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The > BlackPearl Double DZ/CL Strategy < Enjoy !!!

Started by BlackPearl, May 16, 2010, 08:41:20 AM

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Please see at bottom of this article the daily results  :rtfm: from DublinBets Table 1 + 2 *

Dear Fellows and Roulette Explorers !!
I proudly present 2 You the improved and tested

BlackPearl Double DZ/CL Strategy !!!
I am sorry for my bad english...

Basic Thoughts:  

-  Betting on DZ/CLs gives you a good return
-  Choose, if You want to bet on DZ or CLs
-  When You have experience and want a variation, play the strategy on both at same time
-  Avoid two risks, when betting on DZ/CLs!

Risk 1:   ONE (the same) DZ/CL, which appears in a row
Risk 2:   ZERO

Here we go:  The Strategy:

Betting Session Start Signal:  When one (the same) DZ or CL slept  5 x in a row
This trigger is only used ONCE, when you start your daily betting session!
After You have started the session, then bet always according to what is described below.
No more trigger signal needed then...

Always start with:  -1-/-1-  on each of the two chosen DZ or CL.  -1- = chosen Chip size = Basic Bet

1)  Bet always one unit (-1-) on the DZ/CL which were hit by the last (current) ball.  
2)  Bet at the same time always one unit (-1-) on that DZ/CL, which is the last one (the sleeper DZ/CL)
3)  Switch always (if needed) according to this pattern
4)  Progression (Prog): When lose (on sleeper DZ/CL for ex.), use Fibonacci (FIB) Nb line to bet separately on that chosen DZ/CL
5)  When win on one of the chosen DZ/CL, switch back to basic bet:  -1- / -1-
FIB is:   1 - (1) - 2 - 3 - 5 - 8 - 13 - 21 - 34 - 55  (on each DZ/CL separate).
You can also use:  1 - 2 - 3 - 5 - 8  etc.

Prog in detail (a): When one DZ/CL is at FIB Prog step (size) 8, then encrease the other one also according to FIB with 2 - 3 - 5 etc. ( IF it was still at unit size -1- up to then)
Prog in detail (b): When the second DZ/CL (described in Prog a) is at FIB step/size 3, start to bet on the third DZ/CL also with -1 - 2 - 3 ...  if necessary (very rare).
VERY Important:  Place always adequate chip on ZERO to secure your money/attack!

>  Please have in mind, that this strategy can (should) be played with lower chip sizes as 1.00, 2.00 or 5.00 USD.
>  Your bankroll should be related to this at 1k, 2k or 5k.  
>  Have always a winning/losing goal of 10, 15 or 20%.  
>  Please stop then and leave the casino!

> Test it, adapt to it, use it personally, enjoy it...

Become aquainted with it and develope the needed skills to handle it flexible & professional!  
Do not give it away to people, which don`t appreciate it !!
It`s a gift to You all... Right from my heart :give_heart:

Sincerely Yours
ROLF  :thumbsup:


Here are some points to use for better understanding:

1.   Bet always on 2 DZ or 2 CL at the same time

2.   Bet always on the LD (Last Dozen) and the FD or SD ( Farthest or the Sleeper DZ).

3.   When You START: Bet always basic bet, which is -1-/-1-

4.   When You WIN: Reset always both DZ/CL to Basic Bet -1-/-1-

5.   When You lose on both DZ/CL:  Increase always bet on the SD according to FIB Line
     do not encrease bet on both of the DZ/CL. FIB on this strategy is here:  1-2-3-5-8-13-21-34-55

6.   When You go on with losing: Bet according to point 5. --  Other DZ stays at -1-.

7.   When your bet on SD reaches chip size 8, then encrease second DZ also according to FIB.

8.   When your bet on SD reaches chip size 13, then also start to bet on the THIRD DZ according to FIB.

IMPORTANT:  You bet simultanously on Double DZ or Double CLs, but You use the FIB Progression separated
on each of the DZ/CLs !!
That`s the key for the success of this nice and effective strategy!! (maybe the most important one ....)

So You will always have more winning sessions than looosing sessions in the monthly / weekly average!!!

Enjoy Your testing  --  You will during You tests find out how to use that strategy flexible and successful!



* Daily Session Live Results here:



Hello there BlackPearl,

Thanks for posting your system. Some clarification is needed I think. First, you say that the signal to start betting is when a DZ or CL has not shown for 5 spins, but then in step 2 you say:
QuoteBet at the same time always one unit (-1-) on that DZ/CL, which is the last one on the screen (the sleeper DZ/CL)

This is confusing because you say at the end: (the sleeper DZ/CL). But if you're betting on the last DZ/CL to show, and the trigger is a DZ/CL which has not shown for the last 5 spins, then how can it be the sleeper DZ/CL?  :-\


BTW,  Since your strategy looks fairly simple, I must warn you that I intend to write a simulation of it.

Be afraid, be very afraid... Muhahahaha :diablo:


Dear Bayes,

Thanks greatly 4 Your response !!  

YES, You are right... I didnĀ“t explained that point enough!!

Here we go:

I use a ONE TIME START SIGNAL, which is, when a DZ or CL has not shown up for 5 or 6 spins.
THIS Signal is only to start the betting session of that particular day !!!

AFTER THAT START SIGNAL FOR THAT DAILY SESSION, there is NO start signal or trigger anymore needed,
only to bet on the chosen Double DZ/CL, as it is described in my opening posting of this thread...

Will edit the info there also...

THX again, friend !!!

Sincerely Yours
ROLF :thumbsup:


Will be around for another hour or so...

Still waiting for some serious testers or whoever...

Will place real results (daily sessions on DublinBet) of the strategy here soon!



Hello again Rolf,

This is still confusing... It seems to me as though 1) is the same as 2) - you just bet on the DZ/CL which came up last, is that correct? Is it possible to post a short sequence showing how the progression works, it might help to generate some more interest in your system. Thanks!

Also, just an observation regarding the "risks":

Risk 4: A different DZ/CL appears on each spin.

Your system walks right into this one. There's no avoiding risk, whichever bet selection you choose.  :no:


Sorry, good friend...

my english is not good enough!
I miss the words for describing the strategy better....

and...Sorry again: you didn`t understood it because of that!


Here we go again:

1.  Every bet goes on two different DZ`s or two different CL`s at he same time.
2.  You bet on a. the DZ/CL, on which the ball landed the last time
2.1.  At the same time you bet on that DZ/CL, which is widest back on the table screen
3.  According to the numbers of the coming rounds you always switch your chosen bet`s
in harmony with Points 1. -  2.1.
4. You cover Zero always with appropriate sum to assure your current bet
Start with doing this, when the betting sum on the tableau is higher then 15 or 20 units.
5.  PROG is Fibonacci Nb line:  1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21-34-55  or:  1-2-3-5-8-13 etc. 

Fibonacci Nb Line (the "Golden Cut") is a natural number addition and nature is always right.
Roulette numbers are natural chaotic random, so we NEED a natural based Progression to handle it.

Everything else is in the thread opening posting...


> Will post examples and real results from daily DB sessions soon!

Where are the wise men of Roulette?  :clapping:
Calling for programmers also to test this ...  :aggressive:

BTW, this strategy is NOT difficult to understand...

If You try it out, You WILL definitely enjoy it!!!

Best Regards
ROLF  :thumbsup:


Ok, thanks Rolf. I get it now; you bet the last dozen to hit and the "furthest back" dozen (the one which has been "sleeping" the longest).


So with these numbers: Wait for trigger (5 misses of D or C)

34   Column 3 has missed 5 times here, so bet column 1 and the sleeper, 3
20   Loss, now bet column 2 and 3
29   Win, same bet
9     Win on column 3, so bet 3 and 1

Is this right blackpearl?


Hey Buffalo,

Yes, You are right...

exept the nb 28 in You first number line ( maybe you overlooked it )... np

Take your time 2 check it out, please...

THX for Your engagement here !!!

ROLF :thumbsup:


Dear Bayes,

Thanks greatly also for Your interest in this
strategy ...

People would enjoy it (IF they would take the time 2 test and check it),
it is nice and easy 2 play... AND You can make some good profits with it!!

Casinos will haateh it...   uuaaahhh !!! :skull:  

Hearty Greetings


Hi Rolf,

I still don't get how the progression works...
QuoteProg in detail (a):  When one DZ/CL is at FIB Prog step (size) 8, then encrease the other one also according to FIB with 2 - 3 - 5 etc. ( IF it was still at unit size -1- up to then)
Prog in detail (b): When the second DZ/CL (described in Prog a) is at FIB step/size 3, start to bet on the third DZ/CL also with -1 - 2 - 3 ...  if necessary (very rare).

You use a fib progression on each DZ/CL independently right? So you only need one win on a DZ/CL and then you set the progression back to the first step correct? I gave this a try and it didn't do too well, a short example would be appreciated because I don't think I'm using the progression correctly.

p.s. I'm a programmer but I need to know exactly how the system works before I can code it. It's easy to misunderstand a system's rules, that's why an example would be helpful.


Hello Bayes and Friends here at VLS,

>  YES, the FIB Prog is used on both of the DZ/CLs separate/independent from each other,
but according to the rules described.

>When the "sleeping" DZ of the pair is at FIB 8 (or at 5), then the other DZ of the pair
must be also encreased acording to FIB with 2-3-5-8 etc....

>IF the "sleeping" DZ goes on to sleep and the other DZ of the pair is now at FIB 5,
THEN the THIRD DZ, which got no betting on it up to now, must be pulled behind also with FIB 1-2-3-5-8.

S E C U R E  R U L E S :

Trigger Signal: One DZ/CL is sleeping 8 times
Bankroll / Chip size:  
 Chip = 1 usd/euro,  Bankroll = 1000 usd/euro
 Chip = 2 usd/euro,  Bankroll = 2500 usd/euro
 Chip = 5 usd/euro,  Bankroll = 8000 usd/euro
 Play only on European/French Roulette
ZERO: cover always with adequate sum, when betting sum on table encreases above 20 usd/euro
Fixed Winning Goal:  5-10% per daily session
Fixed Stop loss:  20%
Goal 1:  Have 25-35 winning sessions altogether, then play with the house money
Goal 2:  Increase your chip size and your monthly profit rate !!

>>> You will ALWAYS have more winning sessions in the weekly/monthly average!!  :yahoo:

So have fun and enjoy the game!!!

ROLF  :thumbsup:


Hello Bayes,

sent you a PM some hours ago...

Have a nice evening/day ALL,
wherever You are on this small planet. . . 



Thanks, Balthazar,

4 testing this strategy out etc. ...

Regarding your URL:  It is not working
And sorry:  I am not interested in buying roulette systems or strategies

I have my own two or three private strategies. They work for me and I always
have more winning then losing sessions in the weekly/monthly average.

Since one year I also have a complex roulette robot software (made by a dipl. programmer),
which wins in EVERY Daily session. This software cannot be sold, because the value is around 500k - 1000k.

YES, Roulette can be beaten, but only in short daily battles, without greed
and with control over your money, your casino time and your strategies (how to use it).

The HOLY GRAIL is:  
many short winning sessions and the few losing streaks also...
If you can not looose with dignity *, You will never be a real winner !!

Finish Your character and become a matured person and personality...  
T H E N  and only THEN you will be a real winner !!!

Thats all

ROLF  :thumbsup:
* Greg - Will I Loose My Dignity

