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Testing G.U.T

Started by winkel, September 04, 2008, 04:10:41 PM

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Good work, Shorty!

Keep those + signs coming!



I made my first test. Just I want to estimate the time to reach the +100 unit with 1 unit/number.

It was about 2 hour and 150 spins. I had two bigger down (-40 unit), but it recover slowly.

I played only the 0x, 1x, and >1x because I'm a begginner GUT-tester. But I tried to follow the binomial distibution too.
Play for 50 spin, step back 18 if I win more than 40.

My obsevation is: it can be recover my loss if I have patience and time to continue playing.



My test yielded +278 units after 73 spins! And this is only flat betting. NOT ONCE has there ever been a system Ive played that could get this profit in this number of spins - even with a progression.

Winkel, if you do read this; Thank you. Your method is great and I do believe it DOES deserve its Holy Grail name. Sad to see you leave but I wouldn't blame you with how you were treated.


Advantage Player

Hopefully winkel is looking in a guest and he will read those words. 

To help me and anyone else, would you comment a little on how you play the crossings?  For instance, I see most crossings after spin 15 on 0 v 1 or 0 v(1+>1) and around 12 on 1 v 2.  What's your experience?



Ill explain it when I get some time (later today) because I have to goto to class soon (college)


Took a big hit yesterday. I would have played around 300 spins for the day.

Ended up down 113 units.

Total for the week: +140.

I will start a new table now as it's a new month, and just post daily profits/losses.


Ok Ill see how I go for time but I may need to stop half way through and come back and edit my post.

Use hte latest GUT tracker (the one with the 0, >0, 1, >1, 2, >2, etc columns).

Tracker your numbers as they appear and look for a crossing as explained below.

First off, the order of priority of the crossings are from left to right (decreasing). So play the left most crossing. However after around 60 spins start to make the groups (wether it is 0, 1, 2 or 3) with the most numbers in it the priority groups as it contains more numbers = easier to win on.

Now the crossings.

These are the MAJOR columns; 0, 1, 2 and 3.

And these are the MINOR columns. >0, >1, >2 and >3.

They are arranged as this in the tracker - 0  >0  1  >1  2  >2  3  >3

NOW possible crossings are up to a maximum of 3 columns right from a major column. (Hint >0 = 1 + >1 and >1 = 2 + >2, etc so thats why I use this version - so I dont have to add this up and make mistakes).

Example: possible crossings for the 0 group/column are between 0 and >0, 0 and 1 or 0 and >1. Possible crossings for the 1 group/column are between 1 and >1, 1 and 2 or 1 and >2. Get the picture, move up to a max of 3 columns right of a major column for crossings.

I hope this explains it well but I may have to be a Winkel and explain this 100's of times to other members lol.


I'm ready to throw this one away, lost everything down to my starting BR over the last 2 days. It does have potential and works great but I just hit a huge losing streak, even played on different tables.

Oh well, onto the next one.



I am sorry to to hear that, but I think you for posting.




i am testing a variation on this tonight.

i have built up a spreadsheet and basically option 1 (original idea) was to play numbers that flashed as a crossing for 0 and for 1 assuming all stings of numbers tracked taking last 25 to last 55 numbers as start point. ie - last 25 numbers, is there a crossing. last 26 is there a crossing. last 27 is there a crossing and so on. where there were crossings on 0 and on 1 - i would bet the ones that appeared on both. It doesnt win.

option 2 = bet the ones that flash more than 5 times in these scenarios.

test number 1 = +21 in 50 spins.

then i thought what about bet the ones that appeared 66% of time since sometimes there were just 4 crosses in all so the 5+ couldnt work. call this option 3.

next 50 spins

option 2 = +64
option 3 = +62
option 1 as fyi = -9

option 1 on previous 50 was -13.

Now while option 1 looks a dud, you average around 4 to 6 numbers. So a simple progression would make this a winner. It seems to blow hot and cold and if you had 2 winners you would walk since a string of losers would happen......

option 2 & 3 get killed when you get a hot number that is >1 hit say 2 or 3 times in a row. So in last test, option 3 actually lost -51 in the last 4 spins. next trial or trial 1 of next 50 it wins 22.

I'll continue to test as long as positive. I'll post results if anyone interested.


Hi tucktuckster,

as you remember: I posted a picture of my spreadsheet where I explained I do exactly this you describe here.

This is just to proof:
1. every posiible selection-method of this is tested
2. if you ´ve learned the basics you are able to find the higher educated ways to bet by yourself, because it teaches you to watch "what´s going on"

please remeber that I said from the beginning: This is not a strategy you win every session you start, but over all you will stay winning. you just have to accept that there are situations you donn´t win.



i do remember.

can u give me any more advanced pointers....

i seem to be finding that watching around the 25th spin mark is a good indicator, as is the 50+.

so when the 25th spin is showing 0 at <19, then the 0 crossings around the 30th spin seem to do well.

likewise when the 1's are low, it seems to be them that are hitting. there seem to be cycles. a lot of 0 crossings hit when they are slightly ahead. then when the 0's are very low around the 50 spin mark the 0's tend to correct and be high at 25 spin mark and they dont hit often.

i like the one that adds up the instances of a number and the number of crossings it is involved with. Its almost as if - you have 30 sequences. If there are 10 possible crossings and a number is in 8 of them - then its logical this has a good chance of hitting?



"They are arranged as this in the tracker - 0  >0  1  >1  2  >2  3  >3"

Strange.  Last time I looked >1 included 2,3,4....>2,3 and > 3.

So how does one tell  whether 3 is a >1 or a >2?

Totally new mathematical concept.


[highlight]So how does one tell  whether 3 is a >1 or a >2?

In the math both expression are true

3 > 1 and
3 > 2

look at Boul Rules



Hi all, time for one more example of playing
winkel's system.
Grab your track3 software and follow along.
Numbers are from Spielbank Wiesbaden, 10-10-2007.

5  <--- 19v18, don't play because it's merely 50/50 chance
4    (there's no magic in simply waiting for 19 unhit numbers then betting them)
2  <--- 0 vs 1, 16v14, crossing coming up...
16 <---  15v15, bet all numbers in 0: row
7  <--- dang missed, try one more time
21 <--- missed again
18 <--- 0 vs >1, 11v10, bet all numbers in 0: row
3  <--- 10v10, 3's a winner
3  <--- 1 vs >1, 15v14, trigger to bet all in 1: row
20 <--- dang missed, 15v14 became 16v14, trigger hasn't crossed yet...
28 <--- 2 vs >2 are starting to approach each other...
17 <--- 2 vs >2, 7v7, time to bet all numbers in 2: row
13 <--- 6v8, a winner!
0  <--- 1 vs >1, 15v15, there's the trigger that didn't cross... bet all 1: row
29 <--- now it pays off!

Almost all useable crossings have been played out once, and it's been about 50 - 60 spins,
so it's time to backtrack.

