regulated games, usually found in social clubs.

The dealer said to me, as I stood watching the wheel, "Now you can hit the zeros more frequently because they are all next to each other." On the layout, they even have a green spot between red and black for easy betting.


I had watched a report on AI (Artificial Intelligence) on 60 minutes, recently. The show mentioned how AI can recognize patterns that most humans cannot process. A point was made on how AI can pick up patterns and sequences that most humans can only process in the subconscious mind. The patterns are subtle and described as instinctive.

When studying the art of roulette, players who practice daily, will have instinctive moments, recognizing patterns becomes second nature.

Funny, how Illusionists and professional roulette players hold secrets.


The Law of Large Numbers is ALWAYS catching up, assuming the player plays every spin. Predictions matter only when a tracking method is used during play. Predictions do not matter when random applications are implemented.

Either approach will always be influenced the law of larger numbers. It is in the belief in one's approach that gives rise to predicting numbers. Without this belief, there would be no reason to play roulette.


In terms of roulette, it is in the subconscious mind where patterns are digested and brought forth to the conscious mind and applied to the layout. This can only be achieved by understanding what type of patterns that are showing themselves, LR, HB, HR, LB; BOWTIE, HEMI, CORNERS, NUKE, 09 QUADS, etc... The patterns are endless. It is the countless hours of practice, a trained eye, and the subconscious mind that can "predict" the outcome with a high percentage of success, which suggest, you cannot win all the time, but will win most of the time.


RNG, Really Nothing Good can come out of playing games that deal with computer generated numbers. So, why play it? Only if there is an edge that can be exploited, then by all means, play it. I agree.

It's like playing poker. Why would a player challenge a strong player, unless he himself is a stronger player? Is it not the goal to make money by exploiting a weaker player? If one is faced with a table full of sharks, change table.

If live roulette is available, then play live roulette.


It makes a difference to learn some stars, pies, and layout groups.
I have lesson graduates who specialize in layout principles who are very successful.

In fact, I received an email this morning regarding a layout approach playing a combination of numbers 1 3 5 7 9 20 22 24 26 and why this graduate was having great success with these combinations. This group actually belongs to a layout strategy.

Prior to taking lessons, he would play 1 3 5 7 9 as his favorite numbers and win. He figured there was something to this. He also noticed it would not come in and would lose. After the lesson, he realized that it's not the numbers that would cause him to win, it was the ability to know when to play those numbers, and other groups of numbers. This can only be achieved if you "trade in your cars regularly."

He has the ability to differentiate between the various groups and identify the patterns that are running. There are two approaches. One, the player can wait for their favorite groups to show up and bet. Or, the player can use the current spins to see what groups are "on the road" and bet accordingly.

The latter is conducive to playing live roulette as the player have to play every spin.


When numbers are generated randomly, the numbers only appear to be random, because each individual has a set of rational groups they rely on to make sense of the numbers. We know each number has a characteristic, R B O E L H etc. It's always ideal when the numbers behave in groups that these characteristics exhibit. But, what happens when these seemingly easy number characteristics display erratic streaks and groupings?

These non-classified numbers are now considered random. But, what if more groups or characteristics are created? Our reference points become greater. All of a sudden, what appears to be random becomes highly recognizable, no longer random.

It's not about following laws or disobeying decision theory. It's about creating order in an otherwise seemingly chaotic random number paradigm.


I can say this. Every number belongs to some kind of categorization whether it is wheel base or layout. Ball movement is a discipline in itself subject to the same categorization as wheel base and layout base.

The easiest example would be if the ball moves from on section to another. Does the ball move from one neighbor to another in a CW or CCW motion? From the layout perspective, does the ball move from one dozen to another, column to another, double street to another, street to another, corner to another, split to another. The possibilities are endless and not subject to a closed system.

The possibilities are only limited to ones imagination, or lack thereof. If you look hard enough, you will find a strategy I had posted on one of the forums that I consider one the best strategies in my arsenal. However, few, in none, know its potential, not even some of my graduate students.


The philosophy behind a balanced wheel or unbalanced wheel comes from the idea that both can be tracked. If it is balanced, then the distribution should be equal around the wheel. Hence, we use the Global Star approach. If the wheel is unbalanced, then the wheel should show signs of being biased. So, now we use Global Pie Methods. Either way, we can achieve a positive result.


I have been a strong advocate of using one's brain when memorizing strategies and pattern trends. Tracking number groups and identifying trends is the key to GPM player's success. The edge will always present itself, no matter the circumstances.


I believe for every move there is a counter move. The casino business is always on the look out to counter any advantage play within their legal boundaries. There are so paranoid they do not allow any phones near the roulette table. Devices are vulnerable to detection and subject to arrest or banning.

Players with an advantage of winning can also be banned. You don't have to have a system or method. If you win consistently, they may refuse your patronage and charge you with trespassing.

GPM is a strategy that requires a strong foundation, which includes memorization of the number sequences on the wheel head, it's section and stars, the correlation and relationship to the layout. It is a map. It is a language, a philosophy, and a tool. Without it you may lose your way.

Ask yourself, "How serious are you, when it comes to roulette?"


Absolutely, it does take mental preparation to be in the game. Without mental stamina, the player is doomed. Pursing any endeavor without mental preparation may hinder or slow down the process of achieving one's goal, even failure.

Roulette is a very boring game. The danger of sitting in one place for a short period of time may trigger a losing session. How does this happen? In less than 20 minutes, a player can be up 1,000.00 dollars. It's boring. So, there is a tendency that most humans cannot resist, that is to manifest excitement. A bored player does this by extending playing time, increasing table stakes, and taking bigger risk.

A seasoned professional knows this pitfall. How does he survive this kind of temptation? First, he must recognize the behavior. Secondly, he must create a diversion that does not include alcohol, drugs, or other destructive behavior.

In my case, my deflection is poker. The game is slow. Many hours may pass and it feels like 30 minutes. It's a thinking man's game which I find relaxing. Unlike roulette, the poker profits are meager by GPM standards. But, it offers a deflection and fuels the demon of boredom.

For me, to enjoy the trappings of Las Vegas, I would have to be there not to gamble, but, to enjoy the company of friends or family. We would do the tourist things, like shopping, site seeing, eating, bowling, etc., definitely no gambling.

I treat roulette gambling as a business. It's a solitary game, at least for me. I do not socialize with people in the casino environment. For one, I have a lot of cash on me. I don't trust anyone. I am always aware of people who "look out of place." I am always scanning my surroundings. Yes, you have to be mentally prepared, or this lifestyle will consume and devour you.

Out of body experience, that's how I would describe the casino environment, a place where psychological warfare is constantly waging, no pun intended. The majority of people are casualties and don't know it.


My culture dictates how I feel about tipping. At a young age, I learned from the old timer gamblers, that it is customary to give something back, when winning, or giving a cut to a friend who happens to be there when you win, usually it's lunch on me kind of gesture. What it boils down to is karma.

In the USA, there are Americans who refuse to tip. It is not required. I am not familiar with Australians being stingy tippers. I guess casino personnel can classify and profile stingy tippers based on their experience.

There was one time I was playing poker where they had a splash pot promotion. For those who are not familiar with the term splash pot, it's when the casino will put 100.00 in a pot on one hand at the table. The table that gets the splash pot is determined by a number drawn from a bingo type dispenser. The winner wins the pot and the losers get 20.00 each.

A visiting foreigner won the pot. He did not tip. The pot was about 200.00 dollars. We all received our losing 20.00. I looked at the winner dead in the eye and tipped the dealer my 20.00 dollars. Four out of the 8 losing players at the table followed my lead.

Unfortunately, the foreigner became a target. He lost everything on the table and an additional four hundred dollars out of pocket at the end of his session, karma.


That is one of the lessons I have learned in my life, that is, to slip my feet into the persons' shoes and see how they view the world. If I don't know, I would politely ask.

"Please remove your shoes before entering," is non-verbal protocol in Hawaii, a sign of respect.


Yes, GPM provides "an inherent pattern in the probabilistic make up of the game, which is never affected by the speed of the rotor or the dealer's degree of release or any other kind of factors," which leads to consistency, every single time.


"Everyday I try to find something new. Still looking."
This statement applies to all aspects of life, like discovering, learning, and creating, whether it's woodworking, spreadsheet development, or just about anything.

I had introduced an idea to a friend to help him improve a process that would save time and money. He was not interested. He kept on doing the same process. About a year later, he tried the idea and found out it works much better. He often admits it takes him a long time to warm up to new ideas.

"Its amazing how sharp your mind becomes when you do this every day."
A sharp mind makes for better decisions. Better decisions leads to success.

I analyze 50 spins every morning, without fail.


Triggers are necessary in the world of gambling. Often, people use the phrase, "being in the right place at the right time,” when they experience good fortune.

The human mind is always looking for a way to process information to find some reasonable explanation as to why things are happening. A trigger is used as an attempt to capture that eureka moment.

Strict triggers are the easiest to remember and require a high winning percentage, or else it would be just another trigger. Therefore, any adjustment to any situation requires a strict trigger for every scenario.


Consider this. If triggers are useless, what is next? So now, it is human nature to figure out and search for other means of playing. It's always good to find something new that works in your favor. So, the fight goes on, how to beat roulette without using triggers?

Is there an answer? Yes. For every move, there is a counter move.


Brad said:

"What I think is important is that you do not switch whichever method you use in a session so that the reference point is constant. "

This is an important point. It allows the player to be totally focused. There are a few who can mentally track more than one strategy. However, it you want optimum results, per session, I recommend focusing on one strategy.

Whether you use the last section or ball release point as your reference, it does not matter, because both options uses a specific parameter to gauge trend analysis. Overtime, each approach will "experience success and lack of success at various times." Lack of success does not mean failure. It means losses is are inevitable, but can be controlled by set guidelines.

Winning also has its guidelines. The optimum time to stop, when winning, is when the optimum amount reaches the top of the bell curve.


Like you, I am not inclined to share my concepts publicly. It's nice to know that there are others who share the same passion. I have learned through experience that it takes a certain kind of individual to understand new concepts, not all can grasp the ideas. Teaching who you believe may grasp the concepts, as you say, is an art. Certain criteria have to be met, not all qualify.

My new focus will be returning back to my roots and start wagering on Greyhound racing, Para-mutual betting strategies. Since the advent of watching live online greyhound racing, the opportunity to make money from greyhound racing will become lucrative. In fact, the concepts found in my roulette strategies were born from my original greyhound strategies.


But for those who don't, would you follow his advice? So, you want to figure out the puzzle. Are you willing to pay the price? If you are lucky, you may figure it out in this life time. The question you must ask yourself, is the time spent figuring out roulette worth it?

Here's are the choices: you spend your life as a working career professional or work menial jobs while trying to figure out the roulette puzzle, hoping to strike it rich when you do figure it out, only to come to the realization that you whole life has past you by, because you failed. If you are lucky, you may know enough to retire comfortably.

The way I see it is you spend 30 years of your life as a career minded professional at an average of 60,000.00 a year for 30 years equals 1,800,000.00 in earned revenue. Roulette earnings for 10 years at 500.00 a day equals, 1,825,000.00. Is it worth it?

Either way, there is a negative expectation. Become a career minded professional and you are faced with student loans and debt. Become a professional roulette player, you have to spend time and money figuring it out, if you are lucky.

To me it's a no brain er. GPM professionals have figured it out.


The transformation that takes place in one's mind is not a transformation, but an awakening. The individual is enthralled into a world few people experience. Suddenly, the core values that once guided one's existence now face the task of walking a thin line. Choose wisely.


Patience is the key to success. The GPM player already is armed with tracking skills. Follow the plan and do not deviate. GPM players know, a natural instinct will develop. Don't worry when you are faced with an unusual series of stop loss. Patience, the mother load trend will show up. It always does.


The matrix was developed to program strategies on a spreadsheet.
Also, it’s like carrying like a deck of flash cards, mainly for memorization. As you know there are so many.

I will never publish the Matrix, Sequence, or Finger Print.
Many have had a glimpse to the Matrix world, but do not fully understand it’s potential.

The most successful players have only one or two strategies mastered. The motto seems to be, once the player finds something that works for them, they don't change anything, even though they have thousand of strategies to choose from.


What would you consider to be a great method?

I have a mindset of a lazy person, although, by far, I am not close to being lazy.
Having that mindset forces me to look for easier ways of winning.

Therefore, what I consider to be a great method is having the method decide what I should bet, with little effort of thinking, as opposed to having to decide what method I should use, which involves multilevel, brain wrecking, analysis.

"Not to decide is to decide."


Brad said:

“Hi Kimo regarding your thoughts it sounds like you are looking for a purely mechanical system that will enable you to win because you will not need any thought other than to follow the rules.

Rather than to have to constantly analyze number groups, movement and balance / imbalance and select the right strategy at the right time.

I've been looking for that too.

Even though I know I will never find it I still keep looking.

U know I read that the world’s most successful business people actually are driven by the desire to be truly lazy. That is what they strive towards. They work hard to build a system so they don't have to work hard.”


Wow -- Incredible post Kimo Li. Thanks for taking the time and effort to post this.

It will need to be read many times as there is a lot of valuable information contained in there.

I am doing so in bite size chunks.



I believe that you always need to check information on personal experience. Personally practiced the strategy of the game and started to win. Even bought  myself books to make it more convenient to study information.


HEllo guyz. I am searching Holyman's matrix and how to play instructions. I can not find download section, where is the downlod section of this forum? Or can you give me any working link for Holyman's matrix? Thank you so much.

Kimo Li

It's that time of year, March, for the annual post.
If you study roulette for many years, you will understand that the roulette spins tell a story.
As a result, you can capitalize on that story.

For example, if you have 10 reds in a row, and it continues to stay on red, then you can capitalize on the idea that you have 18 number to choose from, other than the obvious color red.

So, if you like playing 9 numbers, you can track, low reds and high reds.

That my fellow roulette players is only one story out of thousands available.
What's your story?


If people would just study your book.  They can find away to win!   I have played your HUGS & KISSES strategy.  Made good profit the last few days. The wheel keeps on doing the same thing over & over.   Just don"t understand why people sleep on your info?    It is not EAZY! But you can win.  Man everytime I win a bet I smile.  I even play eclipse when the time is right.   How did you ever think of this info for roulette is amazing!!!!!
Don't get me wrong you have to track multiple things & that is the hard part quick thinking on your feet.  A home made spreadsheet works great. 
Now I see we can take any of your 18 number strategy to beat the wheel.   

Just need to give this PSA!


QuoteWhat is the function of a roulette forum? It is a place where like minded roulette players gather to talk about the common knowledge of roulette. The reality of this kind of forum does not work because, when it comes to proprietary knowledge, most are not willing to share. Why is that? Take the elements that form a small town community, grocer, hardware store, ice cream shop, restaurant, gas station, barber, baker, to name a few, each contribute to the function of the community.

A roulette community does not function that way. Instead, if a roulette player has a strategy that works really well, they are "expected" to share freely, or else they are chastised and called all kinds of names, liars, scammers, etc.

In a town community, people pay for goods and services in order to function in life. Why should the baker share a secret recipe passed down from generations? Should the grocer give free goods to the entire community? Here lies the problem with roulette forum members, they want something for nothing.

Most forums have a policy where a player is able to solicit their goods and services, "Systems, Product, and Services for sale." The merchants are quickly scrutinized, and in most cases, endure bullying and abuse from the roulette community. Other places forbid the solicitation of goods and services regarding roulette altogether.

Word of mouth by a community shows the essence of communication. It has been my experience that when I decide to pay a premium price for a cherry turnover baked pie, it's because I heard about it through word of mouth, to see what the rave is all about; that is what a community is about, acknowledging the worth of our baker.

There is no point in having a roulette forum where only common knowledge is shared and goods and services are not welcomed. A close society is a dead society.
Very nice alegory... perfect minds... you self created ?


Quote from: Kimo Li on March 21, 2022, 12:54:57 PM
It's that time of year, March, for the annual post.
If you study roulette for many years, you will understand that the roulette spins tell a story.
As a result, you can capitalize on that story.

For example, if you have 10 reds in a row, and it continues to stay on red, then you can capitalize on the idea that you have 18 number to choose from, other than the obvious color red.

So, if you like playing 9 numbers, you can track, low reds and high reds.

That my fellow roulette players is only one story out of thousands available.
What's your story?

Hi Kimo Li , always great to hear from you. I always seek out your posts.

Here's one of mine --

When a dozen sleeps for " x " amount of spins , bet the numbers that have been spun while it has been sleeping for " y " amount of spins.

You should see what I can see and remember you can record 12 numbers in many more ways than just the standard 3 dozens.


Kimo Li

Quote from: zeus2525 on March 21, 2022, 04:15:43 PM
If people would just study your book.  They can find away to win!   I have played your HUGS & KISSES strategy.  Made good profit the last few days. The wheel keeps on doing the same thing over & over.   Just don"t understand why people sleep on your info?    It is not EAZY! But you can win.  Man everytime I win a bet I smile.  I even play eclipse when the time is right.   How did you ever think of this info for roulette is amazing!!!!!
Don't get me wrong you have to track multiple things & that is the hard part quick thinking on your feet.  A home made spreadsheet works great. 
Now I see we can take any of your 18 number strategy to beat the wheel.   

Just need to give this PSA!

I agree, I don't seem to understand why roulette players cannot see the significance and power the knowledge I have to offer. Oh well, as they say, "You can lead the horse to drink water, but you cannot force them to drink."

Good luck,
Kimo Li


Good Morning,

With regard to leading horses to water Kimo, they are not thirsty enough or do not have the minerals required to step into the unknown.

The power of learning your way is significant because it opens a multitude of doors unknown to the common roulette mind.

Let the bobbers, Bob along, the naysayers nay say and the people who truly qualify to learn the Kimo Li way go ahead. As stated a university education doesn’t come for free, but gives you a place at the table at whatever profession you choose. Why should this be any different?

Good luck.

Kimo Li

It's the annual post 2023, a re-post from the past. Still here.

People of this generation are lazy. Instant gratification appears to be the driving force behind self satisfaction. I would go on to further say that when it comes to roulette players who seek a strategy that will win without effort, are the same players who cannot remember most phone numbers on their cell phone.

You see, if anyone wants to be successful in roulette, they need to know the landscape of the wheel. Their brain needs to know some kind of reference point in order to calculate predictions. A computer can provide many options; however, have you ever tried to using your cell phone at the table, even if you are only using it to check messages. The pit boss gets right into your face, "Sir, no phones at the table."

Why is that? The reason is because the casinos know that a computer can make instant calculations and provide optimum predictions for a favorable win. You have a computer. It's your brain. Like I said, people of this generation are lazy and are quick criticize without having done any research.

You want to be a roulette player? Start by using your computer and memorize the numbers on the roulette wheel so that you have some sense of direction. You will be surprise what your brain can do. Keep in mind that is only the beginning. Lazy minds need not apply.


Hello master li, i am one if your students from the Bahamas. Its good to hear from you, in still in saving mode to start lesson 1.

