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Started by winkel, August 20, 2008, 09:42:05 AM

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Without trying to take sides Tuck I think Herb has been insensitive, sceptical and has not come up with something constructuctive of his own, but I don't think these are good enough reasons for someone to be banned. Anyway that is up to the moderator


Hi tucktuckster,

Why ban Herb? - do you know anything about the man? I have copied below a reply of mine yesterday to another post.


Hi Herb,

Same old charmer! I must say that the systems you have posted are flawless! They are pure mathematical perfection - a reflection of your intelligence, charm and and brilliant imagination! The cold logic, the clever strategies, are a stunning example of your ingenuity. The kindness and generousity of your very humble advice and contributions to other people's endeavours is a shining example of your very noble intentions.

The warm tribute you paid to Winkel is a typical example of the kindness, consideration and encouragement which you dispense so generously.

I have a favour to ask, could you please repost your first masterpiece? I can't find it anywhere.

                                                   Your Number One Fan


P.S.  Have you any new systems in the pipeline?   

tucktuckster, you can imagine what an empty place this forum would be without this wonderful, cuddly, creative genius? 

                                                              Best regards

P.S. I think that Winkel's post (this one) is superb, I hope to see more of his work in the future


x Droidman

In position 51, with the release of 24 we can cross 1 vs. > 1 (14 vs. 14).
Why not games?

Thanks for your answer.




Nice to see that wankel - sorry, winkel - is
exhibiting his usual modesty and respect for
the forum members.

From his last post....

and when this guy asks for a description in 100
words he is a fool.  And in the next sentence he
says "then I will code it".

Have a look at the original for the emoticon
which accompanied this.  Don't know if it's
available on this forum but it should be removed
if it is.

This vituperative comment is quite uncalled-for
and I ask wankel - sorry, winkel - to withdraw it.

He clearly suffers from some kind of mental problem
and the forum would be a much better place without
him and his crack-pot ramblings.  It seems that
no-one is permitted to question his towering
intellect and unrivalled knowledge of anything to
do with anything.

I expect anyone who'd wasted five years on this
nonsense would be as pissed-off as wankel - sorry, winkel
when the world doesn't come grovelling to his feet in

Please leave this forum permanently wankel - sorry, winkel.


Quote from: tucktuckster on October 01, 2008, 05:09:25 AM
Well - In my opinion, Herb should be banned from the site.

Winkel has been unwell, which he stated at the outset of the sharing of the system and after winkels post yesterday, Herb clearly demonstrated a complete lack of care for Winkel's health.


Tuck (and other Herb haters)....

Although I totally see where you guys are coming from (Herb can be... direct at times), he can also be very friendly and helpful.  Stop by the chat room some time and ask him about bias wheels and such and he'll give you tons of useful info. 

I'm not picking sides (math or otherwise) but believe there is room for both.  Herb is simply making a point to show that there are flaws in the system being discussed.  Whether they are relevant or not can only be decided by the reader.  If you want to heed his warning, great, if not, great as well.  I value all the info Herb has given me (and gotten a good laugh at times) but I still win consistantly with Victor's Lw methods (another system that Herb has commented on... I think?).  I appriciate everyones comments (well, almost everyones) but calling him out over and over again is just fueling the fire. 




Personally, I'd rather get in the boat with Purple and Alex00.  They are asking questions.  Good ones!

Alex......I see what you mean.  Are you aware there is a Track3 which makes does the addition for you?


I am going to print your post and take a red pen to it.  I asked winkel questions he would/could not answer.  There is nothing wrong with that.  

I'll get back to you.



Mr Chips and tucktuckster

If either of you are suggesting I ban this fellow........first I don't think I can.  Only Victor can do that.  If I banned him, where would I stop?  There are several people on here who use language that simply isn't warranted. 

I'm telling you the answer lies in ignoring people who irritate you.  Some philosopher once said......You can judge a man by the things that annoy him. 

"Ignore" buttons don't work.  Herb's post is ignored and the reader sees all the comments from others about Herb's post and eventually has to go read the darn thing for himself.

Then there is the old, old knowldege.....Feed a cat and it comes back; ignore it and it will leave.  The more time we spend on discussing these naysayers and insulters of good men, the more they will do it.  If we all just let them blow to themselves and do not answer them, they will NOT get what they want--attention--and they will go away.  Eventually!  May take some time.

Let's try it!



Quote from: bjb007 on October 01, 2008, 09:57:49 AM
Nice to see that wankel - sorry, winkel - is
exhibiting his usual modesty and respect for
the forum members.

From his last post....

and when this guy asks for a description in 100
words he is a fool.  And in the next sentence he
says "then I will code it".

Have a look at the original for the emoticon
which accompanied this.  Don't know if it's
available on this forum but it should be removed
if it is.

This vituperative comment is quite uncalled-for
and I ask wankel - sorry, winkel - to withdraw it.

He clearly suffers from some kind of mental problem
and the forum would be a much better place without
him and his crack-pot ramblings.  It seems that
no-one is permitted to question his towering
intellect and unrivalled knowledge of anything to
do with anything.

I expect anyone who'd wasted five years on this
nonsense would be as pissed-off as wankel - sorry, winkel
when the world doesn't come grovelling to his feet in

Please leave this forum permanently wankel - sorry, winkel.

Hi all,

If I would have to choose between a "normal" person that after  37 post pages want the system in 100 words and the person that has a "mental problem", for sure I will choose the person with mental problem. I'm looking that mental problem is 37 pages with generous replies and patient explanation, also 12 or 13 pages with testing proofs in testing zone.

I would like more people in the world with "mental problems" like this and no "normal" people so lazy to read all the posts and so lazy to make own conlcusions for his understanding.

Also Herb is a class of peolple that exists in every gambling forum (in every lenguage, believe me) repeating that mathemathically is impossible to beat a negative gambling game, but never take a paper to probe the ideas or to go to the casino to contrast the theory and the reality. But he is not so dangerous, we have just to pass his repetitive posts. Despite it are some players that know how to win at roullette even when we can not demonstrate it mathemathycally.

Apologize my bad english, it isn't my mother lenguage, however i figth all days to understand all winkel posted and not to be so lazy to hope every thing eated in 100 words.

Bets regards to Winkel and thanks very much for his generousity.



So, let me get this straight.

Your suggesting that I be banned because I disagree with you?
Because I gave you some constructive criticisim?

This sort of reminds me of when they thought the earth has flat.  I'm telling you that it's round.

I viewed Winkel's material, and told you what was wrong.  He called me a few names, so what.
I then posted why the method will fail in an intelligent, lucid, well thought out manner.  I also told you how to use the information correctly.

Relax. ;)




Eeeeess no flat, Mr Faulty?????
No Manuel you idiot! It is not flat(kick)

Lighten up people...


Quote from: TwoCatSam on October 01, 2008, 10:19:19 AM
Personally, I'd rather get in the boat with Purple and Alex00.  They are asking questions.  Good ones!

Alex......I see what you mean.  Are you aware there is a Track3 which makes does the addition for you?

Ok, I made a mistake ... thanks



Sorry, Mr Chips, it was someone else who called for Herb's banning.  

"What should be banned is making derogatory remarks about a person or their system in this section, the latest offender being bjb."

How do we censure a person?  As moderators/administrators we are strictly forbidden to edit out a bad word.  Even correct a spelling.  Even banned from adding a period or a question mark.  We simply delete or leave alone; we do not edit.

I have used bj as an example to Victor in the administrators lounge.  I agree with you, something needs to be done.  But what?

Even this discussion is counterproductive to the idea of winning at roulette.  

I suppose every person who posts a theory/system on this forum should preface it with the caveat:  I know this won't work, but......

In one of my posts Herb said to me, It won't work.  I did not reply.  In one thread Spike is lamenting that no one will argue with him.  

The answer, as far as I'm concerned, is to grow a thick skin, learn to ignore and just continue doing what you are doing.  

Furthermore, consider bricks as compliments.  With rare exceptions, the people hurling them cannot make a single dollar at roulette--never have and never will--and THEY ARE SCARED TO DEATH YOU WILL!!  What they would love most is to convince you to give up!



