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The > BlackPearl Double DZ/CL Strategy < Enjoy !!!

Started by BlackPearl, May 16, 2010, 08:41:20 AM

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BlackPearl  you said that you have the bot programmed by dipl. programmer.So you can give him to code  this strategy.Have you done it or no?How many days you have played with this system?

Regards Thomas.


Hi BlackPearl,

thanks for sharing your nice method  :thumbsup:

I have a question for you, in the first post you said

Quote5)  When win on one of the chosen DZ/CL, switch back to basic bet:  -1-

ok, do you switch back to basic bet regardless of the actual progression step ?
I mean let's suppose we were betting 1 unit on LD (last dozen) and 3 units on SD (sleeping dozen), LD hits and the result for this spin is -1, so we don't progress in our balance, we are supposed to switch back to basic bet anyway ?




Hello Lizard,

in Your example the next bet would be:

>  bet again -1- on the LD (last dozen)
>  bet -5- on the SD (sleeping dozen) according to FIB Prog

To go on with Your nice example:

If the LD hits again or the LD is changing:

>>  bet -8- on the SD according to FIB Prog
>>  encrease bet on (same or new) LD to -2-  

If it goes on that way ( SD stays the same and LD is changing),
then you have to:

>>>  start betting on the THIRD DZ also with FIB (1-2-3-5- variation)

This might be one of the very rare losing sessions with this strategy...
Stop Loss at 20-30% of bankroll !
Leave the casino with dignity*!!
Come again tomorrow as a winner !!!

ROLF  :thumbsup:
*  Greg - Will I Loose My Dignity


Hello, BlackPearl.

Thanks for sharing your method here.

I have a few questions about the start session trigger.

First, the rule has changed from 5 to 8 sleeps, why is this so?

Also, once a column or dozen has slept for 5/8 spins, do we commence the session immediately, or do we wait for the trigger col/doz to hit first before betting commences.

Finally, why is the trigger there at all? What is the reasoning/purpose of waiting x amount of sleeps before betting?



Quote from: bombus on May 18, 2010, 11:50:50 PM
Hello, BlackPearl.

Thanks for sharing your method here.

I have a few questions about the start session trigger.

First, the rule has changed from 5 to 8 sleeps, why is this so?
>  It has NOT changed, this was only to show, that you can use 5 or 8 ...as you like
but please, do not mix that up with the Trigger Signal at the beginning of a daily session ( a DZ sleeps 5-8 times)

Also, once a column or dozen has slept for 5/8 spins, do we commence the session immediately, or do we wait for the trigger col/doz to hit first before betting commences.
>  OK, sorry, you have mixed that up (see above)

Finally, why is the trigger there at all? What is the reasoning/purpose of waiting x amount of sleeps before betting?
>>   There is only ONE Trigger Signal: One DZ/CL is sleeping 8 times . . .  and this signal is only 4 the beginning of the daily session

> The other numbers ( 5, 8 ...) are related to the Fibonacci Progression line used with tis special Strategy.
They have nothing to do with any kind of trigger signals at the start of a session.
>>  Please take your time to read the explanations again...

I am sorry, but I cannot explain it better in english language...

ROLF  :thumbsup:



Dear Friends and Colleges!!

A T T E N T I O N  !!!

>> Have started to post   IN THE OPENING THREAD  my Daily Results :rtfm: from DUBLIN BETS, Table 1 + 2 !!

This will be an ongoing process for testing the strategy and as a discussion basis!!

Please excuse my bad english ...  :punish:

Sincerely Yours
ROLF  :thumbsup:


Hi Rolf,

Regarding your results:
QuoteDublinBet Live Casino   Table 1 + 2
5/15       30`        500.00       830.00
5/16       50`        500.00       790.00
5/17       60`        500.00      1168.00
5/18       35`        500.00       818.00
5/19       25`        500.00       710.00
5/20       35`        500.00       620.00
5/21       40`        500.00       615.00

Impressive.  :thumbsup:

A point of clarification: I assume you're starting with a fresh bank each day? (from the table it seems that you are).

So on 5/15 your profit was 830 - 500 = 330
on 5/16 it was 790 - 500 = 290
on 5/17 is was 1168 - 500 = 668



Y E P  !!

ROLF   :thumbsup:


>  Will open a separate thread for the ongoing results here later today!

A link to the STRATEGY will be in there also!

Have a nice weekend ALL,
wherever You are on this small planet !!

ROLF :pleasantry:


HERE is the Link
for the ongoing daily results on DUBLIN BETS Live Casino, Table 1 + 2 :


Enjoy !!!



First, I would like to see your face if you will stubbornly bet on sleeping dozen the whole fib progression if the dozen sleeps for 25 spins? Secondly, the bankroll for a little pleasure is tooooooo high. If you lose $8000 bankroll you have to work for 6 months in mine to get it back.
Put here at least 30 spins real numbers example  and play it your way to clear the confusion of many.
The strategy to bet on sleeping dozen until it wake up is not sound. Lost ammunition.


Dear Hermes,

basically You are right, no discussion about that!

But please understand, that I have NEVER said, that there will
be ALWAYS winning sessions...
The scenarios, which You have described, ARE such loosing sessions.
This can and will occur from to time to time and we have to accept this.

But if You play with small basic bets and a bankroll, which is high enough
and this over a long time, then You can build up a good bankroll with "House money" etc. ...

I think, this is enough for the moment!

Btw, the numbers are all real (as you are), dear Hermes!

Sincerely Yours,


Pretty please can you post a session.....spin by spin.  I am still confused as to exactly how to play.  It seems very complicated.  The only thing I understand is when to start.  Need more clarity other than your session results.


Quote from: hermes on May 22, 2010, 06:45:43 PM
First, I would like to see your face if you will stubbornly bet on sleeping dozen the whole fib progression if the dozen sleeps for 25 spins? Secondly, the bankroll for a little pleasure is tooooooo high. If you lose $8000 bankroll you have to work for 6 months in mine to get it back.
Put here at least 30 spins real numbers example  and play it your way to clear the confusion of many.
The strategy to bet on sleeping dozen until it wake up is not sound. Lost ammunition.

From my understanding a stubborn sleeping dozen will only kill the progression if the other two dozens continue to chop in singles throughout the long sleep.... is this correct BlackPearl?


You are that right bombus! That's what I would be afraid if one dozen sleeps. Exactly that formation happens in 50% of the time. 3rd dozen snoring and 1st and 2nd dozens alternate for 10 or more spins. Happens all the time.
OK play 1st & 3rd dozen but if 3 losses in row switch to 1st & 2nd and bet it until hit.


Yes, I'm still unsure as to how to use the progressions.  :-\ It would be straightforward if you were always betting the same DZ/CL, but because you're switching all the time it's not clear to which DZ/CL you're referring when you talk about the 1st, 2nd and 3rd when starting the Fib at a higher step.

An example would clear up the confusion.  :yes:

