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Graph of 1million spins won

Started by N0vocane, January 27, 2011, 09:58:04 PM

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you don't understand something else. you assume that all game is going according to your plan. that u won say 10 k then lost 5k then won 20 k then lost 25 then recovered and made 50 k....

with those turns of the destiny you can lose 20 k first, then lose 30 k more then lose 15 k (just a bad luck wave) and finally end up in hospital with heart attack. Yes, you may win, you may lose. that's what gambling really is. But the rule is -- u play only with money you can afford. Can u afford losing 40 k then waiting to recover it? Well, if u can, maybe u don't need to gamble at all. Maybe u can find some business you can invest this money into. Or just deposit them somewhere with good returns...

that's insane, really insane, what u plan to do and what your system does. That's not just to flame you many people try to convince you that u r wrong. Yes, u wrong. And if someone agrees to use your system even for free for gambling-- he is taking huge risk, and it can ruin his life.

Now imagine this scenario. You lost 20k. U start recovering. u recovered couple of thousand. Then suddenly casino you were playing in, decides to ban you! You are at their mercy, this money is not yours anymore, that's theirs!
They are not idiots and you gonna be not the first one to leave your fortune with them. And u can do NOTHING!
And imagine this happens time after time after time....

now imagine you telling your wife or girlfriend: i have a winning system, i lost with it 40 k now,  that's ok, i have to recover it now....What people would think about u? After such stories people may see you a bit differently eh?


I know this is off-topic, but could anyone tell me where to get the program that makes these graphs?


this is a loser too for sure. There is no point to argue which loser is worse. That loser makes almost no money for all effort done, but it is pretty safe. your loser may win lots of money but bring you to suicide finally.


Quote from: birdhands on January 28, 2011, 02:19:55 PM
I know this is off-topic, but could anyone tell me where to get the program that makes these graphs?





Can I ask you - Have you actually played your system in Casino, real or online, yet?
Please say how much REAL $$$ money you have made using this system up to now.



Quote from: N0vocane on January 28, 2011, 02:35:08 PM
900 units yesterday, that's day 1 online.

How long did you play online? Could you expect this amount of profit each day?


Cash Growth

I said £100/£200 chips at Park Royal's £100k pre-arranged tables and yes, many would happily wait a whole day to bet 1 progression only and make £6k a month tax free (plus eating and drinking for free and maybe a taxi home and free plays at the slots).
And obviously leaving a bot doing the same on the 1p online tables.
I used to play marti triggering only 7 steps and never lost, but stopped cos it could be quite risky, thats not my point, my points is, even a marti showed to be better on your graph than your own system.
Your system required a real lot bank roll and the drawdowns were just as bad.
That's only because I mentioned Marti, which is one of the worst systems. Imagine if we take any of the ok systems here (eg. Mr. J Ken's Repeaters Trigger) and apply proper triggering and money management...
I don't mean to cause hopelessness but I'm just trying to show you that there's a lot to improve in your system for it to reach an 'ok' system posted here and until then you will not sell it for any experienced player for more than £0.50.
Quote from: N0vocane on January 28, 2011, 02:16:37 PM
Here is the graph of wait 12 EC then bet 10 step progression 2.5million spins. It actually works but it takes 1,300 spins to show 1 unit of profit on the average. No way one can wait all day for 1,300 spins live. You would need a bot to do it online and you would need to find a table limit that had a 1-1100 unit outside table limit or one of equal higher value (ie: 1000-1,100,000 table limit) to make $1000 a day you would need 1,100,000 million dollars to play it. It does't seem plausible to me to play it in real life but it does work.


********900 units yesterday, that's day 1 online*****************

What size were the units?


OK. Thanks N0vocane.

I hope it continues to win for you.



You cannot keep teasing people with a wonderful system and not expect to get flamed. Share the system with us and see if it holds up to public scrutiny. You cannot have a holy grail, boast about it, then expect people to believe it and be happy for you without first revealing how your miraculous system works.

Cash Growth

Yeah same here NOvocane, may you keep on winning and sales keep on rising.


Cash growth,

What the hell are you talking about?

Wait for 12 EC and start betting with a progression?  Where is the proof of that? 

This has been done hundreds of times in different shapes and forms.  This will lose, no question about it.  It has been tested on RX with several thousand spins. It will not work.  Simply because the ball does not give a crap if it has landed 12 times on red before.  Simple as that.

6Ks a month with all the VIP treatment. Yeah right!  Just wait to see what kind of treatment your bank manager will have for you when you stop paying the mortgage...

I just put my two cents here before some poor newbie starts dreaming in thechnicolour.


I agree with col and iggy.

you cant expect to bost about your system and not tell anyone how it works, up 900 units, thats very good (in my opinion it dosnt matter the size of the chip, if it wins then it wins).

when i look at the graph i see it going into the negative, now when you lose its game over. so how is it able to continue (by throwing more money in it) .

also how is anyone supose to play 1 million spins, its not possible but if it based on around 1000 spins and came out with profit then it would be a winner but like i said the graph shows it going into the negative, in my opinion when you hit the negative its game over.
but if you keep showing it wins on online and makes real money and you can prove this then im sure the top dog would buy it.
I wouldnt cause i dont have the bank roll and if i was that rich i wouldnt be betting, period!


out of everything you say not once have you commented on the fact that your system has gone negative a few times?

how are you ment to play in a real casino if you hit negative, thats all your money gone, game over


Quote from: darrynf on January 28, 2011, 04:35:14 PM
out of everything you say not once have you commented on the fact that your system has gone negative a few times?

how are you ment to play in a real casino if you hit negative, thats all your money gone, game over

Dude I just said that the system will hit the stop loss multiple times! I just said it. When you hit the stop loss that is a LOSS but it will win 3-4 times the amount it loses. So if you go to a casino and are in the red you keep coming back and playing until you recover. This is a very simple concept, just look at the graph.

Out of 4 million spins lowest -22,000 highest was +244,000. So if you loose -22,000 and make +244,000 did you loose money? - Of course not. This is so simple I cant believe your making an argument about this fact.

