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Graph of 1million spins won

Started by N0vocane, January 27, 2011, 09:58:04 PM

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Quote from: N0vocane on February 01, 2011, 02:48:44 AM
You can try for yourself because I basically posted my system today. I didn't post everything, but I let out the main concepts. If you want you can test it right now. - nolinks://vlsroulette.com/full-systems/n0vocanes-holy-grail-true-working-system/

Also, I'm not playing my full system for the whole world to see what bets I make. My complete system is still private, though eventually with the concepts I laid out someone will make something better than mine and will render it useless. But when that happens we will all benefit anyways so it makes no difference to me. 

That's the problem with all these super secret win a billion dollar gambling systems - there's always a reason to never demonstrate them in real time.

I'll look at your system but I still encourage you to play in real time for us - spend 5 hours doing this and you will have the attention of everyone on this planet that plays Roulette.

If we can figure it out then it won't last long with all those "eyes in the sky" at the casino or on the Internet where every session is captured for review later.

Just a suggestion...


Quote from: N0vocane on February 01, 2011, 03:08:08 AM
How about this, capture 5 hours worth of spins. Put them into a text document and I'll run a standard system - betting on one dozen(1) to the uptrend, double opposite dozen(2,3) to the downtrend following trigger lines as a laid out in my post/system. If you don't understand this, read the post. Then I will export all the spins and bets made for you to see. It's not my full system but it will work because I'm using the same principals.

No, I don't want to get involved proving/disproving anyone's system - that's not my job.  

If you want to make a claim you have to prove it or it's not a claim.  Just set up a time this weekend and we will be here and you can do this - I can capture the screen output for playback later - I have the tools to do that; show the live wheel and your bets - it can be made into a Webinar if you wish.

But this is your decision - boast or demonstrate......


Quote from: N0vocane on February 01, 2011, 03:16:56 AM
I just said I would. Just post 5 hours worth of spins for me. I'll play the first dozen to the top, 2,3 dozen to the down. I'm not going to sit online for 5 hours, I already know this works. If you give me the spins it won't be any different. Deal?

I will also export all spins and bets to a .txt file, plus the graph explaining every bet.

Well, I can create a 100% system that works on old Roulette numbers too - I don't think that's much of a challenge.

You can use my DJIA Roulette wheel - It generates great Roulette numbers:

Simply go here nolinks://finance.yahoo.com/q/hp?s=^DJI+Historical+Prices and get as many numbers as you want - use the Close.  Download into an Excel spreadsheet.

Multiply the close by 100 and then divide by 37 with the remainder being the random number between 0 and 36.

The formula is =MOD(B2*100,37)  where B2 is the close column

Should take you just 5 minutes and you have the data yourself and don't have to worry about me tampering with it.

If I supply the numbers I could tamper with them - this way you get thousands of spins and all the numbers can be verified by all parties.


Insidebet:You can find my suggestion for a HG in Normal Topic "can a strategy combined with a system be a HG".

MauiSunset : I offer live demonstration for everyone.I have done it with MIKOGO.I can give a inlogcode to the participants and they can watch me playing on a RNG.Mostly I play 30 -60 minutes. I play very fast about 150 spins in a hour and I use all outside bets and the streets.

The other possibility is a live demonstration with explanation  on SKYPE.That is limited to one person.An other problem is how to plan a suitable time concerning the different timezones


Hi n0vocane,

As an example test could you run your system thru RX for downloaded spins at Wespiel Casino Duisburg for 31/01/11 - table 0209 (441 spins) - abt 7hrs 20min.
Would be interesting to see the outcome and your win/loss result + profit!



Ok, if you go here nolinks://nolinks.smartlivecasino.com/live-roulette.html# and select a live roulette window you can then click on one of the 3 live Roulette tables then click "Free Play".  You will then see the live table and then you can select "stats" where you can then select "Last 185" and that's what I did this morning and here they are for the automated table: (sorry for the fuzziness - I blew up the picture)


Here a table of 15 sessions of 150 spins SSB for LOW/HIGH
Every session gives a profit of about 65 units.


Sorry mate but the system you play is gay :-X

High point on the graph 56,000 then it drops all the way down to 6,000 that means if you started at the 56,000 point you would have lost 50,000 whats the bank needed on this pile of crap?

BIG claims


please if you reply mention the participent.Some replies I cannot understand .It will clear the discussion.

Nathan Detroit

This is nort exactly the forum  for  experienced  roulette players to spend their time on.They know otherwise how  to win at roulette.

Wishing all of you  the best.


Nathan Detroit


Nathan, DON'T GO! I like reading your words of wisdom. Yes a lot of people post silly comments but you help bring some sense to my train of thought whilst I hear a lot of nonsense swirl around me!



Quote from: col1879 on February 03, 2011, 01:30:41 PM
Nathan, DON'T GO! I like reading your words of wisdom. Yes a lot of people post silly comments but you help bring some sense to my train of thought whilst I hear a lot of nonsense swirl around me!




Lucky Strike,Twocatsam,Lankly,Victor .......and now you?



I think this is not right thread Nathan for your leaving announcement, but goodbye and good luck.


Even I can respect anybody opinions (especialy with valid arguments) I think that you should speak in your name and not in plurality. Expirence does not mean that you win from roulette. IMO.


The HUGE problem with this methodology is not only do you have to find a system that kind of works you then must play stock analyst - both are a loser and combining them is a colossal failure.

Let's say we make the case for ONLY betting on Black - only Black.

Over a night of Roulette you will be wiped out - the Green 0 will take your bets and there will be many times when you will see all red on the Marque and you must continue to bet Black.

Now you must plot your "theoretical bankroll" and pick isolated highs and lows that are "significant" and draw horizontal lines and when the "theoretical bankroll" breaks through to the upside you start betting and when the "theoretical bankroll" breaks down through a horizontal line you stop betting.

I just can't wait for the pit boss to come over and ask you what the heck you are doing. 

Now betting just Black all night is something that is so hard to do that folks will want to use a system that kind of works and breaking through those horizontal lines is going to be VERY tough to do.

Conclusion: this is a system that makes perfect sense in hindsight but in real time is something that no one can ever use.

That's just my view of this - real time trading would easily point out if I'm right or wrong......

