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Osama Bin Laden dead?

Started by ReDsQuaD, May 02, 2011, 06:55:06 PM

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Nothing to do with roulette as you can see.

My question to you guys, is he really dead or is it the media bullshitting.

Hes body was apparently dumped at sea where no one can witness this.
I think its a load of bullshit.

Would love to hear other views on this,


He was a mass murderer. He didn't rate the dignity of a proper Muslim burial. In fact this will probably offend many Muslims from around the world that think that he was a mass murderer. The guy was a fundamentalist extremist. To pretend to accommodate them so as not to offend them is the bullshit. We know they will keep up with their fanaticism. We need to keep going after them. We just need to do it in a smart way. When these similar thinking people gather in large groups we should bomb them. That goes for where ever they pop up. If we get out of these Muslim countries with our large forces then we can target the Taliban and Al Qaeda by intelligence and cruse missiles. We need to terrorize them until they have had enough. Let them have Afghanistan. We can use it for target practice. It's time to make the Muslim world see what a real terrorist can do. We need to let them fall on their own swords. We have no allies in the Muslim world. It's time to write off that part of the world. Ronald Reagan stood up to the "Evil Empire." Wherever this fundamentalism blossoms we should kill it. They are the Evil Empire now. Let them fall.


Quote from: Gizmotron on May 02, 2011, 07:43:39 PM
If we get out of these Muslim countries with our large forces then we can target the Taliban and Al Qaeda by intelligence and cruse missiles.

Yes, i totally agree on this. The US and UK government have never thought to do this. Why? is the question. We have been trying to beat the taliban for years now and its just not going anywere.

And i think it was a bad choice hanging Saddam Husain, because in my mind, it just makes matters worse.

Nathan Detroit

The next one in line to be punished should be the one who was responsible  for the PAN AM flight which exploded over Scotland in 1988.............


Quote from: Nathan Detroit on May 02, 2011, 08:17:19 PM
The next one in line to be punished should be the one who was responsible  for the PAN AM flight which exploded over Scotland in 1988.............

I watched this on Aircrash investigation. Who was responsible for this?

Nathan Detroit



The U.S.A. should start on Cuba, Burma (Myanmar), Zimbabwe, Iran & North Korea!

Sure, there's no oil or revenge motives at any of these, 'ONLY' civil rights violations.



Quote from: MiniBaccarat on May 02, 2011, 08:38:31 PM

The U.S.A. should start on Cuba, Burma (Myanmar), Zimbabwe, Iran & North Korea!

Sure, there's no oil or revenge motives at any of these, 'ONLY' civil rights violations.


In my opinion North Korea is at the top of the list. If any one gets caught trying to escape from this country, they will be executed, along with all there Innocent family. Not only that, the government is a stupid hypocrite with cars and hookers.

Man, north Korea is brain washed. I would love to parchute into north Korea, but i would be shot down in an instant.

There also lots of concentration camps, Jesus. Problem is, north Korea forces are huge. Maybe one day we can stop the Communism in north Korea.


Quote from: ReDsQuaD on May 02, 2011, 08:24:30 PM
I watched this on Aircrash investigation. Who was responsible for this? 

Moammar Gadhafi admitted that he ordered that terrorism and that terrorist attack in Germany too. We know that he chickened out with his acquired from Abdul Qadeer Khan, Pakistani scientist, the number one black market proliferator of nuclear technology. Gadhafi already showed us what a Muslim extremist and terrorist thinks about force. These jerks react to superior force.


Quote from: MiniBaccarat on May 02, 2011, 08:38:31 PM
The U.S.A. should start on Cuba, Burma (Myanmar), Zimbabwe, Iran & North Korea!

We should starve North Korea.  That's all it would take to finish them off. We should drop a very large H-Bomb on Tehran, Iran. This should be done while all of them have their butts pointed to the sky and when Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and all those ayatollahs are gathered there. We should just wait until Cuba turns away from Communism. Let's just let them suffer. Heck with the sick world of failed dictatorships. Let Europe pay to be the policeman of the world. Burma and Zimbabwe can suffer under their own tyranny.


QuoteHes body was apparently dumped at sea where no one can witness this.
I think its a load of bullshit.

That was my exact thought. The logic behind it was to comply with mulsim religion of burying the body within 48hrs or something. AS IF the usa would give a shit about that.

I dont buy it at all. The Bush family was in business with the Bin Laden family. Doesnt that seem odd? The USA president... and the world's most wanted terrorist IN BUSINESS? It is well documented. Most people so easily dismiss it.

Bush (puppet), his goons, and the CIA are just as accountable for 911 as Bin Laden. Sure bin laden organized 911, but he was not the major power behind it all. That came from somewhere within the USA.

While most people would have no idea about this all, just dig and find. What is going on is beyond appalling, beyond insane. Dont tell me I'm a conspiracy crackpot until you've actually done the research for yourself.


Real Muslims are against all violence. The so-called terrorists are extremists.

We are fed a load of SH*T from media owned and operated by corporations that benefit from war activity. Most people have no clue about this all and dismiss it as crackpot stuff. It is absolutely real. I can spend a lifetime trying to educate people, but it would be a wasted life because most people just wont get it, and probably dont want to.

The people controlling the planet think of us as stupid morons that deserve to be taken advantage of because we are just so dumb. And they are not far from right. As a population, we are blind moronsm ripe for the picking. They know that IF we want the truth, and fight for it, we will have it. From their view, it is not evil at all. It's like a chicken in a circle on the ground... that thinks the circle is a cage and cant get out. We know it can, but it is too stupid to know that. This is how they view us.


Quote from: Steve on May 02, 2011, 09:05:47 PM
Dont tell me I'm a conspiracy crackpot until you've actually done the research for yourself.

QuoteBernie LaPlante: You remember when I said how I was gonna explain about life, buddy? Well the thing about life is, it gets weird. People are always talking ya about truth. Everybody always knows what the truth is, like it was toilet paper or somethin', and they got a supply in the closet. But what you learn, as you get older, is there ain't no truth. All there is is bullshit, pardon my vulgarity here. Layers of it. One layer of bullshit on top of another. And what you do in life like when you get older is, you pick the layer of bullshit that you prefer and that's your bullshit, so to speak.

Bernie LaPlante speaking for himself


There is only ever one truth. There is perception, but still only one truth.

But still, we may never KNOW anything. You may never even KNOW you physically exist. But considering all things, is it REASONABLE to believe certain things... beyond reasonable doubt? Yes it is.

Everyone decides for themself.


Here's a secret picture of the respectful send off for the mass murderer. No wonder Obama has kept these images incognito.

