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my single street system

Started by hammy, September 15, 2008, 06:14:34 PM

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Hi guys , sorry to be away so long. I've been away from roulette for awhile playng the horses and doing quite well actually. But 2 weeks ago I was playing around with roulette and a single street system that wins almost every time, I don't know why but it does. You have probably seen similar systems but maybe not exactly the way I play it, here goes !

1. Start tracking hits to a single street (ss) until there are 5 ss's  that have not had a hit. Bet on these 5 ss with progression 1,2,4,7,12,20 (230 units) you will usually get a hit before the 3rd bet. Average win is 10 units.

2. Now bet on the 4 remaining ss that have not had a hit with progression 1,2,3,5,7,11,16 (180 units) again you will get a hit very quickly. Average win is 12 units, total 22 units so far.

3. Now bet on the remaining 3 ss that have not had a hit with progression 2,3,4,5,7,9,12,16,22 (240 units) average win is 20 units, total 42 units.

4. Stop ! If you want you can start a new session by tracking again from the beginning.

As you are well aware, a ss can sleep a long time but not 3 ss, so I think that is why this works almost every time. In 2 weeks, I have seen it fail once out of about 44 sessions, so it makes serious profits. This made me think of you guys here in the forum so I came to post this for you all to try. BTW, it even works with RGN online casinos which is what I usually play. Have fun and GOOD LUCK !!

cheers !



Thanks for that!  We have another "hammy" floating around so don't bump heads!  May I ask what Casino you  play this on RNG?



Early results look good.  Of course it's still early.  I don't like the big progression/loses, but it's hitting a fair bit (but I think that's expected).
If this keeps up, I'll post in the testing section.

Thanks hammy.


Yes, seems promising.
I'll keep on testing...


Anyone trying this system might find my
"Magic Streets" programme helpful.

Available in the "Members Download" section.


thanks guys !

like I said, I'm not sure why it works so well, I know the progressions are scary but they don't seem to go very far without a hit.

Hi Sam !

hey this is the original "hammy"  ...LOL , not sure about the other one ?
The online casino I use is Roxy Palace, microgamming software. Not sure if Americans are accepted ? I am from Canada.

cheers !


Hi Hammy,  ;)

Do Roxy Palace have a "live" wheel as well as RNG pls???

Many thanks & good luck with this system...... 8)



ahhhh my namesake!!! gd day to u mate :p

"Hammy" too


Hi hammy nice to see you around! How is doing the single dozen system, you know the 4 not repeating with the killing progression?
If we make some money on the streets we buy you a new saddle, but horse you have to buy by yourself, they are expensive. I think I tested it long time ago and it works better until the 4 streets. To chase the last 3 could be dangerous adventure but 5 and 4 are secure. You must lost mainly on the 3 streets? Could you start even higher e.g. from 6 streets?


any recommended exit pt? BR ? profit aim?

Hammy* mach 2 :D


ooo Hammy i have a question. For 5 ss if u get a hit on the last step, its an overall loss? of 10 units? Pardon my math ... not too good at it



hi hammy 2 !
no, I believe the math is correct on all the progressions for a profit on any hit.
exit point is after step 3 or any lost progression.

no, I don't believe Roxy Palace has a live wheel, at least I haven't seen one there.

you can stop after step 2 if you are afraid of progression on only 3 ss, butyour profits will be much smaller and I don't find step 3 a problem. You should test it first before putting real money down. good luck !


Thx for getting back 2 me Hammy 1  ;)


hammy ol' bean

Maybe my math is funny but as of the 4th bet in the progression in step 1, losses are 130units in total correct?( assuming 1 unit = 5)


Bet,   Win,    Win-Bet,  Total   


On a win on the 20 unit step, im assuming a win of 220units?(220-100= 120). Isn't that a loss of 10 Overall? I'm confused. Anyone?

Hammy jr


Hey hamsup...

progression as hammy put it:
1,2,4,7,12,20 (so 5,10,20,36,60,100)

-5,-10 (-15 overall),-20 (-35),-35 (-70),-60 (-130),-100 (-230)
7,14 (+9 overall), 28 (+13),49 (+14), 85 (+15), 140 (+10)

Looks good to me.


