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Welcome to the new VLSroulette.com / forum!

Started by admin, November 08, 2005, 01:00:00 PM

0 Members and 274 Guests are viewing this topic.


Welcome to the forum guys!

- The new server is very nice. Also, the most noticeable improvement is the lack of ads, plus new formatting options, image/software attachments...

This looks good.


Well I finally got here .......LMAO

The darn Zone Alarm was showing me how good it was by blocking the verification Code



Hello Hello!

Lionel Thanks for coming by.

I think this baby is better than the other one. Specially without ads!  ;D



Victor My Mate.

You got that right.......I think the adds made the computer play up a bit on occasions.

This looks great Mate.....Good job Cobber

And no Bloody Java either.......Whaooooo..Lanky will be able to chat.



Hey Victor

When I go to post it asks if I want to add to clipboard??

What should I do ??

Do I disable it & if so How ??



Hi mate, are you getting a checkbox or something?

Once sam joins, I'll add the other sections and we run!

I'm trying to do a proper config of the chat at:


I want you guys to register your usernames over there too. Would love to chat with you and sam.


Yes Mate I get This

Internet Explorer.......Do you want to allow this webpage to access your Clipboard.

If you allow this, the Webpage can Access the Clipboard and read information that you have cut or copied recently

I am off to Roulette now.I will check back Later



I don't get it because I mostly am a firefox user. Just say "NO".


Lionel, I'll be around at the chat. Please visit:

Let's see if you can do it without problems.


OK thanks Mate

You must be kidding Cobber if You think I can do anything without trouble Mate.



Saw your messages at the chat room.

19:56:37 [Lanky] if We can meet because of the time difference just let me know by pm on 1 of the forums Mate

19:54:41 [Lanky] Victor My Mate I sent you messages on both forums but it must have been too late for You.

19:49:27 [Lanky] Hello anybody there ??

19:39:07 [Lanky] buggered if I know ?? lol

19:25:39 [Lanky] Not sure what I have done lol but I have this little tiny screen thingy is that right ??

19:23:53 [Lanky] I have no idea where I am but I am here LMAO

19:22:45 [Lanky] Ok well I do know I am here



My Mate Thank You so much for the chat we had Cobber.

The pleasure was all mine mate.

Your are a Real Fairdinkum True Blue Bonza Bloke.



It is taking ages for sam to come around...

I'll start giving the people this address.


I locked his name and hold the pass. Hope he comes around soon. I can make him a mod now so the configuration can continue.

Lionel, if you talk to him anytime just tell him to PM me at the old VLSroulette forum. I already PM'd him.


OK Mate

As soon as I see Or hear from Sam I will let You know Cobber.


Hey I've come to join the party :D

Not sure how my avatar will come out - seems scrambled? Does the new forum resize them?

