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Started by winkel, August 20, 2008, 09:42:05 AM

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Quote from: bjb007 on September 30, 2008, 02:47:24 PM
So how does one disagree then without
"posting negative things"?

What happened to "free speech"?

Nothing is wrong with free speech I think he more pissed at the fact he needed explain the method time and time again when people all they had to do was read the threads to get the jist of his method and take a little time to understand it.

Once done then pose questions in this forum He was always willing to answer them but not straight out dumb questions even tho i am good at them too ;D ;D I do hope he comes back I bet he as a few other gems to share as well




I got very frustrated at the beginning of that thread.  Wildcard tried to help, but I couldn't get it.  Then, after watching a while and reading other posts, it began to sink in.  Even if I disagreed with him, he was nice.

I find myself "skimming" posts and not reading them thoroughly as I should.  I have learned one thing:  The time it takes to print an important post is well worth it to me.  Having something in my hand just seems to be easier to understand.  Plus, there's the ol' red pen....

Perhaps he did what he set out to do.  All he ever wanted to do was give it away.



Mr. Chips,

I offered to help Winkel out in the future with his math.  He had a misguided understanding of roulette probability. 

Also, after 36 pages, I don't think there was but one or two people here,  that had even a clue, as to what he was talking about.  Winkel left because he realized the system was destined to fail.  People began asking questions that he couldn't answer. 

I'm sorry if that upsets you. 



Quote from: Herb on September 30, 2008, 08:12:04 PM
Mr. Chips,

I offered to help Winkel out in the future with his math.  He had a misguided understanding of roulette probability. 

Also, after 34 pages, I don't think there was but one or two people here,  that had even a clue, as to what he was talking about.  Winkel left because he realized the system was destined to fail.  People began asking questions that he couldn't answer. 

I'm sorry if that upsets you.  :)


this shall not be your triumph.

I answered always every question. But if someone comes in and asks at page 32: "How is it to play" I simply loose my contol.
and when this guy asks for a description in 100 words he is a fool. And in the next sentence he says "then I will code it" [smiley=1/puke.gif]

and Herb: you know nothing about stochastical moves. You are satisfied to know that the chance for 1 single number in the very next coup is 1/37. But that knowledge is equal to a Kindergarten-child which can repeat: 1+1 is 1.[smiley=1/blahblah.gif]

Some guys saw the possibility in this strategy and formed additional ways to bet. and as I sayed: I tested these ideas also. I was going to the next stage of playing with "gamblers intelligence". but as long as there are stupid repeats of nonsense like yours, who wants to argue with the chances of red and black that my single-numbers don´t work, not knowing what this is about made me quit.

As I said: I´m quite ill and my patience is sometimes not in good condition but in my last days I don´t have to stand this stupidity.

That´s it.

I didn´t quit, because I´m no more convinced of what I´ve found. I´m convinced of it since 5 years and I would be a damned foolish idiot if a question which is about the facts of the game would make me confused. It never did and it never will.

If you, Herb, would be able to argue on the way I select and bet, I would discuss with you. But it isn´t worth the time as long you don´t know the Theories of Kolmogorov Markoc and Doeblin.

so, I´m angry, very angry. And I don´t like to live my last days in this mood. so I take distance to the people which make me angry

God bless you all and always check your Thinking, it might be no good.



Here's why Winkel's system wouldn't work.

He was attempting to exploit what some people call the law of the third -(slang), or binomial distribution of roulette numbers.  Basically it implies that after any group or of spins, some numbers will hit more frequently than others.   He was attempting to demonstrate that he could track which numbers were destined to hit by using those stupid, and confusing charts.  Yes, honestly, they were absurd.
Here's the problem:  Yes it's true some numbers will hit more than others, but we don't know which numbers are more likely to hit than the other numbers.  Regardless of what has just hit.  Regardless of how many times it has hit.  This is because the roulette wheel has no memory.  It doesn't know for example, that the number 11 just hit twice, and that the number 12 has yet to hit at all. 
You can build crossing pattern charts all you want, track all of the hits as they happen, and it won't make one bit of difference when it comes time to bet.  Why? Because roulette is a game of independent trials.  This is the big system killer.  Like it or not. 

How to use the distribution of numbers correctly:  In a game of independent trials,  you CAN judge the goodness of fit of a  roulette wheel by recording enough numbers and by using what we call the Chi Square test.  This sample examines the distribution and provides you with a value that will enable you to determine what the chances are of your data being within the statistical norm.  Meaning, it can help you determine whether the roulette wheel is behaving in a random manner.

For more information a Wiki article is partially pasted below.

Winkel, for now, I shall refrain from calling you an idiot like you have called others.

-Herb :)

In probability theory and statistics, the chi-square distribution (also chi-squared or χ2  distribution) is one of the most widely used theoretical probability distributions in inferential statistics, e.g., in statistical significance tests.  It is useful because, under reasonable assumptions, easily calculated quantities can be proven to have distributions that approximate to the chi-square distribution if the null hypothesis is true.

The best-known situations in which the chi-square distribution are used are the common chi-square tests for goodness of fit of an observed distribution to a theoretical one, and of the independence of two criteria of classification of qualitative data. Many other statistical tests also lead to a use of this distribution, like Friedman's analysis of variance by ranks.  -Wikipedia..


Mr Chips

I am sure Victor will read your suggestion.  

What good would it do for winkel to be able to delete Herb's post?  winkel already read it.  The damage is done.

Do we want a forum where a moderator OKs every post before the general population sees it?  There are some like that.  I don't want that job.

We need to learn to ignore those who annoy us.  Those who wish are free to ignore me!!  



Grow up guys.  A little constructive crisicism will help your checking accounts.



Nothing useful will come from being so crude...Herb


Too bad we all can't learn to ignore those we don't like (Herb).  ::)


Hi all, here's a typical session I just finished playing
at dublinbet in fun mode. Follow along with GUT tracker V3
for a nice tutorial.

I see wins like this fairly regularly. I truly believe winkel
shared something special and profound. Maybe this will help
others understand the method better.

Watch these crossings as you play:

0 vs. >0  (optional)
0 vs. 1
0 vs. >1
1 vs. >1
1 vs. 2

21 <--- 0 vs. >0, 19v18 about to cross, bet all no's in the 0: row (if you like)
7  <--- and now they cross, 19v18 becomes 18v19, and 7's a winner!
9  <--- 0 vs. 1, 16v16 about to cross, bet all no's in 0: row
20 <--- they cross, 16v16 becomes 15v17, another winner!
7  <--- at 0 vs. >1, 10v9 is about to cross, bet all no's in 0:
22 <--- 10v9 becomes 10v10, bet one more time for this trigger
1  <--- 10v10 crosses over to 9v10, another win
12  <--- at 1 vs. >1, 15v14 is about to cross, bet all no's in 1: row
20  <--- still 15v14, bet one last time on this same trigger
9   <--- and there's the crossing to 14v15, another win
16 <--- at 1 vs. 2, 10v9 about to cross, time to bet all no's in 1: row
10 <--- Winner, winner... chicken dinner!


Has herb ever posted a system here b4? that hasnt tanked?





Thanks for that!!

I am going to copy it, input the numbers and follow along.

Very nice work!



OK I've been visiting the board recently and want to make sense of this thread. :) So I have a few questions for you folks and
Winkel of course who has kindly revealed his system to us. Please bare with me, I know some of you have become experts by now.

By the way I don't think it is wrong to want to describe the rules of a system in 100 words. All the laws of music, geometry or physics can be summarised within a few sentences or a page so why shouldn't the rules of a roulette system? Let's see now ...
Starting at the beginning in his first post on this GUT: W writes:


"....36 not appeared - 1 appeared 35 - 2 34 - 3 etc.

then we might come to this point: 19 - 18

now we bet the 19 numbers that not appeared because the statistic has to change to 18 -19 during the spins we bet when the following
combinations appear: 19 - 18 18 - 17 17 - 17 17 - 16 16 - 16 16 - 15 15 - 15 15 -14 14 - 14 14 - 13 etc.

the difference between appeared and not appeared numbers has to be 0 or 1. The second bet situation:

we have numbers that appeared once and numbers that appeared more than once: every time there is a difference of 0 or 1, we bet
the numbers that appeared once. The third situation to bet: We have numbers that appeared twice and numbers that appeared more
than twice. every time there is a difference of 0 or 1, we bet the numbers that appeared twice.

if we have to bet 19 or 18, we just bet once if we have to bet less than 18, then we bet as often as there is a win or 0
possible: 17 to 13 numbers - we bet twice 12 to 10 - we bet three times 9 to 8 - we bet four times

do you get the idea?..."

Question1= You'll notice how 36 +1=37, 35+2=37,34+3=37
So why suddenly does he write 18+17=35,17+17=34 etc ?
I thought we were always adding up to 37 spins why the switch now? these numbers don't add up to 37

If we only bet according to his rule: "...every time there is a difference of 0 or 1, we bet the numbers that appeared once...."

We would only bet when 19 individual have NOT appeared and 18 have appeared when there is about to be a crossover. Only then do
we have "a difference of  1".

Also I don't see how we could have adifference in 0 since 37 is and odd number and we cant have a
difference of 18.5 vs 18.5 =0

Question2: What does this mean?

"...every time there is a difference of 0 or 1, we bet the numbers that appeared twice..."
Does this mean if 25 numbers have not appeared and 17 have  appeared (25+17=37) and that one number has appeared  twice so we now bet on that number alone?
"...We have numbers that appeared twice and numbers that appeared more than twice. Every time there is a difference of 0 or 1, we bet
the numbers that appeared twice...."
What is a difference of 0. That all numbers have appeared once or twice?
Surely if a number re-appears say 4 times within 17 spins it will have appeared 3 times more than those
numbers that have only appeared once, twice more that those numbers that have appeared twice and once more than those that have
apppeared three times.
Isn't this rule a subset of the previous rule "...every time there is a difference of 0 or 1, we bet the numbers that appeared twice..."
In that case why have this rule at all?

I'll have a lot more questions soon but these will do for now. ;) I'm eager to understand this but it can only be done slowly one step at a time. If you would like to point me to specific answers to my questions in this thread please tell me the times, dates and author and I'll look them up.
Thanks for reading


Well - In my opinion, Herb should be banned from the site.

Winkel has been unwell, which he stated at the outset of the sharing of the system and after winkels post yesterday, Herb clearly demonstrated a complete lack of care for Winkel's health.


