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LAST WON COLS DOZENS tweak check newest update.

Started by bikemotorman, December 27, 2009, 09:58:49 PM

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I am playing two colums or dozens at a time alterating.

Last columns
Last dozens
Last columns
Last dozens
Last columns
That is it throwing in the columns seems to help.

I need someone to test this on american wheel spins.


Number Six


Why do you need someone else to test it for you? Do it yourself. Wait, you can't be bothered, right?
Or perhaps try to incorporate some element of politeness into your request for help, such as using the phrase "can someone help me test this, please?" instead of "I need this testing". Unbelievable.


Biky, what do you mean under LWCS or LWDS? You wait for one win as a trigger to bet? It is not clear.


Sorry about that umber six  I forgot to say please I apologize for my lack of common sense.

Would a member of the forum please help test my method I would be very grateful.



Hi hermes play the last two columns then the last two dozens you alternate
Between the two.
You are playing 24 numbers.
Last two columns
Last two dozens
Lasr two columns
Last two dozens
Last two columns
Last two dozens
Last two columns
Last two dozens

That is it you are playing 24 numbers.

Thank you



Biky that's already a little risky? If you play 2 D or 2 C and big streak of losses come the bankroll is gone in no time!
How do you want to play it? With progression or flat?
I played another 30 minutes the old way but if D or C won I let it ride and made on $1 minimum $79 with Wiztek progression. I came once to bet $45. I played every spin. There came streaks on D 6 in row and on C 5 in row. Why not exploit that situations?
Good job Biky! Keep going like Energizer!


Hi Hermes I see your point about playing two dozens you are playing one doz or column only correct.

Try playing my way and see what happens, somehow by mixing the columns and the last dozens it seems to win more or lose less give it a try.

You are playing 24 numbers.
Last two columns
Last two dozens
Lasr two columns
Last two dozens
Last two columns
Last two dozens
Last two columns
Last two dozens



Quote from: bikemotorman on January 05, 2010, 05:15:41 PM
Hi Hermes I see your point about playing two dozens you are playing one doz or column only correct.

Try playing my way and see what happens, somehow by mixing the columns and the last dozens it seems to win more or lose less give it a try.


I've played a few one hour sessions and the wins are a clearly  more than twice the losses. Also,  I still have to see one LLL. I agree with Number Six in that anything less than several thousand spins is not significant,  I do them myself, but that is more so for long progressions. With a short 1-2-6 progression, I have recovered the initial (play money ) stake in 2/3 session, more than once . Very different from a 15 step progression, where you win and win, for many sessions, and then watch how it's all wiped out.  Obviously, several sessions from hell could be around the corner, but it's interesting how, so far, every time I get significantly more than twice as many wins as losses, though I'm only covering 24 numbers.


Hermes posted that columns and dozens don't work the same dozens seem run in streaks while columns work like women you can never tell what she will do lol.
My wife is the same when she is good she is great when she is mad she will run you over with the car lol.
Please we shall keep testing.



Ok, my two friends Biky and Jeromin you are still keeping secret how you play the 2 D/C  - with some progression or strictly flat bets? I think progression on 2 dozens or columns will be dangerous adventure but I know one progression which will fix the problem.
Cheers Hermes


Quote from: hermes on January 05, 2010, 08:38:30 PM
Ok, my two friends Biky and Jeromin you are still keeping secret how you play the 2 D/C  - with some progression or strictly flat bets? I think progression on 2 dozens or columns will be dangerous adventure but I know one progression which will fix the problem.
Cheers Hermes

NO secrets, Hermes. As I mentioned above, I was using 1-2-6, though I' considering moving to 1-3-9 to speed things up, get a quick win and get out: bankroll 26u, quit on  7u won ( or bust ), initial BR safely out of the way in four good sessions. I'd test it on paper but am not as quick with columns as I am with dozens. BTW, the L are just under the 1/2 ratio, no big deviation, spoke too soon before. It's the LLL that are not showing... so far. Like I said before, even if they do, if it's at the current rate, an occasional loss would be sustainable. Testing will tell ( Number Six: "No it won't!!"   ;D)


We could borrow the progression from The Leveller system. The Leveller bets on 2 columns against the last coming.
It puts on each column: 1 unit - 2 units - 4 units - 8 units, after 4th level you bet the 8/8 units until you get back all the chips you had at first bet or more. The progression holds you over the water at bad times. I tried it and it really works.
Jeromin thanks for revealing the secret to me.


Remember all you play is the last hit columns then the last hit dozens over and over and over.

I use a very mild progression.

Five dollar units.

5 10 15 25 40 50 75 95 STOP


poxet pool

Hi stuart..I'll keep this in mind and post some live 00 actuals  that u asked for on 1-2 hour plays with my usual visits..I threw away alot of underwear in the past playin full time at one wheel on em..but love the bets when workin 2 or three wheels at a time..Hit n run... thanks for sharin..
You know Number six really has a point there..about learnin  to use this RX program..I really don't think it takes a programming degree or such..it's been out for awhile..I'm sure u don't need to know COBAL to get it..probably a huge learning curve.. but all software comes with 500 pg manuals..part of the norm...beside i think it would impress any babes that u gone another level besides pure gambling..like a mad scientist...i defiantly would include a couple of  lab viles with smoky dry ice to add to the effect..yep..i gonna get one...thanks number six..


Quote from: poxet pool on January 06, 2010, 02:43:03 AM

You know Number six really has a point there..about learnin  to use this RX program..

He does, you're right.  I already bought the software, and checking things by hand is very time consuming. The prospect of verifying yet another variation by hand over 3,000 spins puts me off, which is a pity, because I'd like to test all sorts of ideas. Incidentally, hammy might be right about Wiesbaden not being representative, got some really weird results last night, testing this very system: a 4L and a 5L side by side, right at the start, and lots of L's. The progression suggested by Hermes works better than my own in that case.

Maybe someone could open a tutorial thread for RX students?  Pretty please? This site needs testing testing testing. Plenty methods already as it is.

