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Started by TwoCatSam, June 27, 2008, 03:59:02 PM

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Hi Hermes,

Version1: waiting for a number, play next spin,
Loss (F) playing same corners as starting number triggered.
Win (T) waiting for a new starting number

Version2: waiting for a number, play next spin
Loss: changing to new corners
Win: waiting for a new starting number

Version3:waiting for a new number, play next spin
Loss or win: playing new corners

I test only flat bets, because progressions don´t work at all. They are just increasing turnover.

as we found out it is a game on "Quersummen" (that means 12 > 1+2=3; 25 > 2+5=7) only sum 8 is not played.



Thanks for your explanation Winkel. Yes, quersummen are roots numbers.


Hi There  ;)

Is anybody still trying out this system?
I'm doing some testing at the moment, And so far it looks very promising.
Im trying to stick with the exact rules Including progression as Murph gave them.
I like the progression because it gives small losses (compared to other progressions), Which is easy to recover.

Hovever did he mean that when you get to final stage of progression you should Quit, or should you keep on betting with the 10'th step of the progression which is 5 units?

Would like to hear from ya'll what you think about this system.

Best Regards



Actually I am working with this system and another to attempt a "double-advantage" number system.  When two systems pick the same numbers, you have a bet.  I'm not much for progressions, so I'll defer to winkle who says they don't work.

If I get anything worth talking about, I'll post.



Ok Sam sounds good   :)

I'll post my results when im done testing.

I have another Question: Did he mean that when you have a hit, you bet the corners from the hit number, or do you wait one spin after a hit and bet that numbers corners??

Best Regards


If 1 hits I bet the 1 2 4 5 immediately.


ok same as me then ;)

Just had a real play session of 73 spins, i Stopped at +25 Units after a little recover when the progression went to the 7'th stage. Just before that i was at +40 units.

Anyway it's still a win, so im happy  :)



Kingpin, it was me hermes who said that the 10th progression is not worth to bet because you lose a lot of money just on that 10th!
Save money for a new progression, it recovers very fast from losses. It have downs and ups. It could work even to wait until one win number shows up and then start like (Lw) LLLLLw bet nolinksL stop&wait LLLw bet to overcome the downs.


yeah i think thats a good idea hermes, ill look in to it




Hi Guys,

Has nobody tried software to do the calculations? i have used this piece for over a month now withy fairly good results (nothing dramatic) but it does bring in some extra cash!

heres my blog on it:


hope it helps



Thanks for the info.  Have you had some success with this?  I have heard good things about this system on other forums and am thinking of taking the plunge!  Just checking out the forums for info so cheers for posting here.


not a problem!

i make just under £100 per day from it! to be honest i havent really used it to its full potential (im a bit technophobic lol) i dont understand half the options, luckily a gambling friend of mine does most of it for me, but i would recommend it though.

hope that helps



Ah right. Do you think I could use it as a beginner?


absolutely! there is also a guide with the software, and its pretty extensive aswell! it kind of hold your hand throughout lol




Cheers...I'll look into it now...I guess it was only a matter of time before something like this actually works.  Appreciate your tip...don't tell too many people! lol.

