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Stop with rubbish systems,WIN WITH STATISTICS 100%

Started by NapoleonBonapatris74, January 25, 2011, 10:38:06 AM

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BASICS OF THE SYSTEM                                                       
Roulette is one of the most ancient gambling games in the history .  It came from China, and was developed by Blaise Pascal in France, versions single                                                       
0 and double 00  have different house edges and EVERYONE should play single 0 because of better house edge for players( not 5,4% but 2,7%)                                                       
It makes me laugh when I see people affirming to win at roulette playing single numbers or play against a figure, or ANY KIND of numeric systems.                                                       
Maybe much of you doesn't know that even one of the most intelligent and well-affirmed  persons in the human history Albert Einstein has tried for 4 years                                                       
to find a way to battle the roulette game, but at the end he affirmed that the only way is to steal money from crupier or casino.                                                       
This is because in normal conditions( not biased wheels) it is APSOLUTELY UNBEATABLE PLAYIN NUMBERS SPLITS ETC.                                                       
However we can apply something that is well known in math and statistic, and wich is a LAW IN NATURE- when you check every 100 spins at roulette you can see that                                                       
there are 50%black 50% red; 50% low, 50% high, 50% even 50% odd. . . etc.  It is not exactly 50% but it can be 40%-60% but in the end this is                                                       
STATISTICALLY PROOVED FACT!! IT IS LIKE THE LAW OF GRAVITY .                                                         
So we can divide roulette game in short term or in long term, what we seek for is LONG TERM WIN, and this is actually statistically possible certain conditions.                                                       
This is absolutely correct, because it is a law of nature of universe and STATISTICS.                                                       
This system does not promise million over days weeks and months, but could guarantee a fixed good income over time depends on  how much is  played                                                 
Those are the basics of the system.
I have played it since 5 years also on online casinos only live wheel.  I have proofs of winnings and I am available for the first 10 days helping understand any unclear thing( it is not complicated mathematical formulas)  we have seen that always the best things are the simpliest.  Roulette is not beatable playing single numbers or  magic systems or progression doubling and systems lke this, it is just rubbish.  In this time I have red much people claiming to win at roulette on forums and webs and there are lots of scammers that sell online  rubbish systmes.  I decided to put mine system in public because it is a help to everyone who has patience and wants to have extra income monthly sitting down home at his computer.  I am opened to your questions, and any kind of doubt.  I have also a big proof of winnings with mine system.  This is the first time that I write in a forum , remember the real winners are almost invisible on public places such as forums.
NapoleonBonapartis74@gmail. com, for any question contacts and Proof of winnings.                                                   

Example on how the sessions look like:


Hi There,

I am very happy to announce that my system is having great success.  People finally see that al people who think to beat roulette by magic numerology is simply IMPOSSIBLE. 
Our basics is something different, we base our system on about 70 000 spins of real play, and on the law of LONG TERM BALANCE. 
I have also something for those who like playing NUMBERS they dreamt etc.  .   (lol)
I am able with 316 unit :) bankroll to cover in success 50%after that 60% than 70% than 80% and finally 90% of the carpet, just one of those 5 steps guarantees us the profit. 

I will give this system for free with the complete order


Quote from: NapoleonBonapatris74 on January 26, 2011, 08:47:28 AM
Our basics is something different, we base our system on about 70 000 spins of real play, and on the law of LONG TERM BALANCE.  

And what, pray tell, is the "law of long term balance"?

Actually, I can kind of guess what it is, it's just that I never heard it expressed as a full blown "law"!



Nice post. Would you upload a photo of transaction from year 2010 ?


Quote from: NapoleonBonapatris74 on January 26, 2011, 08:47:28 AM
Hi There,

I am very happy to announce that my system is having great success.  People finally see that al people who think to beat roulette by magic numerology is simply IMPOSSIBLE. 
Our basics is something different, we base our system on about 70 000 spins of real play, and on the law of LONG TERM BALANCE. 
I have also something for those who like playing NUMBERS they dreamt etc.  .   (lol)
I am able with 316 unit :) bankroll to cover in success 50%after that 60% than 70% than 80% and finally 90% of the carpet, just one of those 5 steps guarantees us the profit. 

I will give this system for free with the complete order

When and what we have to do to be able to see the instrucions of that system?




The statistics prove that 100% of the time, he will win 150 Euros.   ;)


I never understood  why people think that selling a system is something immoral or scammer etc. .
Look at mine situation:
-I have  made a system after many years of failures in roulette.
-I realised it is the only way (I do not say that mine system is the only in world there are other ways as BIAS, orcomputer calculating the medium speed of wheel after that the first 360 degree rotation of the ball, and finally the landing zone. . . but also this is not always 100%)
-I base mine system on STATISTIC laws special progression to allow me contain also 20-30 losses in a row
-I do not understand why it is bad to sell as it is hours of work and time.
-I give the possibility to people to win some money in long run.
-I choosed to maximize my profits selling it.

Can somebody explain me what is wrong in this? If someone could explain me I will immediatly close the post cancell all , and give money back to people who bought it(btw.  they are all satisfied untill now)


Mr J

Well, you're in the correct section so I cant blast you for that. Everything in this section is 'buyer beware'. My two cents, dont purchase any roulette methods, only my opinion.



OK here is the explanation:
I accept comments and critics about that system.   I do not say it is 100% but it is very hard to lose, I played thismuch times. 

0.  50                6                      1.  5            1.  5
0.  50                7                       5              1.  0
1.  50                8                       17            1.  0
3.  00                9                       44            -8 ( IF lose go to level 10x11.  5   2times)
3.  00                9                        88            1
11.  50              10                    159           win=-21
11.  50              10                                      2.  0
There is also a version where we need only 1 win in one of these 5 steps to gain profit but it requires about 4x more units. 
I have also a special streets selection and it hapnes rarely to go on ste 9-10




At the higher progression, you are nearing the top of many table betting limits.   Considering that (only on the last two spins) you are covering 5/6 of the table.   After only 4 spins, your odds of continuing to repeat are only 48%.   You moved up in the progression in just 7 spins, starting with only 1/2 the table covered.   This will fail in the short- to medium- term.


Napoleon, how high goes your progression in your "statistical" system? what is your bankroll?

I offered u in email teamviwer RX session to see how your system is working. U did not reply so far.


@Iggiv - why you are so aggressive now I saw your message.   I was not at hom so I did not reply.   I am available for every kind oftest, there was a guy  wich I gave demonstration how mine system works with this losing session :

I was in profit at the end playing @2 bet.   The name of the person is Robert here in the forum . 

Anyway I am available for every kind of test , here on forum it is ok! :)
I really do not understand your aggresiveness. 

It is difficult to test it here on forum because every spin is a different bet so we should test it on a chat.   Who is the tester.   I repeat I have no fear we can test how much you want . 

