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my single street system

Started by hammy, September 15, 2008, 06:14:34 PM

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Quote from: hammy on August 12, 2009, 10:55:05 AM
Hi guys and gals,
Good to see the forum back !    :pleasantry:

Sorry about your luck, I can't explain it.    :scratch_ones_head:
All I can do is explain my system and my actual results I get from it.
Yes, I use it online with RGN but to me that should be a disadvantage, it should work better with live wheel ?
You should use the full 3 steps for each session because the repeating streets do hit alot of times.

hammy    :thumbsup:

Hi hammy! thanks for the prompt answer.  I didn't write numbers down, my bad, will make sure to post them next time.  I'll test it virtually for a few days, both on Dublin Bet and Amusement City ( both Dublin based, and gambling is not even supposed to be legal in Ireland, the land of loopholes!)  and get back.  

Mr J

"All is random" Only it isn't." >>> Well, I will say that EACH spin on its own is random. In my OPINION however, a group of those "random" numbers is the basis on which to use/create a method.  Ken


Quote from: hammy on August 12, 2009, 10:55:05 AM
Hi guys and gals,
Good to see the forum back !    :pleasantry:

Sorry about your luck, I can't explain it.     :scratch_ones_head:
All I can do is explain my system and my actual results I get from it.  
Yes, I use it online with RGN but to me that should be a disadvantage, it should work better with live wheel ?
You should use the full 3 steps for each session because the repeating streets do hit alot of times.  

hammy    :thumbsup:

I'll give it another shot tomorrow.   But come think of it, it should not be so surprising that, covering 18 numbers, and regardless of previous spins, none show up in the next 5 spins.   We're talking 18 numbers here, not 25 or 30.   All you need is a number to come up three times in a row, and that's 3/5th of the progression blown off.   That's why I suspect there something about the pseudo random number generation algorithm that plays to this system's advantage.   Nevertheless I'll try it some more.   Plain bad luck cannot be excluded.  


Just tested it with kewl results and some high risk progressions.  I don't know how to make a table as I can't figure out the functions but here I go =/

The numbers mean the number of bets placed before hitting.

Session   Bet1   Bet2   Bet3
1   2   1   1   +18
2   2   1   2   +18
3   2   1   2   +18
4   2   1   1   +18
5   1   4   1   +18
6   3   3   2   +18

Profit of +108 units and the largest dragdown was of -90 units at S5, B2...kinda a scary progression...

Will keep testing later with goals of +100 units and stop loss of -100 units.


nice one J_G !

What casino were you testing at, what type of wheel ?

cheers !   :thumbsup:


Thx hammy, I'm still testing at Casino del Rio, playtech, european roulette (aka roulette pro), RNG.

More results:

7   1   1   2   +18
8   2   5L      -180
9   2   2   3   +18   
10   1   1   2   +18
11   1   1   1   +18
12   2   1   3   +18   -90

13   1   1   1   +18
14   1   1   2   +18
15   4   2   1   +18
16   2   2   1   +18
17   1   3   1   +18
18   1   2   1   +18   +108

19   1   1   1   +18
20   1   1   1   +18
21   1   1   1   +18
22   1   1   3   +18
23   5   6   1   +18   
24   1   2   1   +18   +108

You can note that in session 23 I could've reported a loss, but decided to keep going and won at the 6th progression betting 378 units.  Like I said, kinda scary progression :s

Btw, did you read my PM hammy? :)


Hi J_G,

Yes, you had a couple of scary sessions, I wouldn't recommend going past 5th progression , take the loss, you will recover it with this system.
Still you won 22 of 24 games, you will do even better than that, I have gone over 50 games without a loss.

good luck !   :thumbsup:


Hammy.....hows your system going on.....are u winning?


Quote from: VICLIMKS on August 24, 2009, 01:26:13 PM
Hammy.....hows your system going on.....are u winning?

I don't play roulette much anymore, however whenever I play I use this system because it wins. It's not very exciting, you have to track the streets, BUT IT WINS !!
You are welcome to use it, good luck !   :thumbsup:


Quote from: Just_Gabe on August 15, 2009, 02:50:24 PM
Just tested it with kewl results and some high risk progressions.  I don't know how to make a table as I can't figure out the functions but here I go =/

The numbers mean the number of bets placed before hitting.

Session   Bet1   Bet2   Bet3
1   2   1   1   +18
2   2   1   2   +18
3   2   1   2   +18
4   2   1   1   +18
5   1   4   1   +18
6   3   3   2   +18

Profit of +108 units and the largest dragdown was of -90 units at S5, B2...kinda a scary progression...

Will keep testing later with goals of +100 units and stop loss of -100 units.

This doesn't have to do with this thread as a whole, I just wanted to let Gabe in on the secret of how to make a chart.

I remember the day I learned how to do it...I spent about 20 minutes trying to figure it out.

You simply seperate each input that goes into the chart with a common seperator (a comma, a space, a period, the number 8, whatever)

For example, your chart above would look like this if I used a comma as the common seperating value:

session, bet1, bet2, bet3

and so on...

Then, you highlight the data you want in the chart and the click on "insert table"  (it is the sixth button to the right on the second row of buttons.  It looks like a blank Tic-Tac-Toe chart)

Then, you'll see "[ table ]" at the beginning of the highlighted data and [/table] at the end.

You then simply put =(insert seperating value here) after table, like this:

"[ table=, ]" (remove the spaces) There is a comma after the = sign because that was the seperating value I used while making my "chart of data".

When you submit your message, you'll end up with this:

[table=,]session, bet1, bet2, bet3


Hammy,your total units izit 228units n will it win in long term? :)


Hey guys, this is not rocket science ! Let's not make something simple into difficult .. :whistle:

The progression is 1,2,4,8,16 on 6 single streets.
The profit is +6 on every hit.
The total risk is 186 units.

You will play 3 games in each session and win 18 units.

That's it !... :dance1:


Hi All

I am pretty new to this forum so please bear with me. 

Hammy I would love to give this system a try but am still coming to terms with the terminolgy.  Is a "ss" a line of three numbers ie.  1,2,3 or 34,35,36 etc. .
If so when you say you are looking for 6xss are you looking/waiting for 6 individual lines that have not come up in x amount of spins or is it the opposite, looking for the lines that have.  Then over how many spins do you determine which ever it is.

I downloaded the magic strrets programme from the memebers forum, but unless you understand the basics of ss's I am not sure what I am looking at.

Not really a dummy but just need a few pointers.



this   is   no   good   system  sori   hampy  i lose  2 shirts   here   :angry2:


Ok DOC,  yes a single street (ss) is on the roulette table layout as 1,2,3 or 34,35,36 or 7,8,9 three numbers together in a row. You bet on a ss by laying your chip beside the row.

You track these ss's that have hit until there are 6 ss's that HAVE NOT hit.

Start progression betting on these 6 ss. that have not hit. , etc. as per my latest post of revised system.

hope you understand now ?

good luck   :good:

