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6 point Divisor Plan

Started by Lanky, November 12, 2007, 06:14:15 AM

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Hi Bruce.

Mate thanks for the kind words.

And Yes its a good feeling knowing that I have helped other people Cobber.

Mate this is the Divisor's section that Your in now ... and I am a Admin/Mod .....Lmao...

Good On Ya Mate.



Hi Bruce,

Rest assured the 6 point divisor is a powerful tool. It wins well and often but there are times when it will collapse.

While I have yet to have a loss with real money, there are scenarios where it gets into a hole and never recover. In testing I have found a situation where an even chance only wins 30 times in 90 spins, the divisor never gets above 9 but the bets just keep climbing until its good bye bankroll.

But having said that I am working (when time permits) on a plan to try to combat this situation, but even then bankrolls will be lost from time to time.



Hi Moccoman,

I've been thinking about ways of combating a losing streak too...and this is the best idea that I can come with at the moment:

Besides techniques such as going into virtual mode after x amount of losses and then waiting for 1 or 2 hits before betting again, another thing is when you've lost 50% of your bank roll, aim to only break even - so deduct your session target amount from the divisor And also start betting only half the amount the divisor calculates, and do so until you've recovered say 25% - or something like that anyway...

Of course there will be those hellish sessions where the succession of hits never come and all we do is end up losing slower; but from my experience, these types of sessions are pretty damn rare and unless you quit the session early, there's very little you can do to avoid them. But do I think something like the above might help us ride out those more typical negative dispersions and keep our bank rolls reasonably healthy until the hits start coming again.  :P

This is what I am gonna do anyway mate. I've not needed to yet, but I know that it is only a matter of time before I will.

Lanky - what are your thoughts on this mate?



I had a session t'other day where I tried the above - It worked a treat! I lost 50% of my BR, reduced my bets by 50% and the dispersion continued for a several cycles longer while my bets were reduced, and then I started hitting again and gained back 25%. So I went back to the standard divisor and eventually broke even. Luck may have played a role here, but it was my choice to reduce the bets when I did, and if I had not done so, and if I had not gone into virtual play when I did at various times during the session, I would have lost my whole bank roll. It may have taken 250 spins, but this was a perfect recovery session where dispersion surfing really was the key to not losing.


Hi CD,

Rolling back the profit from the divisor is a good idea when you are in the hole.

How many units do you call "50% of bankroll".

I have found that it is very hard to recover when you are more than 50 units down.



Thanks for the advice mocoman ;)

and funnily enough have been working on a delayed approach with the divisor myself

thanks chicken dinner ;)

basically i bet the lowest amount that the table will allow,

after two losses i get the divisor out and start from where i left off

hey lanky my freind

i still say this grind of yours should have its own section ;)

all the best lads



Hi Moccoman,

I was down 200 units, a point where I'd usually quit & take the loss on the chin. I was betting the double streets. So while I'm likely to run into long losing streaks, if I can stretch the bank roll for long enough, a brief lucky spell can really turn things around.

Hi Berlin - interesting way of play of playing - do you bet the miniumum after 2 losses, then go back on the divisor after a win? You're right about the divisor having it's own section - I think it is pehaps the most important tool of any system and warrants much more discussion.



Hi Chicken Dinner , Moccoman & Bruce.

The problem here seems to be more the Selection plan then the Divisors Fault.

Well if it was me I would stop however If  you are having those bad runs you can try it this way .

Bet until a Quarter of Your bank is lost.
Eg: a 200 unit Bank ($2000 with $10 units)......bet until You win Target is 50 Approx then You can restart another Divisor with the Win target as 25. And try & win that back 1st.
When the Win Target reaches 50 again do the same thing.
This way You will get 7 bites at the cherry with the Same Bank.

Like this

<<Whatever into/57 Win Target.

6/25=5 to bet=30  <<When this reaches 50 Start again.

6/25=5 to bet=30 >>to 50 ETC  <<<even here its only 18 wins to Win back the lot providing the wins fall at a reasonable rate from here.

Like in CD's case on the Double streets (Lines as I call Them)that would be approx 4 winning bets spaced reasonably close together.

And after that horror run you would expect it pick up.

Your Friend .



Hi Berlin - interesting way of play of playing - do you bet the minimum after 2 losses, then go back on the divisor after a win? You're right about the divisor having it's own section - I think it is perhaps the most important tool of any system and warrants much more discussion.


Hi CD, no, once I'm in profit with the divisor i bet 1€ until i receive two consecutive losses

then i start betting at 10 € then 20€ then then 40€

then if the last three bets lose i get the divisor out


Quote from: Lanky on October 11, 2008, 08:24:06 AM
Hi Chicken Dinner , Moccoman & Bruce.

The problem here seems to be more the Selection plan then the Divisors Fault.

Well if it was me I would stop however If  you are having those bad runs you can try it this way .

Bet until a Quarter of Your bank is lost.
Eg: a 200 unit Bank ($2000 with $10 units)......bet until You win Target is 50 Approx then You can restart another Divisor with the Win target as 25. And try & win that back 1st.
When the Win Target reaches 50 again do the same thing.
This way You will get 7 bites at the cherry with the Same Bank.

Like this

<<Whatever into/57 Win Target.

6/25=5 to bet=30  <<When this reaches 50 Start again.

6/25=5 to bet=30 >>to 50 ETC  <<<even here its only 18 wins to Win back the lot providing the wins fall at a reasonable rate from here.

Like in CD's case on the Double streets (Lines as I call Them)that would be approx 4 winning bets spaced reasonably close together.

And after that horror run you would expect it pick up.

Your Friend .


Some good advice there Lanky! [smiley=tekst-toppie.gif]


Hi Guys,

The way I have been playing is as follows (on a single zero wheel) and a bankroll of 150 units:

1. Betting 1-18 and half a unit on the 0,1,2,3 bet (paying 8/1).

2. Usual 6 point divisor until I get to having to bet 4 units on 1-18, when I just put the 1/2 unit on the 1-3 street - I see that there is little point in betting on the zero if you can't recover the units you have bet on that spin, as in bet 4 1/2 units to get back 4 1/2 on the zero.

3. When the recovery gets over 50, I then split the recovery into 3, to recover 18 units on 1-18, red and odd with the divisor a 6 - so the first recovery bet is 3 units on each of the ECs and 1 1/2 units on the 0,1,2,3.

4. The reason I pick red and odd is to (hopefully) pick up the bonus bet on the 1 and the 3, should they come up. I keep the 1-18 bet because there has already been a pretty bad run, so it should turn around at some stage.

5. If or when one of the ECs is solved then I concentrate on the other 2, and further distribute units if one of the ECs gets back up to that 50 unit recovery level but also incorporating the situation at 2) above.

6. The downside is that if you are playing rapid roulette you only get 30 seconds to place your bets, after the croupier has said "place your bets" so you really need to be on your toes!

7. Any units I win before the runs from hell are mine and don't form additional bankroll.

8. When recovery gets to 50 on all three ECs then that's it!



Thanks for your post Lanky (and Bruce and Moccoman) - I've only had 1 bad run in 18 with the system I'm playing at the moment, and still managed to break even, so I'm pretty happy with the bet selection so far. In fact I reviewed that bad run and realised that I had made a big mistake, so my draw down would have been far smaller, only about 20% of my BR. My average draw down is about 15% of my BR, but I know bad runs will arrive sooner or later, so I want to be as equiped as possible to fight them.

I like the idea re-starting another divisor if you lose 25% of your bank roll. I'll be sure to give that a try when I need to. That's a superb way of keeping the bets down in case you're about to hit another bad run. [smiley=thumbsup.gif]



Hi CD,

Its great that you are doing well with your take on the divisor.

In all of these plans, all we have to take account of is what works for you!!




How would i implement the 6 point divisor plan when I play 2 dozens per spin?



Hi Mocco,

You're right my friend, whatever works for the player, works for the player! Everyone's got their own preferences.

I like your play on the ECs. I'll have to try that one day.

You are one of the few players I know who plays the 0,1,2,3 bet, a very under played spot if you ask me!

I read somewhere that playing black and odd together gives you 2 extra numbers' coverage than the other colour, odd even chances combos. I think this is correct, so if playing black and odd, you could place an occasional 1 unit split on 0/2 for insurance...I'm not too sure how this would fit into your game, but just a thought mate.


