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Graph of 1million spins won

Started by N0vocane, January 27, 2011, 09:58:04 PM

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someone is just out of touch. In real life how can you go to casino and play if u lost 40 thousand? Yes u can if u r Bill Gates. But if u r average Joe. How can u suffer losing 40 thousand and keep playing? and what if u lost 20 k more?
Sell your car, keep playing? And what it just goes on and on? Well, Bill Gates could easily buy and use this system, and maybe even win some money with it after losing some,  the problem is he does not need to gamble. And one who does i  am afraid won't like the idea of possibly losing 40 k before starting winning. Well, at least i wouldn't. Maybe someone would. There are some people with weird ideas in this world. Novocane is the example.


according to the graphs, yes. What about the real life? You don't know where u hit bad luck or good luck. You have no way to know. Your system may lose for lots of spins. For thousands of them.  Yes, you recovered on the paper, that's right. But what if IN REAL LIFE u started the game where i showed you with red colour? In no time you would lose thousands and thousands.
that's why it can't be a winning system. Winning system will never ever lose that much money. Never! Or this is not winning. Yes, winning systems can have a few bad runs, sure. But not on that scale! Far from it.

It is not applicable for real life. Let alone for selling


your system is using progression.There is no way you can beat roulette with progression in long term....there is always pattern that beat your progression. For example pattern RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR beat martingale progression if you are playing on black for 15 spins. It is just matter of time when the pattern that kill you will show. It can be shown in 1000 000 spins, 10 000 000 spins but also in 1000 spins. Progression will kill you and you cannot beat roulette this way. Every pattern will come. Everything what is possible to happen, will happen. It is probability .


no, you don't get it. there are 2 things may happen .  either u finally realize your mistakes (maybe improve or create another method, more successful). or u gonna learn it THE HARD WAY. I wish u to learn it the easier way. Good luck


The only way you are going to fully convince people is to post the full system and leave it open to public testing.

Anyway, you are posting in the Full Roulette Systems, if you are not going to post the full system then this thread should be in a different section


fine. congratulations on your winning system. yes, u won the argument. Yes, this is a wonderful winning system. I hope u will find quite a few happy buyers for half million and make even more than that. Good luck. Don't forget in a year to come back here and post a link to your book when u will be a retired millionaire.

and yes, i am retarded and not capable of reading simple winning  graphs. I also envy you very much as everybody else.


Quote from: col1879 on January 28, 2011, 05:55:34 PM
The only way you are going to fully convince people is to post the full system and leave it open to public testing.

Anyway, you are posting in the Full Roulette Systems, if you are not going to post the full system then this thread should be in a different section

no need....how many systems here were already posted...


Quote from: N0vocane on January 28, 2011, 08:15:30 PM
So just a quick update -160 units. Went to a live casino and I couldn't calculate the formula fast enough, took me way to long and they spun the ball without me being able to place my bets. I dropped 160 then left. I'm going to have to study extremely hard so I don't f**k up again. I'm mad and on tilt right now because they wouldn't wait for me and I need to just stay away from the game for a while so I don't blow any of my profits.

I'll be back next week with more updates. I'm going to take the weekend off and really think about everything and find the perfect way to make this work at a live casino.

Till next week guys

welcome to the real world, even if your system wins that much and theres no way in hell a casino would alow you to win that much, you lost 50,000 and yet you think a casino would let you win over 50,000?
your system isnt going to work in the real world nor would it work in rng cause it will force you to lose.
i could run a 1000,000 simulation and be up one unit or down one unit, it dosent make it a winning strategy, if its a winning strategy then it should win all the time and not even hit the negatives.
basicly you have to be rich to run your system and anyone that is rich wont gamble it.



look. I am not interested to put you down believe me. I also had an argument with a guy (on another forum) which
wanted to play martingale with bankroll of a few thousand, though it was only for testing then. He got upset because I said that's a really bad idea and not smart, finally he said I was right.

now u should not get upset because of this heated argument, nobody wishes u bad things. But people like me and Darr can clearly see u r on a wrong path. Well, I understand -- u want to believe in your system, and want to believe it is a winner, probably u put a lot of effort into it. U don't have to scrap it. But try to work with your principles and find some ways to make it less dangerous. It is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS right now, probably even more than martingale.
with martingale u can lose a few hundred or a few  thousand bucks and basically go home to cry over your loss.
but with this stuff u may lose on a long run really big amounts of money if u gonna believe in your happy winning story.

so bud, better stop, think, redo your work and make it less dangerous. maybe I sounded rude, but not because I want to upset u or envy you. I want to STOP u before u got in big big trouble....

wake up bud, wake up. it is not too late yet.

With such schemes people lose lots of money, you r not the first and not the last. This swamp may get u if u gonna believe that "today I lost last time, because on a long run my system is gonna win. Tomorrow I will win more than I lost today". With those "smart" schemes people sell their houses to lose in casino...

if your system needs huge downdraws it is not gonna work on a long run. period
if u lose a few hundred bucks it is not a problem. the problem is that if u gonna do it a few times then gonna win some then gonna lose more...and gonna believe u recover soon and keep losing...

u also don't understand some things. if a system may need a huge downdraw in ANY GIVEN POINT (not exactly at the beginning) it can happen ANY TIME then. it is extremely dangerous. when u walk into swamp u may not know yet u walking into swamp till it is too late.

OK. I won't bother u any more. that's your life, do what u want to do.


Quote from: N0vocane on January 28, 2011, 08:49:13 PM
You can't run a RNG that will show a profit of 1 unit after 1 million spins plain and simple let alone +244,000. Also, my system was never in the negative of -50,000 units.

I lost today because I wasn't prepared, not because my system doesn't work. I just need to be able to memorize everything perfectly. I'm still up +768.

If you need any help making this method practical for live casino play just let me know...maybe I can help.

Good luck.


Novocaine look this:

Well, I run it on rx and method showed profit over 5 milion spins. I tought like you, I made 1000 simulation with 100 spins sesions, only few were negative. And I really understund you and what you saying.

But Iggy is right, if you have first 2 negative sesions with real money, then you will understund.
Thats only way.

Cash Growth

Quote from: insidebet  on January 28, 2011, 03:50:47 PM
Cash growth,

What the hell are you talking about?

Wait for 12 EC and start betting with a progression?  Where is the proof of that? 

This has been done hundreds of times in different shapes and forms.  This will lose, no question about it.  It has been tested on RX with several thousand spins. It will not work.  Simply because the ball does not give a stuff if it has landed 12 times on red before.  Simple as that.

6Ks a month with all the VIP treatment. Yeah right!  Just wait to see what kind of treatment your bank manager will have for you when you stop paying the mortgage...

I just put my two cents here before some poor newbie starts dreaming in thechnicolour.
You probably did not get what I mean Insidebet, I'm far from a newbie and all i tried to point is that this method that the gentleman is trying to sell does not even perform much better than marti on the graph. I obviously avoid marti, that's why I don't play it, it was really only to point out that the requested thousands asked for that method will not be paid by many, prob a few beginners but that's all.
And also, even now that he know he won't get caught for being a 'winner' as we all gave him ideas in how to shift casinos, he's still posting here instead of being winning 1000's a day...
Oh well..



Sorry!  I guess I got all wrong...again.



Quote from: N0vocane on January 27, 2011, 10:21:14 PM
Well it won't take long for the casinos to find out who I am and ban me from all their establishments.  So I figure it's more profitable to sell it.  Once I start playing it the casinos will know what my system is and they will ban everyone else that uses it too. 

Great sales pitch!  :sarcastic:


Novocane there you go. It took me 3 hours to develop system like your. Ive attached a graph but only 100 000 spins. I am sorry but when I want to insert a chart in openoffice it wont make graph for 1 million spins. I have slow processor on this pc but I will try to fix  it and post a one million graph tonight. This system uses just 3 steeps progression and it make  a profit after 1 million spins and 10 million spins as well. I dont think that your system is uniqe.

