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Any ideas for 9 straight numbers progression?

Started by Pan Pan, January 08, 2014, 04:48:42 PM

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Pan Pan

Hi all,

I would like to have your opinion for the following matter. The last months I use a system based on 9 straight up numbers. I play these 9 numbers for 9 spins and I have a hit rate near to 85%.

I have tried Atilla progression, but the last days I am not happy at all.  To give you an example... Today was just a disaster.  After 34 sessions (of 9 spins) and with just 4 losses I was back 1,320 units.

So, do you have any recommendations regarding the progression? Positive or negative? The hit rate is not bad but if I will not find the right progression it will be just a statistic number.

Thank you in advance for your help.


errrr ... a hit rate of 85% yet still on the losing end?  :scratch_ones_head:
most of us here if not all would settle for 50% hit rate yet still end the session on top


a hit rate of 85% for 9 numbers means you should be able to flat bet does it not  ???


When the Atilla progression fails, it fails in a very bad way.

Below is nine spins, if I added right a nine-spin loss is 109 units, so
I don't understand how 4 nine-spine losses equals  1,320 units.

It's a great progression. You just have to pick the right nine numbers.

Anyone know the easiest way to pick the right nine numbers??????

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Pan Pan

Hi All,

Thank you for your replies.


Dear Leroy. You are right when Atilla fails, fail BAD!!!

Your calculation is right. The first 9 spins in Atilla costs 109 units. But...

The gold rule in Atilla is to reset the progression when you are with new high BR or break even. So, if you have hit in the 4th spin (in the number with 1 unit) you have lost 6 units... If you have hit in 9th spin  (in the only one number with 1 unit) you have lost 86 units... and so...

As you can imagine if the "luck" is not with you... then even with only 4 losses is not difficult at all to loose 1,320 units...

Best regards!


Quote from: Pan Pan on January 08, 2014, 04:48:42 PM
Hi all,

I would like to have your opinion for the following matter. The last months I use a system based on 9 straight up numbers. I play these 9 numbers for 9 spins and I have a hit rate near to 85%.

I have tried Atilla progression, but the last days I am not happy at all.  To give you an example... Today was just a disaster.  After 34 sessions (of 9 spins) and with just 4 losses I was back 1,320 units.

So, do you have any recommendations regarding the progression? Positive or negative? The hit rate is not bad but if I will not find the right progression it will be just a statistic number.

Thank you in advance for your help.
If you are certain that you have an 85% hit rate within 9 spins betting 9 numbers, then there is a very simple thing you can do. Bet the first 3-4 spins in VIRTUAL LOSS MODE. Meaning that if you placed 9 chips on those 9 numbers, you would've lost them.  But since you didn't actually place the bets on the table (only on your mind), you saved quite a few chips. Then make actual bets for the next 5 or 6 spins. You should still have an 85% hit chance, because that's the figure you came up with for the 9 spins. Only this time the progression will be a lot smoother, and not very expensive, since you only play for 5-6 spins. Instead of 9.
In fact this is an excellent method to incorporate in any system. If extensive testing shows that if you bet so many numbers and one of them shows up within so many spins by a high percentage, then you can split the bets between VIRTUAL loss betting, and actual betting. That way the progression stays low and if you should lose with actual bets, you should be able to recover in the next cycle(s). It's time consuming (because sometimes you win early  in the progression, when you are in the virtual mode), but it's reassuring to know that you won't run into a disaster.
However, to come up with an average hit rate, one should test  for at least 100,000 spins. 1000 spins won't do it. Many players test a system for a few days and a few thousand spins, and if it works they think they found the perfect solution. But that's not the way to do it. If one wants reassurance, then he better be prepared for a long term testing period.


Progressions will NEVER make you win on the long run unless you have a positive expectation.

Generally speaking, progressions are for beginners and lifetime losers.


Nathan Detroit


Insidebat, I agree
But all people can have different opinion, maybe that luckily worked for them once in a while who knows


Negative progression when a player know that the risk reward ratio is in players favour.


100% progressive is no brainier

Example red 100 or black 100%

The progressive should inside bet
4-6 number

I met 14 continue red
Progressive too much and too less return

