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The perfect system, tested over 12 million RNG spins

Started by zwanatico, August 03, 2010, 05:17:55 PM

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Mr J

"Probably more like $500 minimum" >>> I was thinking about this. You are probably correct Bombus, more like $500 but certainly not $1. Ken


You are right Mr j but if you have a bad karma the record will be broken exactly at that casino at that time you are playing on that table. There is no insurance against that event. Long time ago, for 6 months of testing I didn't get a numbers from hell but already first live wheel game showed me that the hell is alive! My $2,000 bankroll went to hell.
From that time rule: Never say Never!


I would hate to witness a near record EC sequence and get only $1 out of it!!
As a rule, I do not try to tame the wheel, but ride along with it.


Quote from: Jeromin on August 18, 2010, 09:51:14 PM
I would hate to witness a near record EC sequence and get only $1 out of it!!
As a rule, I do not try to tame the wheel, but ride along with it.

Well that's a different story.
It even wins on continous 8 spins repeating,
on the 1+ 1- rules.
You don't have to progress as you presented,
and it's rec.la partage,or even better,En prison table.


I have try ed to place my excelprogram of the Shoeshineboy on the downloadside. It is based on a randomrow of 20 ECs shall not fall. If it is available try it. You can download the program also with:
hxxp: nolinks. mijnbestand. nl/Bestand-VRKS8BU7W3M3. xls
Let me know your be-finding.

Nathan Detroit

Just by thinking of playing this  system is  considered  "CRIME THINK" .  :diablo:



And possibly the worst part of all is that you must wait for 9 consecutive ec's just to make $1!  How much profit will that add up to per spin?

Nathan Detroit

Casinos  all over the world  beware !!!  You are about being taken !!! The Grand army of VLS is  on the march  with their ruthless ( toothless)   systems    !!!Watch for the bite. :sarcastic:



Quote from: zwanatico on August 03, 2010, 05:17:55 PM
This is so simple, I just cant believe. Yes, you need a large bankroll, but you can virtually win 1$ on EVERY bet.

Wait for 9 consecutives ECs (color, even/odd or H/L) and just start simple MARTINGALE (yes, the classic  MARTINGALE) start betting 1$, and double up on every loss.

We all know MAXIMUM consecutives ECs is 22 (detected in Vegas 10 years ago in real live spins and tested over 12 MILLION RNG spins in this forum:  nolinks://vlsroulette.com/reference-area/12-million-rng-spin-stats-shared-by-poit/ )

Progression (13 steps):
1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096  (9 virtual spins + maximum 13 bets)

total = 8191$

recommended bankroll = 8191$

I know it seems stupid to bet 4096$ to win 1$, but mathematics are on our side, or not?

At least 2 online casinos have max bet of 10000$ limit for outside bets

Has anybody tried this system (or similar)

Am I missing something?

I'm sure you never entered real casino.--22 OF SAME RECORD??????
Every few days I see more than that.41 IS A RECORD HIGH NUMBERS.


With shoeshineboy you have never wait for a available row!!!


you are an idiot who has never played roulette and knows nothing about runs, because if you did you would know that while you are sitting there like an idiot waiting for your "event" to occur, the total of all runs longer than the one you are waiting for will cancel out your wins (even as infrequently as both will occur, if you are waiting on long runs) and the house edge will prevail.


Simon for whom is your reply?In this case I think you call me an ideot. I play a very long time in the casino and the last years on internet. I study the roulette and I program the different systems on the computer. For every idea is a computerprogram. A simulation is the best way to judge an idea or a system. My best advice for you is to look in a mirror before writing a reply. Beware of your words!!


I hit reply to the very first post in this ridiculous thread touting some kind of successful system by waiting for x amount of consecutive outcomes and then betting against them (should have quoted it.) I am calling the poster of this system an idiot for posting this system as it shows he knows nothing about roulette and nothing about math, like others here who think you can win with any kind of progressive betting (especially an idiotic play like a martingale), because they do not understand that when there is a negative expectation on every bet, the sum total of all bets will be negative no matter when or how or how many chips you place on the board.  this is a long-ago proven theorem of applied mathematics but the people left at this board have a lot to learn, and will continue to make the same mistakes all over again that newbie players make.


roulette is not hard to beat but it is hard to conquer.


