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Graph of 1million spins won

Started by N0vocane, January 27, 2011, 09:58:04 PM

0 Members and 6 Guests are viewing this topic.


no. his graph shows max 4000 down, yours 35 000 down


When it comes down to it roulette is still gambling. I would urge you to be more cautious and not allow yourself to be in a position where you are MASSIVELY in the negative and looking to get back in to the positive.


it looks more like a kindergarden now than a roulette discussion....let Novocane be the smartest one, let's agree with him. And let him sell his stuff, make millions within a year, and write a book about it. Whatever u try to tell him -- u r either a crook or retarded. Enough is enough for me.


N0vocane, You're sick you need to see a Doctor.

If you have a system that is working either keep it for yourself or sell it quietly.

Don't post on this board discussing nonsense.You either share your system or get off the board... you loser!!!

We are here to post systems and help each other. Our objective to share knowledge and systems and overcome the obstacles in the Casino games.

Got it!

get off this board stop cluttering your bull....

I'm calling upon the Moderator to remove you from this board as you demonstrated disrespect to the player and treat us as dummies!


jrhelp please be nice. No calling names.  :diablo:


Jrhelp pls calm down. Nothing serious happened. No calling names, no mutual blaming, no quarrels. If Novocane believes Bene tries to deceive him let him believe. I won't let discussion  go into personal attacks and hostility.
You are free to ignore this thread, bud. I am not willing to participate in discussions either but I will watch the thread.


I'm nice no name.

He is trying to sell to Steve from Australia the system for $500,000.

I just told that joke to a PIT BOSS in a Casino in FOXWOODS and his reply was:

The guy is invited to play at out Casino we are not afraid from him since there are no systems that WIN in the long run on Roulette and/or any other game in the Casino. Otherwise they wouldn't be in business.

The second reaction was:  :yahoo:


that's ridiculous. first -- your offer is. I can defeat any wheel when  I already know the numbers spun. I can make millions on each of them. Second -- even if u spin a wheel 24/7 taking 1 minute for a spin (which does not happen that often) --in a year there gonna be 525 600 spins.

if u get a working system, go ahead and play. no discussion needed, even no selling needed. You just gonna be a millionaire within a year


you know what....go to nolinks://wizardofodds.com/

Casinos are not interested in head games, but this guy is. He offered anyone a bet. That no system can defeat roulette on a long run.  You lose --  you pay him, he loses -- he pays you. So he IS interested. Steve is not interested in your system as you see. We are not interested either. Casinos don't give a damn about it.

email Wizard Of Ods, he likes those kinds of bets. But you have to pay if he proves you wrong.



Quote from: N0vocane on January 29, 2011, 09:47:59 PM
First, it's a fake picture. The spin count goes outside the graph (hahahaha) and the blue downtrend line goes into the gray barrier between the spin count and the graph! So it's obviously modified. Also, that graph could be of anything, not roulette. Mine is from Roulette Xtreme. But just to appease you, with using a higher virtual loss count and a no limit martingale I can do even better (only 3,500 down turn) with 100,000 spins same as his.
I can't believe this is what you guys have turned to lol.
Here you go (with roulette xtreme),your took 3 hours mine took 3 minutes:

Fake? Oh man where did you get it from ? The spin count goes outside the  graph because of the oppenoffice. Try to do your graph on 100 000 spins in oppenoffice and you will see. It is not a fake graph. It is system that I develop yesterday and code in geany. Genay is program for ubuntu. I am coding just in pascal and I am not using RX 2.0. I could claim the same thing about your graph but I would not do it. I posted this graph just for the others that was thinking about buying your system.They would lose money. I dont think someone would buy system and he need minimum 50 000 units to play it. There are many systems like this one. Progression can beat roulette but you need unlimited amount of units and unlimited limits on roulette tables. Just like martingale.

btw sorry for my english



Stop loss no stop loss. Whatever. Your system has drawdown of 50 000 units. This means it is not playable for me. What amount of spins you play through one day ? 300 spins? 500 spins ?  Million spins take you minium of 2000 days playing roulette and thats for 500 spins average per day. You made profit of 244 000 units. Thats just 4x more than your starting bankroll of 50 000 units.


Quote from: N0vocane on January 30, 2011, 10:17:10 AM
First I started with around 20,000 units not 50,000. Playing lower limits than increasing over time is completely reasonable if you cant afford to play the system with $1 units. You can play 1cent or 10cent/p online until you meet bankroll requirements. There has never been another system that is casino playable that has shown a profit of +1 unit over 1 million spins that I have ever seen. Show me where all of these playable systems are

Thats simply is not true. You only think so. In your firs graph posted here on page 1, your system is in negative over 400k spins. So it showed us that is very posible to be in negative again, because its gambling and based on random game. No matter is it in negatove over 100 or 100k or 1m system is NOT always in profit.
If you show us system what is ALWAYS in profit in numerus sesions that is all other story.
Do you think that you find HG? Answer to this must be YES based on all what you have said.


Answer to question please regarding HG?
And if you think its "only" -4000 thats to you maybe, you are rich man. Its in NEGATIVE, if you exit or baned from casino at that point you are in negative of 4000 !!!!


HG is holy grail.

Please post more graph 10k spins is enough (not only 1 graph) if you have the time.

Cash Growth

Anyway, who's going to pay the half million and who's not?
Please post your answers.
Mine answer is 'NO' cos I have been simply playing "track the last 17 and bet them to repeat again with mild progression" and I have been doing well as well as some friends of mine. Actually two of us at Palm Beach have already doubled our bankroll. And that's still again, a shitty simple system, take any other good method here (eg. Lanky's Divisor) and put it on to improvement and tweaks and you will see how much money you can make without having to buying anything.

Cash Growth
