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No Memory Betting

Started by Spike, September 09, 2009, 01:03:11 AM

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Quote from: manhole-muncher on September 09, 2009, 09:14:35 AM
I am also currently working on EC's what sort of progression do you guys recommend?

Simply no one, until you can win consistently using flat betting.


   I see the logic in what you suggest Spike. I guess it all comes down to the decision. (as you said) How does one make that decision though? I guess that you could think of random as an ever changing road. Red/Black, Even/Odd, High/Low could be seen as turning left and right. It sounds like you have built a road map by studying for hours each day. I suppose that "staying with the wheel" is an easy concept in principle, but difficult to apply.

I think that Gizmotron's method of tracking has high value here. With his tracking method, you can see chops, streaks, and patterns at a glance.  On GG you once said that the past spins do provide clues as to which direction you MIGHT go in (a clue but not a trigger).  Do you think that there is anything else that you can tell us about building an understanding of random? (without giving away your method of course.)

Perhaps some sort of clustering analysis is in order?

Thanks Spike.


Spike said that this method is in the "same ballpark" as what he does.


Perhaps if we boil this strategy down and eliminate the triggers, we could learn something.......


Do you think that there is anything else that you can tell us about building an understanding of random? >>>

You have to study the random outcomes in regards to your system. The problem is, if you have a crap system, this will be fruitless. You have find an 'in', something that breaks even a lot and wins sometimes. Study it and the random to improve it. Its very time consuming and takes a long time, but anything worthwhile always does.


the "same ballpark">>

That was 3 1/2 years ago and I don't see it that way now. You can look at it, but take what I said then with a grain of salt.


Simply no one, until you can win consistently using flat betting.>>

And even then a losing streak of 6-7 in a row can get you in trouble. Why climb into a hole when it can be avoided by just raising your flat bet.


Quote from: Spike on September 10, 2009, 04:03:56 AM

Why climb into a hole when it can be avoided by just raising your flat bet.

Isn't "raising your flat bet" a progression?


Isn't "raising your flat bet" a progression?>>>

I'm saying if your not happy with your flat bet per session wins, in the next session raise it. Its not a progression if the bet stays the same for the whole session.

If you're in a session and bet 5 times and then raise the bet, yes, its a progression. Keeping the bet the same for the whole session is what flat betting is about.


Quote from: Spike on September 10, 2009, 05:34:07 AM
Isn't "raising your flat bet" a progression?>>>

I'm saying if your not happy with your flat bet per session wins, in the next session raise it. Its not a progression if the bet stays the same for the whole session.

If you're in a session and bet 5 times and then raise the bet, yes, its a progression. Keeping the bet the same for the whole session is what flat betting is about.

Sounds like a progression to me...

Bets transcend session end points. The break between sessions is an illusion.

It's like a never ending river, it doesn't matter where you jump in and where you jump out, you will get just as wet.


Bee...it's only a progression if you increase bets to make up for losses.

So. If I decide in the middle of a session I am not happy with my profit at any stage and I increase my bet to now bet, let us say 5 units instead of 1 unit, for the remainder of the session, that does not mean I'm using progression. I simply upped my bet because I wanted more out of the session. Progression would be a steady increase of bets to make up for any losses incurred along the way. To me it is pretty clear......



If there is an edge, advantage or should I say positive expectation there is no need to flat betting with higher base bet oor is it?
It is simple because if you want to overcome the hose edge you can't apply that kind of staking plan using Masse Égale or can you?

Well you can use an higher base bet (lets say 10 Euro units and you base bet is 7 units, 70 Euro).
The there is an La Partage rule so you only lose half the even money bet if zero strike.
Then the minimum bet for one straight up number is 2 Euro.
Here you put the difference on zero to get an positive gain if zero strikes or make it an even %.

Then there is an issue for how many attemps an attack is "3 5 7 9 and so on".

But I have an open mind so if some one use an higher base bet then I would like to know how some one does handle the zero tax.
The common or should I say the traditional way is to ignore zero as it does not exist and just repeat you last bet, decision.

Then the above depends on other things like how you use Masse Égale.
Do one aim to gain +1 once then lower the base bet.
Could be 7 3 1 so if you lose aftar +1 you still have an positive gain and with a good session you would end up with +11.

The other way using Masse Ègale you would maybe aim to get +1 and fail and higher you base bet to gain +1 again or aim for an higher expectaion that +1 because you hit an draw-down depending on how many attacks you apply.
There is many different ways to use Masse Égale as an staking plan.

Cheers LS

Mr J

"Isn't "raising your flat bet" a progression?" >>> This is another issue in regards to definitions.  Ken


I would define a progression as a systematic/mechanical raise or decrease of bets during a session.

Therefore changing your base-unit value from session to session systematically (for instance: making sure your base-bet value is 1% of new BR) to me is not a progression but a money management plan.

Altering the base-bet amount from session to session non-systematically is neither a progression nor a MM plan.


If the wheel has no memory, which it doesn't, and playing with that and random in mind means we are always in the "long run", etc, then why should a short break between sessions make even the slightest bit of difference when deciding how much you are going to bet?

Here is a scenario...

Player 1 sits down to play a marathon roulette session of 1000 spins and elects to place 1 unit on each betting opportunity.

Player 2 treats himself to a special trip to the casino each birthday and plays 100 spins; he does so for 10 years, total 1000 spins. He also decides to chop and change his bet amounts depending how well or how poorly he did last time.

What possible justification does player 2 have in varying his bets, and why should player 1 feel obliged to persist with the flat bet, when they are both playing 1000 spins on a game that has absolutely no memory?   


What possible justification does player 2 have in varying his bets>>

There isn't any, bet every spin or every 10th spin, it makes no difference at all.

