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Hmmmmmm Telekinesis to win at roulette??????

Started by MJP78, January 23, 2010, 12:36:26 PM

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Quote from: Tangram on February 01, 2010, 05:37:24 PMA force only becomes evident when you can see its results - the effect of the force is the force.

The most-productive way to look at "force" in a general way ("for the masses", lol), is to define it as the deformation, whichever, which is taking place.  The rigid notion of "equal and opposite" has its problems "down the line", and perhaps even here if that's the reason for trying to bring "latency" into this.

Much as the word 'instantaneous' is no longer (strictly) used to mean (also) 'now'; and everyone now admits that NO ONE has any idea what 'energy' (or 'mass') looks like, etc, other than to say it follows ever-changing mathematical expressions... the "latency effects" once [sought/thought to exist] at either end of the epistemological spectrum, eg the thinking that the gravitational force is (even) instantaneous, have been on the way out for some time.  


I have personally never had any experience that supports TK. However, that does not believe I dont believe it can and does exist. If you read through the archives and do research, there have been studies where TK was demonstrated in russia. Sure you may question the testers, or you can believe them. It was some time ago and the "talented" individuals are long dead.

Nevertheless, overall I feel should it be a real ability, I believe it would be very hard to develop, and that precognition would be a better direction. I believe precognition would be much easier to develop to a sufficient level.

Anyway that's all I have to say on the matter. I dont have a real interest in TK. When it comes to this area, my focus is more on precognition. Having said that, I've now tallied the results of my own experiment with over 200 participants, which are clearly positive. Statistically relevant is another case, but still positive.


Quote from: Steve GW on February 01, 2010, 08:16:28 PM
Statistically relevant is another case, but still positive.

Why don't you just say a random fluctuation then?


When there is not enough data, it could be random fluctuation. When I announced the testing, I clearly said regardless of the result, it would not be statistically significant. Regardless, the results are positive. So now, all I can do is continue testing, more and more testing - until there IS statistically significant data so I can determine from personal experience what the truth most likely is. Wouldnt you agree?

PS - When i have time I'll scan and publish test results from another group of investigators - regarding the "majority vote" precognition method.


Quote from: Steve GW on February 01, 2010, 09:38:27 PM
When there is not enough data, it could be random fluctuation.

Winning by Steve's (or Ellis') system may also be because of "fluctuation"... statistically, every 20th person who tries it will win a lot of money for quite some time, but still eventually lose it back (plus much more), while Steve has "made off with his cut" w/o any of the real risks.  Eg, getting caught with one here will result in a permanent criminal record... meaning for one thing, no travel from Canada to the U.S. , ever.

What do those modified calculators cost to manufacture and ship, Steve?  (We can get'em in the dollar-stores here, and modify'em to suit whichever purpose.)


Ganaby, this stuff is not even relevant to the thread. Anyway, if you really think winning with my computers could be due to random fluctuation, THEN YOU HAVENT SEEN THEM. If you had, then you would know how clear the edge is. You only need to look at something simple like the timing of the beep when the ball is predicted to hit a specific diamond to know where the edge comes from. To say I just profit from random fluctuation is ridiculous. If you find it difficult to understand that I am actually for real, well ok then.

Something you should be aware of Ganaby: think about random fluctuation for a second. Say I send 100 players a computer each. Some will win due to random fluctuation. Some will break even. Some will lose. What is the OVERALL result? Think about it and the house edge, and consider in many cases I even help players out with bankroll, provided they have tested the computer on their wheels first.

Should anyone think me giving away free computers is a scam, not a problem - plenty of serious players with balls  around who understand there is no risk on their part. Application is legal, and they can test the computers all they like on dvds and in their casino with smallest bets possible to CLEARLY SEE what the computers can do, before they bet any significant money.

For partners, I send them roughly US$1500 of equipment which includes modified phones, earpieces, induction loops, cables and practice dvds. The phones are the expensive parts as they need to be modified in many ways, including firmware installation which I cant do myself as it needs specialized equipment and expertise. Some parts of the software will run on regular phones but with bugs and very poor accuracy. Other parts of the software are made only for a specific phone and they work in sync with other parts. We are not using standard phones.

As for legalities, dont make assumptions. All my players only ever play where it is legal. No laws are ever broken. Please dont argue legalities with me. Every partner, as a condition of being a partner, submits written advice from a solicitor for their target jurisdiction, and I contact the solicitor to verify the advice. If it's not legal, we dont play there - simple.


Quote from: Steve GW on February 02, 2010, 06:50:38 PM
Ganaby, this stuff is not even relevant to the thread. Anyway, if you really think winning with my computers could be due to random fluctuation, THEN YOU HAVENT SEEN THEM. If you had, then you would know how clear the edge is. You only need to look at something simple like the timing of the beep when the ball is predicted to hit a specific diamond to know where the edge comes from. To say I just profit from random fluctuation is ridiculous. If you find it difficult to understand that I am actually for real, well ok then.

Something you should be aware of Ganaby: think about random fluctuation for a second. Say I send 100 players a computer each. Some will win due to random fluctuation. Some will break even. Some will lose. What is the OVERALL result? Think about it and the house edge, and consider in many cases I even help players out with bankroll, provided they have tested the computer on their wheels first.

Should anyone think me giving away free computers is a scam, not a problem - plenty of serious players with balls  around who understand there is no risk on their part. Application is legal, and they can test the computers all they like on dvds and in their casino with smallest bets possible to CLEARLY SEE what the computers can do, before they bet any significant money.

For partners, I send them roughly US$1500 of equipment which includes modified phones, earpieces, induction loops, cables and practice dvds. The phones are the expensive parts as they need to be modified in many ways, including firmware installation which I cant do myself as it needs specialized equipment and expertise. Some parts of the software will run on regular phones but with bugs and very poor accuracy. Other parts of the software are made only for a specific phone and they work in sync with other parts. We are not using standard phones.

As for legalities, dont make assumptions. All my players only ever play where it is legal. No laws are ever broken. Please dont argue legalities with me. Every partner, as a condition of being a partner, submits written advice from a solicitor for their target jurisdiction, and I contact the solicitor to verify the advice. If it's not legal, we dont play there - simple.

Thanks Steve.


In western cultures we are so easily fooled by instant solutions... to truly achieve telekinesis one must meditate and dedicate a large portion of their life (and life style) to the cause.

So many would say that they have "tried" it and it doesn't work...(not directed at anyone in particular). The problem is that most people have this contradiction; "If I can't see it then its not real" kind of attitude... its a very poor stance.

I ask these people "Have you personally seen Russia?" Most of the time they will say no, they have never been to Russia, then I will claim it doesn't exist.... they would generally think that I am crazy, yes this is part of the game I play... I explain to them that I have never seen Russia so there for it surely can't exist... at this point they catch on that I am making fun of them for their belief structure.


Quote from: Poit on February 06, 2010, 11:20:08 AM
In western cultures we are so easily fooled by instant solutions... .

Perhaps, but there at least must be some sort of noticeable and immediate improvement/betterment from any such practice.

And of course the "instant solutions" may be the best, when and where those are possible/available.   Eg, leaving the "thrift store" with a couple-of-years-old $3 cell-phone (with good battery); and downloading the software, etc, to program it, yourself.


I understand your point.. but we in the west already have a major disadvantage when it comes to being spiritual. That is, our life style, the food we eat (fluoride in the water) causes blockages in the pineal gland (said to be the gateway to the spiritual world), MSG in the food, coffee, nicotine, the list goes on.

In Buddhism "The body is the temple" .... we (generally) treat our bodies like crap and then expect to be able to move stuff with our minds after 2 weeks training? lol

i don't think so...

The relationship between our minds and the physical world are pretty far apart.

Imagine a piece of computer software being able to move something on your desk. An analogy it is, yes.. but its to get you thinking.

The body is more or less the computer hardware, and your mind is the software to drive the hardware. The evidence that the mind can control physical objects is already apparent (my fingers typing on this keyboard), the trick is to extend that "skill" forward and outwards beyond my own body.

For the record, I have achieved a level of telekinesis many years ago when I was experimenting with etherium white gold (google it)... taking that stuff really is the instant solution haha... but its not with out consequences... im not going to go into them now heh,..

Any ways.. to all those trying telekinesis, good luck...



I can't  comment further on which i know next to nothing about... as you've already ascertained.

What gets me (, around these sites, of course,) are they who talk about all their winnings, car-pictures, etc?  When i ask for the slightest bit of real proof/argument/evidence, guess what... nothing, no real degrees, no money... nothing.


poit and others  - you are  very vrong with your attitude no people have ordinare the same feeling and  viev  thats mean  what you can see the others maybe  not  but what you cant see the others maybe yes and that is stone of pain.  YOU are all think that when you see it somethink blue then other people must seen it as well but what it is person color blind ???  he will  see just white and  black did you ever thought that ??? i know you not  becouse other way you never say think what you said here. it is the same with knowlege you can find a part of that and maybe another part of that  someone tell you but if you cant put together becouse of bad circumstances and many mystakes you  have just two choice   ASK FOR HELP OR FUCK IT   AND  actule you  never get rid of that becouse you dont have help and others are dont listenning becouse they  are stupid enough think that they know what to have know but true is absolutly diferent hmmmm yaah


Quote from: Bo0Merang on February 06, 2010, 11:45:02 PM
poit and others  - you are  very vrong with your attitude no people have ordinare the same feeling and  viev  thats mean  what you can see the others maybe  not  but what you cant see the others maybe yes and that is stone of pain.  YOU are all think that when you see it somethink blue then other people must seen it as well but what it is person color blind ???  he will  see just white and  black did you ever thought that ??? I know you not  becouse other way you never say think what you said here. it is the same with knowlege you can find a part of that and maybe another part of that  someone tell you but if you cant put together becouse of bad circumstances and many mystakes you  have just two choice   ASK FOR HELP OR f**k IT   AND  actule you  never get rid of that becouse you dont have help and others are dont listenning becouse they  are stupid enough think that they know what to have know but true is absolutly diferent hmmmm yaah

With all due respect, I didn't understand a single thing of what you have said. I have written AI bots that make more sense than that.


Bo0Merang, me too - with all due respect, I'm not sure if you're talking about the NASDAQ or fishing. May I suggest try making short direct points.

No More Bets

A quick test..

All those gamblers who believe in psychokinesis, raise my hand.   


No More Bets
