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4 Cold Numbers - Test Help Please

Started by WizardOfAus, January 01, 2012, 11:09:09 PM

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As per my other thread - our local casino offers a table that shows the Cold Numbers for the last 250 spins and their count as well.

Can someone help with the following test:

Track last 250 numbers - check for 4 coldest numbers if - there are equal 4th, 5th, 6th coldest number - I'm assuming the method would be to pick the number that was furthest back.

Then apply the following progression betting on the 4 Coldest numbers.  If during the betting progression one number drops out and another number becomes colder us the latter - keeps it simpler and according to how the casino would track it - always looking at the last 250 numbers.

The below gives a required profit of $2 per spin.

Single Stake per number   /Total Table Bets/   Total Stake So Far/   Dividend Return/   Total Return/   Profit   /Required Profit
0. 5   2   2   9   18   16   2
0. 5   2   4   9   18   14   4
0. 5   2   6   9   18   12   6
0. 5   2   8   9   18   10   8
1   4   12   9   36   24   10
1   4   16   9   36   20   12
1   4   20   9   36   16   14
1. 5   6   26   9   54   28   16
1. 5   6   32   9   54   22   18
2   8   40   9   72   32   20
2   8   48   9   72   24   22
2. 5   10   58   9   90   32   24
3   12   70   9   108   38   26
3. 5   14   84   9   126   42   28
4   16   100   9   144   44   30
4. 5   18   118   9   162   44   32
5   20   138   9   180   42   34
5. 5   22   160   9   198   38   36
6. 5   26   186   9   234   48   38
7. 5   30   216   9   270   54   40
8. 5   34   250   9   306   56   42
9. 5   38   288   9   342   54   44
10. 5   42   330   9   378   48   46
12   48   378   9   432   54   48
13. 5   54   432   9   486   54   50
15. 5   62   494   9   558   64   52
17. 5   70   564   9   630   66   54
19. 5   78   642   9   702   60   56
22   88   730   9   792   62   58
25   100   830   9   900   70   60
28   112   942   9   1008   66   62
31. 5   126   1068   9   1134   66   64
35. 5   142   1210   9   1278   68   66
40   160   1370   9   1440   70   68
45   180   1550   9   1620   70   70
51   204   1754   9   1836   82   72
57. 5   230   1984   9   2070   86   74
64. 5   258   2242   9   2322   80   76
72. 5   290   2532   9   2610   78   78
82   328   2860   9   2952   92   80


Mr J

Is this....LURE KEN DAY or something? Dont play the cold numbers buddy, I have lost thousands (have also won) playing that way. Just trying to help.



I would just like to see the test for it - either playing this way or playing the total opposite - playing the 4 hottest numbers!

So track last 250 numbers.

The reason is that the casino shows these figures on there board and using the below progression it's 40 spins that is allowed within the limits.

Can someone test the above.  If either of the above - Hot or Cold didn't have more than 40 losing streaks then I might give it a go - even if it only had one or two streak in the 40-50 range after say a 10,000 spin test - I might be willing to wait 10 spins before I play - The hourly would still be great.

Can anyone help with the testing?


l agree with J. Wasting time and money on the cold no's.



Go into search on this forum and type in    4 number cold,  by  Rheti  he has done a lot of research on this, also have a look at his 234 bet

