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Started by Proofreaders2000, November 29, 2008, 10:46:23 AM

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Ok..Here's an ambitious system that attempts to beat the house edge with root groups number dispersion.  It contains elements from Winkel's G.U.T. and is inspired by Mr. Chips' Four-Selecta.  It has proven suprisingly successful in early tests. I hope it proves a monster on the wheel.

All right here goes----

Required:  $100 Bankroll
              Track4 (for the G.U.T part)
              A way to keep dilligent track of the hit root numbers (pen and paper will suffice, but you be writing and note-taking a lot for this procedure.)


To start, we have the lower, middle, and higher root groups outlined below.





As the numbers come in, record them in the respective section, lower, middle and higher:  At the same time, enter each number into Track4 for the GUT part.
Keep recording until you reach a GUT crossing, 0 vs 1, 1 vs 2, 2 vs 3, 3 vs <3 (explained below ||

At this point, look at the recorded group numbers.  If the total nohits = OR 1 greater than the total hit once (0 vs 1), play the most dominant root group (one with the most hits) with repeaters x2, x3 or how many times it has repeated since you began tracking numbers for the session.  Flat bet this group for 5 times.

If it is 1 (total hit once)= OR 1 greater than 2(total hit twice), or 2 (total hit twice)= OR 1 greater than 3 (total hit 3 times), play the second dominant root group (one with the 2nd most hits) with repeaters x2, x3, etc. for 5 times.

If it is a 3 (total hit three times)= OR 1 greater than (3< total hit more than three times), play the most dominant root group for five times with x2, x3 for repeaters.)

Spin 50, jump back or end session.

Stoploss 50%/-50% Bankroll

Exit Strategy: If there are 3 consecutive misses, wait for next trigger
Suggestion: Restart tracking root numbers if a dealer change.


Test #1: Dublinbet Live Wheel #1 7:20 am CST November 29,2008.

Start Track 4 (GUT part)

13, 9,35,26,30,15,21,35,32,32

Crossing 2 vs 3, play Higher group 5 times

7,8,9, 16,17,18, 25,26,27,34,35,36

5 (x)
7 (win)
36 (win)
26 (win)
29 (x)

Still tracking numbers 26,3,16,14,31,8,31,13,0 (ignored), 30...10,33,12,8,26,19,22,3,22,19 (Group 2(hit twice) vs Group 3(hit three times) crossing)

2 vs 3 crossing play 2nd most dominant root group (in this case lower group)

(numbers hit recorded: in respective root groups) Dublinbet Live Wheel #1: 12.10pm

Lower Group: 1,28,8,3,19,10,12,19,3 (2nd most dominant)

Middle Group: 22,22,22, 14,15,4,33,23,4,15,33,33 (most dominant)

Higher Group: 7,35,25,26,8,26 (least dominant)


Test #2: 2 vs 3 crossing, play 2nd most dominant (with 2x on twice repeaters, 3x on three-time repeaters...) for 5 spins

19 (win)
6 (x)
20 (win)
29 (win)
19 (win)

Test #3: Dublinbet 7:02pm CST November 29,2008

Tracking numbers: 21,6,29,35,34,22,20,29,6,12,12,12

(2 vs 3 on GUT)---Trigger 2nd most dominant of root groups Middle Group

Higher: hit numbers

12,12,12, 11, 30,30, 21, 29,29,29, 10, 28, 19, 12

Middle: hit numbers


Lower: hit numbers

34, 35, 8,8

Played Middle group for 5 times: (4,5,6, 13,14,15, 22,23,24, 31,32,33) with repeaters 2x chips, 3x chips...)

30 (x)
15 (win)
25 (x)
13 (win)
30 (x)

Tracking numbers...29,6,28,6,19,8,8,12

(3 vs >3) Play most dominant of root groups (lower): 1,2,3, 10,11,12, 19,20,21, 28,29,30 (with 2x, 3x on repeaters 2-times, 3-times...)

33 (x)
22 (x)
1 (win)
17 (x)
9 (x)

Tracking numbers......(2 vs 3) on GUT

Played 2nd most dominant root (Middle Group): 4,5,6, 13,14,15, 22,23,24, 31,32,33 with repeaters (2x chips, 3x chips...)

32 (win)x2 (repeater)
26 (x)
6 (win)x3 (repeater)
24 (win)
31 (win)x3 (repeater)

end session


can u explain how you use the GUT system with the roots rather than me going through all 59 pages,


GUT primer:

As you record spin values, you catagorize them into various groups, (you can use track4) or if you're dilligent with pen and paper, write them down into these categories..(In the case of Borg, they simply form the trigger, you play the root groups)

Numbers unhit=0,;            Numbers hit once=1,;            Numbers hit twice=2;            Numbers hit three times=3
(The 0 group)                      (The 1 group)                     (The 2 group)                         (The 3 group)

2,4,6,8,9,10,11,13                 12,26,5,1                                 7
14,16,17,19,21,23                 0,33,15,3
24,25,28,29,30,31               27,35,2,22,20
32,34,36                             12,18

Total Numbers                    Total Numbers                      Total Numbers
(0 group, nohit #'s)         (1 group, #'s hit once)           (2 group, #'s hit twice)=
=23                                          =15                                    1


As GUT goes, you have a crossing when the total numbers of 0 group equal or 1 number greater than total numbers of 1 group.  With Borg, you play the most dominant (the root with the fewest hits) of the root groups (higher, middle, lower for 0 group, 1 group)

As the numbers come in, when total number 1 group equals or 1 number greater than the total number of 2 group, with Borg you play the 2nd most dominant root group.

When the total number of 2 group equal or 1 number greater than the total numbers of 3 group, you play the most dominant of the root groups.


Roulette challenge.  I would like to challenge anyone on here that thinks he has a winning system.  Any takers?


I've changed the beginning and said it was inspired by Four-Selecta instead of "contains elements of"


Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on November 29, 2008, 11:31:12 AM
Test #1: Dublinbet Live Wheel #1 7:20 am CST November 29,2008.

Start Track 4 (GUT part)

13, 9,35,26,30,15,21,35,32,32

Crossing 2 vs 3, play Higher group 5 times

7,8,9, 16,17,18, 25,26,27,34,35,36

5 (x)
7 (win)
36 (win)
26 (win)
29 (x)

Still tracking numbers 26,3,16,14,31,8,31,13,0 (ignored), 30...10,33,12,8,26,19,22,3,22,19 (Group 2(hit twice) vs Group 3(hit three times) crossing)

2 vs 3 crossing play 2nd most dominant root group (in this case lower group)

(numbers hit recorded: in respective root groups) Dublinbet Live Wheel #1: 12.10pm

Lower Group: 1,28,8,3,19,10,12,19,3 (2nd most dominant)

Middle Group: 22,22,22, 14,15,4,33,23,4,15,33,33 (most dominant)

Higher Group: 7,35,25,26,8,26 (least dominant)


Test #2: 2 vs 3 crossing, play 2nd most dominant (with 2x on twice repeaters, 3x on three-time repeaters...) for 5 spins

19 (win)
6 (x)
20 (win)
29 (win)
19 (win)

Test #3: Dublinbet 7:02pm CST November 29,2008

Tracking numbers: 21,6,29,35,34,22,20,29,6,12,12,12

(2 vs 3 on GUT)---Trigger 2nd most dominant of root groups Middle Group

Higher: hit numbers

12,12,12, 11, 30,30, 21, 29,29,29, 10, 28, 19, 12

Middle: hit numbers


Lower: hit numbers

34, 35, 8,8

Played Middle group for 5 times: (4,5,6, 13,14,15, 22,23,24, 31,32,33) with repeaters 2x chips, 3x chips...)

30 (x)
15 (win)
25 (x)
13 (win)
30 (x)

Tracking numbers...29,6,28,6,19,8,8,12

(3 vs >3) Play most dominant of root groups (lower): 1,2,3, 10,11,12, 19,20,21, 28,29,30 (with 2x, 3x on repeaters 2-times, 3-times...)

33 (x)
22 (x)
1 (win)
17 (x)
9 (x)

Tracking numbers......(2 vs 3) on GUT

Played 2nd most dominant root (Middle Group): 4,5,6, 13,14,15, 22,23,24, 31,32,33 with repeaters (2x chips, 3x chips...)

32 (win)x2 (repeater)
26 (x)
6 (win)x3 (repeater)
24 (win)
31 (win)x3 (repeater)

end session

Hey Proof thanks for your idea how much did you win in this session

regards Rodney



You're welcome, Mr. Chips.  The Roulette Challenge to you is also open-ended if you ever wish to duel.


Interesting work Proof, fair play to you [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

could I ask what number of spins & how much profit have you made so far in "testing"

Thx  8)


On average, each session consists of 2 to 3 attempts, first attempt about the 20 spin or so (as GUT goes).
In testing, I'd say 300 spins by hand,
amount made so far, $225 in 3 sessions (play-money on Dublinbet.)


Thx Proof that's a nice return so far  ;)

Long may it continue...... 8)

Hope you have the same return after 10,000 spins [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

& as it's called "The Borg" the wheel must know that "resistance is futile"  :D ;D :D



Roulette challenge.  I would like to challenge anyone on here that thinks he has a winning system.  Any takers?

I think winkel has a winning system. 

Let's review!

I started with $201 betting .50 per number.  At a $400 bankroll, I started the $1 bets per number.  I am now at $996.  I can't begin to tell you the stupid mistakes I have made and the other systems I tried at the G.U.T's expense.  That $996 would be $1500 had it not been for the tom-foolery.

I am trying very hard to keep the sin of hubris at bay.  Because, in the final analysis, I could be on the luckiest streak a human ever had.

I don't think so.



Welcome TwoCat and I accept.  $996--that's quite a climb for a "lucky streak".  I have a feeling there's some "gambler's intelligence" in your gameplay. 

Haven't tried Borg on Riverbelle, yet.  That the real test.

As for the tom-foolery, I think there's more wisdom there than folly.
(If I were a casino rep, I would keep TwoCat away from all Roulette tables. He's dangerous!)


Test #4: Riverbelle Live Wheel (Real Money) 12/2/2008.  6:00 P.M.   Starting bankroll: $194.00

Lower Roots Hit


Middle Roots Hit


Higher Roots Hit



Tracking #'s: 13,3,27,24,25,18,36,21,11,27,17 ( 2nd vs 3rd crossing)--total numbers hit twice=total #'s hit 3 times

Borg Rule: 2nd vs 3rd=play 2nd dominant root group (middle root: 4,5,6,13,14,15,22,23,24,31,32,33)

1. 24 (win) (repeater-forgot to add chip)
2. 14 (win) x2 (repeater)
3. 24 (win) x2 (repeater)
4. 0 (x)
5. 20 (x)

Tracking #'s.......(o vs 1) crossing--total nohit number 1 more than total hit once
Borg rule: play least dominant root (lower): 1,2,3,10,11,12,19,20,21,28,29,30

1. 10 (win)
2. 10 (win)x2 (repeater)
3. 31 (x)
4. 11 (win)
5. 14 (x)

End session.  Total Bankroll=$252.50


Riverbelle Live Wheel: New Session: Start BR=$252.50

Tracking numbers: ...........(2 vs 3) on GUT---Total twice hit numbers=Total #'s hit three times

Borg rule: play 2nd dominant root (middle: 4,5,6,13,14,15,22,23,24,31,32,33) five times w/repeaters extra chip, 2x chips for twice repeaters, etc.

1. 30 (x)
2. 29 (x)
3. 15 (win)
4. 16 (x)
5. 21 (x)

Tracking numbers:............(0 vs 1) on GUT

Borg rule: play least dominant root *this rule has been changed* (higher: 7,8,9,16,17,18,25,26,27,34,35,36) w/extra chip on repeaters, 2x chips on twice hit numbers, etc.

1. 19(x)
2. 5 (x)
3. 19 (x)
4. 1 (x)
5  13 (x)

End session: Bankroll total= $178.00


New Turbo Borg Rule included:  Add 20 spins from other live wheels first and all numbers on actual playing wheel in respective root sections to determine most dominant, 2nd dominant roots.

Lower root playing numbers:

Middle root playing numbers:

Higher root playing numbers:


Tracking numbers:.......(2 vs 3) on GUT---total twice hit numbers=total #' hit three times: (Didn't add chips to repeaters, only played 4 chips on 4 streets)

Borg rule: play 2nd most dominant root (Higher) for 5 spins: 7,8,9,16,17,18,25,26,27,34,35,36

1. 31(x)
2. 35 (win)
3. 9 (win)
4. 15 (x)
5. 8 (win)


New session: added 20 spins values from other live wheels and actual playing wheel spin values to respective root groups first.  Started GUT tracking numbers at actual playing wheel

Tracking numbers..............(2 vs 3) again on GUT.  (Didn't add chip to repeaters, played 4 chips on 4 streets)

Borg rule: Play 2nd most dominant root (middle): 4,5,6,13,14,15,22,23,24,31,32,33

1. 23 (win)
2. 14 (win)
3. 14 (win)
4. 9 (x)
5. 6 (win)

End Session.  Total Riverbelle Bankroll: $204.00

