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Signum system EC B&R

Started by Mr Chips, October 24, 2009, 03:56:24 AM

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I am printing out all pages from the website and before I spend a lot of time studying the signum system in earnest, I would like to know if you think it will be ok to use it against a double zeroe real wheel and/or a double zeroe virtual wheel.  I expect the results won't be as good but do you think it can still make a profit against a 00 wheel (any profit is good) and will it make any difference that the arrangement of the numbers around a double zeroe wheel is different than the arrangement of the numbers around a single zero wheel?   thanks.



On your website you mentioned that sessions form different formations like for example a C Formation .

There are A, B, C, D, winning Formations and E a losing one.

How do i now which one is trending?


Mr Chips

Quote from: simon on October 30, 2009, 02:16:34 PM
I am printing out all pages from the website and before I spend a lot of time studying the signum system in earnest, I would like to know if you think it will be ok to use it against a double zeroe real wheel and/or a double zeroe virtual wheel.  I expect the results won't be as good but do you think it can still make a profit against a 00 wheel (any profit is good) and will it make any difference that the arrangement of the numbers around a double zeroe wheel is different than the arrangement of the numbers around a single zero wheel?   thanks.

From the 20 sessions that are shown on the website, as an example, I substited 5 for 00, just to see what difference
it would make. The total profit from those sessions is +55 and using the substitution reduces the profit to +42.

The arrangement of the numbers shouldn't  make any difference.


Hi Richard,

I understood the simple part (how to select numbers), and now the next step is to write the 3rd column ( +/-/0 ).   

I haven't found explanation on your website but I think I know how to do, please let me know if I'm correct.   

Let's say we have these selected numbers :

18    R
9      R
22    B
35    B
2      B
7      R
12    R
21    R

So now the 3rd column should be like this :

18   R
9     R   +1
22   B    0
35   B   +1
2     B   +2
7     R   +1
12   R   +2
21   R   +3

You just add 1 if the previous colour is the same as the last one and minus 1 if different, am I right ?

Another question, what happened if we have to select numbers here :

0* <== we can't select zero right ?   So I gess we select 32 ?
.   .   .   

BTW great job on your website,


Mr Chips

Quote from: MAX on October 30, 2009, 02:56:44 PM

On your website you mentioned that sessions form different formations like for example a C Formation .

There are A, B, C, D, winning Formations and E a losing one.

How do I now which one is trending?


Hopefully by working through the 20 sessions it should give you a good idea of each type of Formations.

The first detailed session was a B Formation. It has to be an M symbol and it will rise and fall.

An A Formation is similar to B only it will have the P symbol.

A D Formation is where the the symbols are evidently collapsing as shown by the OOO.

The C Formation is the most complicated and requires the most practice as for example it will be :

1 2 3 2 3 2 3 4 5 4 5 4 3 2 3 2 etc  when you come to work this out you could have +1 +2 +1 0 Now we assume

there is the beginning of a C Formation +1 +2 +1 the 4 has altered the sequence so now there is 2 3 4 the

assumption now is that C was a temporary phase and therefore resume say A  +2. The assumption was incorrect as

another 4 appeared so resume the C assuption again +1 +2 +3 +2. Now the 3 has reappeared. There is 5 4 3, so as

before will assume 2  and so on.

Often in a session there will be brief phases of C and then A B  or D will resume. If there is a prolonged C then

a break even result may be the answer. Occasionally there is a very useful C where you get : 1212121212 etc,

which will produce a nice profit and makes up for the 0 result.

Hope this helps


Mr Chips

Hi Beo,

You are correct on both your queries.

I'm glad you like the website.




Sorry Beo but I overlooked your query about the zero.

The zero is counted because you will have placed a bet after the second skip and as the result is zero
you therefore record the zero. Also zero is recorded as an entry and therefore part of the maximum
20 entry cut off.


Quote from: VBmonster on October 30, 2009, 04:54:57 PM
Hello Mr chips

Excuse me I don t want to spoil all this  and I do not have any intentions to start fights. 

BUT only 1 inisent question. 

Is there any logical reason why this system should work and give advantage?


thank u

Good question VBN I was wondering the same just as we like to know why something fails i think is equally important to understand why something works and apparantly it does the results spell it out

Regards Rodney

Mr Chips

Quote from: VBmonster on October 30, 2009, 04:54:57 PM
Hello Mr chips

Excuse me I don t want to spoil all this  and I do not have any intentions to start fights. 

BUT only 1 inisent question. 

Is there any logical reason why this system should work and give advantage?


thank u


There are plenty of logical reasons, but they may not seem apparent, until you  try to understand
what the system is about.

You would no doubt agree that trying to work out a series of B & R is extremely difficult and you will
no doubt say it is impossible.

What if instead we used symbols P and M. Now they are not like B & R, as with symbols it is possible
to create different Formations.

Lets say there is an A Formation which will start as P + 1

P+1  R
P+2  R
P+3  B
P+4  R
P+5  B

This is just a simple illustration, which shows that after P+1 the expectation is P+2 therefore the bet will be
on Red. The next expectation will be P+3, now for that to be correct the bet will be on Black and so on.

It is the movement of the symbols in their various Formations that enable sufficient correct results of identifying
R and B to make a profit in the long term.

There are 4 winning Formations A B C and D and 1 losing E. The Formations have to appear in one form or
other and a skilful player will make a profit in most sessions.

You may hate the idea of a roulette system, but I assure you it works exceptionally well and I have used it
in a great many casino's here in the UK, for several years.



enrique malou

Vb monster, maybe you should test it and find out and
then when you have finished that, you may like to test
my stellar system and you can report your findings.
You would be doing the board a great service.


Richard you mention low high and middle groups what are their significance as are we not just playing FTL for our reference


Quote from: beo on October 30, 2009, 04:20:06 PM

Another question, what happened if we have to select numbers here :

0* <== we can't select zero right ?   So I gess we select 32 ?


Quote from: Mr Chips on October 30, 2009, 04:57:04 PM
Hi Beo,

You are correct on both your queries.


Richard correct me if I am wrong. As the last select spin 8 is in Higher Group, we will skip two spins which are 21 and 29 and select the next spin for bet, which happens to be a zero and hence a loss. Isn't it right?

Mr Chips


Of course your correct I overlooked it :-[

I will make a note in my original post and PM Beo.

Thanks for pointing out the error.



Mr Chips

Quote from: Natural9 on October 30, 2009, 08:16:57 PM
Richard you mention low high and middle groups what are their significance as are we not just playing FTL for our reference

This has to do with my understanding of random numbers, which many people will disagree.

I don't want to get bogged down in a debate about random numbers, as I would rather spend
the time explaining about Signum.

Briefly I use 'sections' in 4Selecta, if you think of it in terms of a fisherman using different types
of nets to catch different sorts of fish. One net will not catch all the fish.

I use the skipping process for Signum, as it gives me the results I want for this type of system.

There is also the practical reason, as delays between spins gives you time to consider the session
especially when there is a check, when three units are recorded.


Quote from: VBmonster on October 30, 2009, 08:03:56 PM
Ok ppl.

Lets hope that this system will make some money for u. . .

For me . . no thanks. . . I just like to know why I am winning.


thank u
This is funny,actualy i do sometimes the same think.I sometimes win as well..but i dont know why i win.Fact is that with more daily play i spend more and more time.Im arround 4 hours play  normaly....sometimes it killing me..even if i win im pissed 0ff, after certain time and  knowlege and enough practise.Im still not happy...


Hi Richard,
Having read through your website a few times, i have a fair idea of what to do but theres one thing thats slightly bugging me.  Which spin gets recorded in row 1? Is it the very first spin or the first select spin?

I ask this because in the main 'B' session on your site, its the first select spin thats recorded, and on all the other session examples its the actual very first spin of the permanance that gets recorded.

