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nolinks.LandSharing.org: Free organic food forever

Started by Steve, November 20, 2014, 02:34:43 AM

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My new website at nolinks.landsharing.org is now complete. It's so you can meet people who:

1. Loan you land to grow food, or
2. Grow food on your land and give you a portion for free, or
3. Want to form self-sufficient communities
4. Already have a self-sufficient community and want others to join

Basically it's for people who want to rely less on money to live. Take my word for it. Very soon, food shortages are going to be a major problem in many parts of the world. They already are, but it will become much more common, especially when the financial system collapses. And it is a 100% certainty because the people in power want to crash it before implementing a new money system (otherwise known as the new world order / global government).

So much of their power revolves around restricting food supply. If everyone has unlimited free food, they have far less power. Money is nothing compared to food.

The website is brand new and will be heavily promoted very soon. Even if you don't want to join now, keep it in your bookmarks for later.

Visit nolinks://nolinks.landsharing.org


Quote from: Steve on November 20, 2014, 02:34:43 AM
Very soon, food shortages are going to be a major problem in many parts of the world. They already are, but it will become much more common, especially when the financial system collapses. And it is a 100% certainty because the people in power want to crash it before implementing a new money system (otherwise known as the new world order / global government).

Yep, hang on to your tin foil hats folks!  :sarcastic:

Steve, no offense intended, but where do you get all this conspiracy theory gibberish from?


Quote from: Mike on November 22, 2014, 02:38:22 PM
Yep, hang on to your tin foil hats folks!  :sarcastic:

Steve, no offense intended, but where do you get all this conspiracy theory gibberish from?

If you think Steve is talking conspiracy gibberish than your really not paying attention.  If you look around at the worldand really think for a second the "gibberish" is as clear as day.


There's no arguing with the paranoid, they see what they want to see. Besides, there's big money in conspiracy theories!

Steve has been on about this for years, and not one of his predictions has come to pass. But just you wait and see!  :lol:



I just think its dualism. Steves post and your post are the same in many ways. Nothing ever got done by poo pooing everything.

I believe man landed on the moon, and a nutter shot JFK and Elvis died and isnt a pump monkey in some petrol station  and we are probably the only intelligent life form in our galaxy (at least)....and thats where I am on conspiracy theory, but food shortage is viable. Im not saying I subscribe to Steves intensity, but its a viable concern.


Mike, I'm sorry you are way behind and havent done any research. Let's just leave it at:

You are right. The federal reserve is good. Banks loan you real money of their own. It's not like it is created from nothing. The super-wealthy look after us. Monsanto have our best interests at heart and want there to be an abundant food supply for us all. Earth doesnt have enough land to grow food so people dont starve. We are at maximum capacity. We are so over-populated. And of course, I wear a tin foil hat because I'm a crazy uneducated person.

ps, everything I said would happen IS happening. We "nutters" have been saying it for years. It's not like I'm the only one. The world's debt is getting much, much better  :thumbsup:


.. and Mike, when the financial system implodes, it was just gonna happen anyway, right? And there was nothing that could have been done. I mean borrowing trillions of dollars and loans from the federal reserve and creation of money is just one of those things we cant help. And we really should have a global / central currency. Yeah, that will make it all better.



Food shortages a viable concern? yes, but that's a long way from the Illuminati and The New World Order conspiracy theories, which have no basis in fact. I have no intention of getting into lengthy arguments with anyone over this, for the reason I already mentioned. Those who want to believe it can always twist the facts to suit their interpretation. I do like this quote though:

QuoteIn the parallel universe where the likes of Henry Makow and David Icke hang their hats (and the snakes living therein), they [the Illuminati] not only have continued to exist, but have developed such enormous capacity for secrecy, power, and control that the complete absence of evidence for their existence, power, and control ...proves their existence, power, and control.

Yes, I know, I haven't done the "research". Never mind, since I live out in the sticks, I can always grow my own food, if necessary.  :yahoo:


You said:

Quoteconspiracy theories, which have no basis in fact


QuoteYes, I know, I haven't done the "research"

The problem with those two statements is they dont go together. You say there is no basis, but you havent done research. Again mike I'm sorry but you are way behind.

Where to start? Well if you dont want to know, and arent concerned with the truth, then you will never know. But if you have a genuine interest in the truth, and you dig, you will find it all over the place. Then you wont be able to go back to sleep. It will be too "in your face" and you'll be bewildered.

Just a tiny fraction:

1. Think the date is a coincidence?


2. Here's another "coincidence"... this happened when the towers were being "hit". Plane must hit steel. I mean wtf? You need to understand that these people are so twisted, and arrogant. They know how stupid people are. they know a minority will jump up and down, and the rest will be "yeah like all those conspiracy theorists are nutters".


And they were reading "my pet goat", and the goat is a symbolic animal to them because it is docile and easily led, like "we" are.

3. Did you know the president of the USA was in business with the world's #1 wanted terrorist (specifically the bin Laden family)? Gee, how peculiar. What are the odds.

4. And hey, check out Kennedy's speech:

He wanted to dismantle the CIA (seeing eye A) and the federal reserve. Yes they blew his head off.

5. This is a government logo:

Also on back of $1 bill from the federal reserve, and the federal reserve are not government at all. Just private bankers. Even the $1 bill logo basically translates to "declaring the arrival of the new world order"

The idea is the "illuminated" ones at the top, and the "food chain" is below. All the ignorant ones.

I could go on forever. This is absolutely real. But if you don't research for yourself, you'll never know.

Yes there are a lot of bullshit theories that only discredit the accurate information. Welcome to the internet. It's full of idiots who say things without justification. The elite rely on it. Sort through the bullshit and look at what's actually true.

Keep watching. The debt is going to get worse. There will be a financial collapse. The governments will present to us a shining solution to fix all these problems, which will be the new world order. Whatever they call it is irrelevant. It is a global government and global currency. It is even microchipping us:


Us "conspiracy crackpots" have been going on about this for years.

There is so much more to it. Again if you dont do the research, you stay in the dark, and you'll actually believe the new world order is the solution to all the world's problems.

Most importantly, being scared of all this worsens the problem. And violence is the biggest no-no during this time, because violence gives them greater ability to declare martial law and take control. It's actually what they want. They have a contingency plan where if people rebel against the "front" nwo, they have another more clandestine one to implement. This will help calm all the "conspiracy nutjobs" who will think the illuminati were defeated.

This has so many layers and again I could go on forever about it.

What they have is a house of cards. Once people see it for what it is, they will lose power. They know domination cant be done by military control, because it is too difficult and people wont support it. We can only be perpetually controlled if we allow it, by being deceived. ie free will.

Or, let's just leave it at I'm a paranoid crackpot and have no idea what I'm talking about.



Its what makes humans human. The ability to not "have to" accept things as read...and fair play to you.

I stopped saying "no it isnt" and "what a load of rubbish" in my thirties.

I tend to look at everything and file it under probable and not probable.

I class your list above as not probable, but not rubbish....after all...a few hundred years ago, your argument could be that the earth was round, and "flat earth Turner" files it under not probable.

Always keep an open mind. Its much more interesting.


Quote from: Mike on November 24, 2014, 01:11:58 PM

Food shortages a viable concern? yes, but that's a long way from the Illuminati and The New World Order conspiracy theories, which have no basis in fact. I have no intention of getting into lengthy arguments with anyone over this, for the reason I already mentioned. Those who want to believe it can always twist the facts to suit their interpretation. I do like this quote though:

Yes, I know, I haven't done the "research". Never mind, since I live out in the sticks, I can always grow my own food, if necessary.  :yahoo:
Fair comment Mike, I have a view, and it probably same as yours...but I tend not to let myself appear that way. I keep those views in my head, That way, I can talk to both sides. No need to make a following form a nice orderly line behind me. I'm no Messiah.


It is going to be extremely difficult for me to frame this post without explanation and not have it either come-off as a:  elect Steve for President or in the alternative:  a big time" flame "on Steve for embracing what amounts to a very noble cause...but I have always felt that nothing is stronger than the truth' so here goes: Virtually 100% of what he purports in his foregoing posts IS the unvanished truth (except those portions where he goes off on one of his predictable rants when someone disagrees with him, but hey, it frustrates me at times when people refuse to accept the obvious), and the powers that be have Thinks Tanks designng ways to explain things away so you can sleep at night.  I'll spare the log-winded examples, suffice to say: to think otherwise demonstrates a genuine and urgent need to STOP taking he Evening News at face value, hop off the sofa and get out of the house more! And I'm not saying that in an inflammatory way, but rather with a sense of pity and wonder at what it might take to open your eyes Many have watched this for years, for my part; years ago I vowed to myself when I started making a little money gambling that I would own 3 homes at varied locations around the world - and my firsrt choice was and acreage with a live Spring (my own Walden Pond), far removed from polluting factories & miltary installations of strategic interest - I'm not a doomsday-dummy, but this girl grew up on a farm = wasn't hard to recognize the value. Enough said.
Now comes the bad: Though I have been a "fan" (for lack of a better term) of Steves' from afar for years (I read these forums, etc. for years before I ever joined one and only made my first post a month or so ago after I retired from Roulette)but I am afaid that he is going to find increasing the accuracy of wheel outcomes to be a walk in the park compared to making this "land/food share" thing succeed in any meaningful sort of way....I hope he proves me wrong, truly. But many of the things he so carefully reasearched, coupled with alot of social & psychologicals factors having to do with the way people in our society have been wired to think will ultimately lead to a failure. This has all been tried before under different titles around the world with minimal postive outcome; a few religious groups, that sort of thing.The Hare Krishnas still have a few farms in the USA and of course St. Francis has to be everbodies favorite Gardener even if you're an agnostic, a few food cooperatives & heirloom seed exchanges, but that's about it.  Here in the U.S. the Farmer's Market's are waining where the small grower could sell or barter his extra produce on Sat**day Morning - selling uninspected goods, no certified scales, State or County/City demands sales tax be cllloected, etc.,etc. The Mother Earth issue#1 published many, many years ago for people heading back to the land or get off the grid ,used to have the want-ad section, free for people wanting to network to do this same thing - now, it is about the only mag of that type that has survived, but all of the ads mostly want to sell you a John Deere Tractor.......blah, blah, God Speed, Prove me wrong Steve, Please, Please make us proud!!


1. On the surface, it may all seem improbable. But further research reveals:

a. It appears to be fact.

b. Perhaps it's not so improbable that a group of super-wealthy bankers want to secretly control the world. Perhaps it's likely this would happen. Actually they already have control of the world, through finances. Now what they are trying to do is make their empire more secure. Perhaps it is gullible to think it wouldn't happen.

I know how strange some of it looks on the surface. Believe me there are some very strange and "improbable" people around, and they are more common than you'd think. Take child molestors for example. Who would have thought such sickness could exist, but its common.

If you thoroughly research it all, it's very hard for a reasonable mind to NOT see there's ample evidence that super-wealthy families and secret societies are working together to further secure their power, and they've been doing it for a very long time. Again there are a lot of surrounding theories, like aliens and forget that stuff. Stick with what you know and can prove. I'm talking about the banking system and super-wealthy.

Where do I get the relevant facts? The policies that are being pushed by companies like Monsanto. The banking system, and how money is created and controlled. These arent theory. They are fact.

2. Bear, I'm well aware most people wouldnt have an interest in landsharing.org. It isn't for the majority. It is for the minority who see value in growing their own food, and living a more sustainable life. Am I expecting it to be a massive success with hundreds of thousands of people growing their own food? No. It is my intention to provide the site as a resource and meeting for the people who ARE interested. It is unfortunate reality that many of the world would rather loot and steal to survive than grow their own food. But as people's awareness grows, and food and living becomes more expensive, more people will look at alternate lifestyles, or even just ways to reduce grocery bills.

Even if it helps just a few thousand people, I'm happy with this. This is a very conservative goal because I'm an experienced in this kind of thing and have the resources to promote it.

There are a few similar programs, but they are poorly promoted. Some of them have tens of thousands of participants. I'd call that pretty successful but I'm sure in the space of 1-3 years, landsharing.org will do even better.


You know Steve, who is looking for something always finds) If you are looking for the facts you need, you will find them for sure... Everyoe lives in their own little world, that's a true fact, we just need to try not bother each other :nono:

