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Money management and betting scenarios...

Started by fender1000, April 11, 2010, 09:29:17 PM

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I have started this thread to show forum members more about how I stake and handle various situations in my betting. I think this will enlighten members more as to how my strategies have come to be successful. The first thing I want to address is BANKROLL. There is a saying, TALK QUITELY BUT WALK WITH A BIG STICK. In gambling terms this would convert to stake relatively small in comparison to the size of your bankroll. Although someone like Stackbundles has converted £20.00 into £300 plus. He could have just as easily wiped it out. Had he encountered a hatrick of losses at the outset of his betting on my ZONE strategy. He was fortunate that he hit enough winners to build a decent sized bankroll. And enter a safer place. I would advocate that your starting bankroll should be at the very least 200 times your minumum bet. I.E £200 for a minumum stake of £1. This allows you to survive any brick walls you might encounter. My bankroll is 1,000 times the size of my minumum stake. Basically I will never be wiped out with that powerbase behind me. That represents a bankroll that would allow me to lose more than 80 times in a row before I would be wiped out. And that is something that will never occur with the way I bet and the consistency of the Strategies I employ. The next thing that should be considered is staking progression. With the zone for example I employ a 4 step progression 1,1,2,3. Very sensible and easily recovered when it fails. Never ever double up for more than 4 or 5 steps. Its the fastet way to the poor house. And has finished off many a gambler even when they had decent strategies. I don't believe in rigid mechanical staking either. I prefer what I call instinctive staking. Like a poker player. When you feel a win is imminent. You raise 3,4,5 times your normal level. Likewise when you have won 2 or 3 times in a row you refrain or stop alltogether. Its this judgement and discipline that really makes the difference between slow or no progress and steady and inspiring movement up the financial ladder. As your bankroll grows so to should your stake size. Just as if you were running a business. You re-invest and grow. Tomorrow I will add more about BANKROLL and various betting scenarios. Let me know if you find this thread helpful please.                                                                                                                    


Hey Fender
I like your thinking.

You need to space out your sentances just a little bit.

Difficult to read.

I have started this thread to show forum members more about how I stake and handle various situations in my betting.  I think this will enlighten members more as to how my strategies have come to be successful.  The first thing I want to address is BANKROLL.
There is a saying, TALK QUITELY BUT WALK WITH A BIG STICK.  In gambling terms this would convert to stake relatively small in comparison to the size of your bankroll.  Although someone like Stackbundles has converted £20. 00 into £300 plus.  He could have just as easily wiped it out.  Had he encountered a hatrick of losses at the outset of his betting on my ZONE strategy
He was fortunate that he hit enough winners to build a decent sized bankroll.  And enter a safer place.  I would advocate that your starting bankroll should be at the very least 200 times your minumum bet.  I. E £200 for a minumum stake of £1.  This allows you to survive any brick walls you might encounter.  My bankroll is 1,000 times the size of my minumum stake.  Basically I will never be wiped out with that powerbase behind me.

That represents a bankroll that would allow me to lose more than 80 times in a row before I would be wiped out.  And that is something that will never occur with the way I bet and the consistency of the Strategies I employ.  The next thing that should be considered is staking progression.  With the zone for example I employ a 4 step progression 1,1,2,3.  Very sensible and easily recovered when it fails.  Never ever double up for more than 4 or 5 steps.  Its the fastet way to the poor house.  And has finished off many a gambler even when they had decent strategies.

I don't believe in rigid mechanical staking either.  I prefer what I call instinctive staking.  Like a poker player.  When you feel a win is imminent.  You raise 3,4,5 times your normal level.  Likewise when you have won 2 or 3 times in a row you refrain or stop alltogether.  Its this judgement and discipline that really makes the difference between slow or no progress and steady and inspiring movement up the financial ladder.  As your bankroll grows so to should your stake size.  Just as if you were running a business.  You re-invest and grow.  Tomorrow I will add more about BANKROLL and various betting scenarios.  Let me know if you find this thread helpful please.     

Keep winning  ;D ;D



I agree; well spoken Fender.  I agree fully with your writing.  Keep up the good work.



Fender, in order for The Zone Dozens to work, you would have to win seven games to overcome a set of losses.  Wouldn't it be wise to end the session after one full progression fails?


>>How do you know with reasonable certainty that you are not sitting down at the very beginning of one of those nasty streaks? >>

Well put, Sam. All you can ever know for sure is what just happened, you have no clue whatsoever as to what will happen next, let alone 5min from now. You cannot pin down random outcomes and anybody who says they can is a fool.


Especially since you have just cancelled out one of those expected losses by sitting the game out.>>>

This is all playing on paper, none of this crap works in a real casino. You constantly present nothing but best case scenerios, like roulette is a dog you've tamed and it does your bidding. I don't don't care if you've been playing for 40 years and use a Ouija board, you have no clue to whats coming next. Nothing protects you, not stop gaps, not hit and run, not safety mechanisms, nothing. These are illusions talked about by people who have no real playing experience.


So you are telling me that the game I played today>>

You mean the game you played on paper and has all the curve fitted results? That game? It has to be, its the only game you play.

Danger Man

The problem is, Fender has already shown that he is utterly perplexed by randomness and that it has completely bamboozled him. That is why much of what he says regarding him being a "professional" is not only hard to believe but hard to fathom considering the amount of misconceptions he is relying on. He is at a stage now where every new player starts. He thinks he has found something amazing, and that constantly adding in new rules is normal and still reflects previous results. Every time a new rule is added it makes everything that went before redundant. This system has only really been tested for a few hundred spins and Fender thinks he has the game beaten hands down. He is now one step up the ladder from the Martingale. He keeps telling us he will humble us. The ironic thing is, he doesn't even know how.


What challenge. I missed it, couldn't have been much.

Danger Man

Quote from: fender1000 on April 17, 2010, 08:39:33 PM
Danger are you a coward too? Nothing will humble you more than a real live meeting. You will come back on here. And tell another story I assure you. Please have the guts to do it. Its time to put up or shut up danger. Are you man enough??

Fender what would that achieve exactly?


 telling us he will humble us. The ironic thing is, he doesn't even know how.>>

He can humble me in an instant by explaining how 1-2-35-36 have to come up evry 74 spins. How hard can hat be? Jus explain.



I don't need to go that far. You can convince me by just explaining the 1 2 35 36 thing or why one street is better than another. Very easy to do if you've been playing for 10 years. Go ahead, humble me.

Danger Man

Quote from: cheese on April 17, 2010, 08:44:50 PM
telling us he will humble us. The ironic thing is, he doesn't even know how.>>

He can humble me in an instant by explaining how 1-2-35-36 have to come up evry 74 spins. How hard can hat be? Jus explain.

He can't explain that because he is wrong and isn't man enough to admit it. In fact, he probably doesn't even know WHY he is wrong. How many times have you asked him now? And how many times has he squirmed out of it? He squirmed out of all my questions too. At the end of the day all Fender can do now is hide behind Stackbundles.

Danger Man

Quote from: fender1000 on April 17, 2010, 08:50:52 PM
Where did I say they all come up. I am saying you will never see a 74 spin sequence. without at least one of those numbers present. Usually at least two of them have hit by then. Now how is this useful. If you have seen anyof those numbers for 40 or more spins its time to cover them in two splits. Profit is assured over the next 10 to 15 spins.

There is no hope for you Fender. I truly fear for you and I fear for all the desperados you are leading up the garden path.

Danger Man

Quote from: Stackbundles on April 17, 2010, 08:51:23 PM
lets just have a fight a boys lol ill give you 10/1 to beat me

Sorry, I wouldn't want to kill your last two remaining brain cells.

Danger Man
