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Osama Bin Laden dead?

Started by ReDsQuaD, May 02, 2011, 06:55:06 PM

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Geez, guys, relax. The only real question that matters is, was Bin Laden any good at roulette. I hear he sucked at it.

Screw him...


Quote from: cheese on May 03, 2011, 09:19:17 AM
Geez, guys, relax. The only real question that matters is, was Bin Laden any good at roulette. I hear he sucked at it.

Screw him...

No doubt that he probably called you to tell you that he was one of my students too.

Boy do you wilt when the attention is off of you. Remember to do something to get back in the room. Last time I checked all you have is your mouth and debating skills. You are short on evidence. But that's enough about you because your blood is flowing again. Tell us how wonderful Roulette is and how you are its greatest player in the entire history of the world.


I'm with Steve.  And Gizmo, really now, your solution is a little primitive and inarticulate, don't you think?  I think I heard you say that you want to defeat terrorists on their own terms.  Not a long term solution.


Quote from: Gizmotron on May 03, 2011, 12:47:30 PM
No doubt that he probably called you to tell you that he was one of my students too.



Quote from: Gizmotron on May 02, 2011, 08:50:05 PM
Moammar Gadhafi admitted that he ordered that terrorism and that terrorist attack in Germany too. We know that he chickened out with his acquired from Abdul Qadeer Khan, Pakistani scientist, the number one black market proliferator of nuclear technology. Gadhafi already showed us what a Muslim extremist and terrorist thinks about force. These jerks react to superior force.

Do you think in anyway that Gadhafi had anything to do with 911? Granted Osma Binladen and G.Bush were behind it, but Gadhafi?

Nathan Detroit

ReDsQuaD  ,

Yeah  the easter bunny and Santa Claus  are in cahoots  to  fool little children. You must be  some kind of  brainwashed Euroweene  to spread this  nonsense that  OBL and BUsh were in  concert with 9/11 .



Quote from: Nathan Detroit on May 03, 2011, 05:18:12 PM
ReDsQuaD  ,

Yeah  the easter bunny and Santa Claus  are in cahoots  to  fool little children. You must be  some kind of  brainwashed Euroweene  to spread this  nonsense that  BLO and BUsh were in  concert with 9/11 .


I am not here to spread anything. This is my opinion, and if I'm not mistaken, I'm not the only out there who shares the same belief that Bush had a part to play. I am not going to go into reasons on this forum. You can do your own research.

Believe it or not, but please do not insult my intelligence Nathen Detroit.
Euroweene? Just because I have a strong opinion about something rather serious, there is no need for name calling.

I could call you a number of names, but I am not immature enough to do it on a forum because I rather say it to your face.


"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." ~ Martin Luther King Jr


Quote from: birdhands on May 03, 2011, 06:07:49 PM
"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." ~ Martin Luther King Jr

The kindest form of tough love you can do to the Muslim world is to exterminate the thugs that have hijacked their religion. Singing Kumbaya with these killers is just another insult to them. We learned how effective that was in the Vietnam war. Remember those crazy "rules of engagement?" All it succeeded in doing was to anger the North Vietnamese leaders. This is not hate. It's just being practical. They are at war against us, their own words. You are an ass kisser. You keep playing head games with yourself until you are happy with your enlightenment. It's just another way of going blind if you know what I mean.


QuoteYeah  the easter bunny and Santa Claus  are in cahoots  to  fool little children. You must be  some kind of  brainwashed Euroweene  to spread this  nonsense that  BLO and BUsh were in  concert with 9/11

Either we are stupid "conspiracy theorists", or you are in complete ignorance. Which one is it? I suggest actually do some research. I am not trying to offend you, but you really dont know what you are talking about. What is happening on the planet is a covert global tyranny, we we are slaves and most of us dont even know it. It has been going for a very long time.

Quote"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." ~ Martin Luther King Jr

ABSOLUTELY. When I saw people celebrating the alleged death of bin laden, I just thought:

* these people dont know who was really behind it all. if they were told, they wouldnt believe it
* there should not be celebration. This only means escalation of conflict
* real justice has not been done, because the main people responsible arent even in the spotlight

After michael moor's release of farenheit 911, I was wondering if the american people would re-elect bush. I figured if they did, collectively it shows how stupid people are. Well, he was re-elected. The people that know bush, his family, their policies etc knew what was coming, and it came - war. Modern wars are not meant to be won - they are meant to be sustained. They are profitable, for companies like Halliburton, and who was the CEO of it? Mr Cheney. Not to mention, terrorist activity causes fear, and fear causes people to give up liberties, like consitutional law. Bush obliterated it in the name of national security.

Ben Franklin said "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." - people like Bush know this. That's why the fear is created. The CIA (Seeing Eye A) is the biggest terrorist there is.

So let's look at two facts:

1. One of the companies that profited most from war in iraq / afghanistan is Halliburton, and the CEO was Dick Cheney, the Secretay of Defense? Hmm.

2. The bush family was/is literally in business with the bin laden family.

I mean WTF???? That is just the tip of the iceberg. WAKE UP!!!

But sadly, like I said before, people can spend a whole life trying to enlighten ignorant people. Some just wont learn because they dont care or want to know the truth, or are just wilfully ignorant. Over the nex few years, there will be some major things happening. Both good and bad.

The people that control the planet presently know us as a civilization are going to be changing for the better from a spiritual and technological position. It will lead to a greater sense of self (consciousness) and the only way for the elite to maintain control is to take serious action. They will never give up what they have. But we gave it to them, and currently still do. FEAR is how they get things done, and that comes by getting extremist groups to do things to scare people (terrorism), and the CIA gets to pretend they had nothing to do with it. Understand this is not exactly the government doing this, and not exactly corruption... yes some of them are in government positions, but we are talking about an underground society of the elite who care only for themselves.


Quote from: Steve on May 03, 2011, 07:57:49 PM
But sadly, like I said before, people can spend a whole life trying to enlighten ignorant people. Some just wont learn because they dont care or want to know the truth, or are just wilfully ignorant.

That's the very reason i did not go into the facts. I don't have the time to mess around when i know it won't change there opinion.

You worded some facts brilliantly there Steve. But i still know it wont get through to air minded people like Nathen.


I say is often: my pet hate is ignorance. I see it everywhere and about just about everything. Tesla even wrote a paper called "the problem of increasing human energy" where he explains ignorance is one of the greatest umm t**d in the way of progress:

Of all the frictional resistances, the one that most retards human movement is ignorance, what Buddha called 'the greatest evil in the world.' The friction which results from ignorance ... can be reduced only by the spread of knowledge and the unification of the heterogeneous elements of humanity. No effort could be better spent.
— Nikola Tesla

I waste way too much time on ignorant people. Their stupidity frustrates me. Like someone walking into a wall... "ouch, ouch".. and you steer them the right way,... and they go back again, "ouch, ouch". They are everywhere. One of my biggest problem is learning to just say "screw em". It's called "beating a dead horse" - just a waste of energy.


Quote from: Steve on May 03, 2011, 07:57:49 PM
After michael moor's release of farenheit 911, I was wondering if the american people would re-elect bush.

With facts like that how could you possibly go wrong? Michael Moore, what a patriot he has become. Yes Steve, you do have a world to enlighten. Good luck with that.


Consider the two facts I highlighted. They are well established facts. If that doesn't lead you to find out more for yourself, or if you dont see anything wrong with those facts.. so be it.

Michael Moore may appear to be a fat weasel, but perhaps check the facts he establishes for yourself before passing judgement.


Quote from: Steve on May 03, 2011, 10:15:07 PM
Consider the two facts I highlighted. They are well established facts. If that doesn't lead you to find out more for yourself, or if you dont see anything wrong with those facts.. so be it.

Michael Moore may appear to be a fat weasel, but perhaps check the facts he establishes for yourself before passing judgement.

1. One of the companies that profited most from war in iraq / afghanistan is Halliburton, and the CEO was Dick Cheney, the Secretay of Defense? Hmm.

2. The bush family was/is literally in business with the bin laden family.

Well you have the biggest story since impeaching presidents. It's against the law for Cheney to profit from war while holding office. He has to separate all his holdings before taking office. So your facts are the grounds for impeachment. So why didn't that happen? You got facts for that oversight?

As far as your number two fact. I heard a rumor that they actually traded money for making trades on oil. Imagine that. They had oil and we needed oil. They got paid money to buy and sell oil. How evil can a person get? They had the gall to go out and make money.

Steve, you are a fundamentalist extremist. Your jihad is a bucket of facts that are laughable and kookish. People that peddle that stuff depend on gullible people like you to buy it. You are somebody's sucker. I'll bet you believe in global warming too.

