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Can We Learn *NOT* To Bet

Started by Lohnro, February 05, 2008, 09:47:33 PM

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Do we have the ability to Learn NOT to bet?

What i mean is this:

Just say we have a rigid system, and our trigger to bet is LLw. So we place our bet. But obvously we will lose some and win some.

Can we LEARN what LLw is a good pattern, and what LLw is a bad pattern?

If we can get it right more time than we should, will we have an advantage?

Maybe by looking at a wider range of spins?

Maybe this can only come from experience?

IS this something we can learn?


QuoteDo we have the ability to Learn NOT to bet?

I know my brain tells me not to bet when:
- Wins are not usually concatenated for current session, but losses are.
- Hit ratio is clearly below the expected, including when trying dispersion-surfing techniques.
- And most important: The current tram is negative (I guess in the end I'm conditioned to see this game only as streaks joined by choppy times  ;))


Nathan Detroit

When I am playing my sytem of 22 numbers which is  comprised of 13  Blacks  and 9 Reds and as long the Blacks are hitting even the ones not  included I don`t worry  as long as they don`t happen 3 times in a row.

But at the same time I might  consider betting the  Black EC ( in the up and pull mode)in addition  to those  13 numbers.

But if any of the selected  9 Reds are showing and winning my guard goes up. This  could mean that the table  is  going into the "RED" mode and it`s  time to bail out sooner or later.

Nathan Detroit


Quote from: Lohnro on February 05, 2008, 09:47:33 PM
Do we have the ability to Learn NOT to bet?


Somehow I have missed this post since February of 08.  Speaking from the podium of "wrong betting", I can state with a reasonable measure of accuracy that if I had NOT bet those silly bets in the months since you posted this, I would be comfortably ahead.  This is my downfall and I have recognized it.

How many of you have this problem?  You get an idea.  You watch the wheel a few spins and the idea is producing like a slot machine--paying out, of course!  You jump right in with your bets and the next thing you know, you're wiped out.  Happens to me all the time.  It is the new ideas or the "tweaks" on an old idea that always do me in--very rarely the system I'm playing.

Dostoevsky wrote a book--what? a hundred years ago or more?--in which he loosely stated:  If I could stick to my system, I could win, but I make other bets...........  Oddly enough it was called THE GAMBLER and is a terrible read!

So, do he and I have the same illusion?  Or is there a bit of truth to what he/I think(s)?  I really thought the Super Roulette Bot would eliminate this problem, but it can be paused just before the spin so the player can screw up royally.  Hmmmmmmm  A time-lock vault?  A pit bull on a chain?  A wife with a rolling pin? 



this was  hardest thing to  do  for me i did learn but hardly ,bad bettor  habitt i was ha=ve  it  now  i do  not have any  problem but  yar back hmhmhm it was and  losses  was  a hell painfull)))) it  is gone never ever again im happy  from that quiet well it  fills my  wallet:)not massivelly  but  more  filling  then spending


Thanks for bringing this back up fellas, I was only thinking about this the other day!

Just say, as in my post 18 months ago  :o , we are using LLw as a trigger, and we find these 2 patterns:


Even though these 2 patterns have produced the same "trigger", who is to say pattern 1 is the start of many L's and pattern 2 is the end of the L's? Even though it looks the other way around!


Quote from: Nathan Detroit on September 19, 2009, 02:00:04 PMWhen I am playing my sytem of 22 numbers which is  comprised of 13  Blacks  and 9 Reds and as long the Blacks are hitting even the ones not  included I don`t worry  as long as they don`t happen 3 times in a row.
Hey ND,

Are you betting these number individually, or some combination of outside bets?

Quote from: TwoCatSam on September 19, 2009, 02:39:05 PM

Somehow I have missed this post since February of 08.  Speaking from the podium of "wrong betting", I can state with a reasonable measure of accuracy that if I had NOT bet those silly bets in the months since you posted this, I would be comfortably ahead.  This is my downfall and I have recognized it.

How many of you have this problem?  You get an idea.  You watch the wheel a few spins and the idea is producing like a slot machine--paying out, of course!  You jump right in with your bets and the next thing you know, you're wiped out.  Happens to me all the time.  It is the new ideas or the "tweaks" on an old idea that always do me in--very rarely the system I'm playing.

Dostoevsky wrote a book--what? a hundred years ago or more?--in which he loosely stated:  If I could stick to my system, I could win, but I make other bets...........  Oddly enough it was called THE GAMBLER and is a terrible read!

So, do he and I have the same illusion?  Or is there a bit of truth to what he/I think(s)?  I really thought the Super Roulette Bot would eliminate this problem, but it can be paused just before the spin so the player can screw up royally.  Hmmmmmmm  A time-lock vault?  A pit bull on a chain?  A wife with a rolling pin?  

I had this problem Sam.....in a big way.

Years ago when I was a novice punter, I use to fund my TAB account nearly weekly trying to bet horses according to the form. I developed some skills (without me knowing it) watching the market prices of horses and began to win betting like that. But I still continued betting my old way as well. So the situation arose where I did not have to fund my TAB account for nearly a year. I thought I was going well, but it was not until the penny dropped (after 1yr :o )that I realised that if I only bet using the market, and totally gave away the idea of betting to the horses form, I would win....................guess what, I did and I am!

So, the moral of the story I believe is this: If you really, and I mean really want to win money, you will drop the bad habbits, but if this is just a hobby to you, well............


Amen Lohnro,

I have just realized this recently, you have to treat your gambling just like a business, make a plan and stick to it 100%, habits have no place in it.


Quote from: Lohnro on September 20, 2009, 10:51:51 PM
So, the moral of the story I believe is this: If you really, and I mean really want to win money, you will drop the bad habbits, but if this is just a hobby to you, well............

True enough Lohnro.

I believe Victor mentioned something a bit similar once, about how playing for a living unconsciously forces you to play more carefully and put all your efforts in making the right decisions and stick to your plan.

I believe that's true. It's our survival instinct.

Not that I encourage anyone to gamble for a living, far from it.


Well if you have a winning gambling method and a plan, can you really call what you are doing 'gambling' anymore?



Very good advice.  Thank you.  This is rather personal, but in my life I spend very little money.  Even for necessities like clothing.  I just don't have the urge to spend, other than for food.  I think I reach the point where I say, "Hell, man, you don't spend as much gambling as Joe does on green fees and balls.  Throw caution to the wind and live it up."  Then, after I loose, I remember the plan was to win--even if in tiny amounts--and I have blown it.

Also, if my wife says, "Why don't you up your bet?", that phrase rattles around in my empty head for days.  Raise your bet!  Raise your bet!  I do it an I loose.  And I show my grandson what I'm doing and he says, "You never loose!"  Guess what rattles around then!  I'm ten feet tall and bullet proof!  Yeah, I wish!


I think a very few people can truly "invest".  I hope you're one of them.  Lonhro invests in horses.  Spike invests in even money bets.  What are you now, poker or baccarat? 




I think a very few people can truly "invest".  I hope you're one of them.  Lonhro invests in horses.  Spike invests in even money bets.  What are you now, poker or baccarat? 


Oh Oh here We go....

If He says what I think he is going to say.....this could be the biggest surprise on this Forum since 2006.



Quote from: Lanky on September 21, 2009, 09:19:20 PM
Oh Oh here We go....

If He says what I think he is going to say.....this could be the biggest surprise on this Forum since 2006.


hahahaha, no comment.


Only joking,  I will always play poker, I really enjoy the game, I enjoy winning and I also enjoy the social aspect of the game.

As for other casino games I am only interested in trying to extract money from them, I pretty much get very little enjoyment from playing them.



Aw, geez, Lanky........

I'll not sleep well tonight tryin' to read yer mind!  What?  Porn?  Tax free cigarettes? Teleprompters for Obama? 

Where do you think the man is investing?


