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my single street system

Started by hammy, September 15, 2008, 06:14:34 PM

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Quote from: hermes on September 22, 2008, 06:43:09 PM
That's my prognosis, the 3 streets can by long term sleepers. Why not to start with 6 and finish with 4 streets left?
whats the progression needed for 6 ss???can u pls.show me......still new in roullette..thanks


Progression for 6 streets would be based on Martingale. Doubleing, anything less won't leave you in profit.

I have been testing the 6 streets method only, retrack after one of them hit, progression has been 1,2,4,8,16,32,64.
It has not gone past 64 yet, but it still early days.

I have asked the good gents @ RX to code it for me, but am still waiting for it, Unless anybody here can help out...


Quote from: hammy on September 22, 2008, 11:54:27 PM

Thanks for your testing !
Please tell us how many winning sessions you get for every losing one and where you are getting your numbers that you are basing your testing. Your results seem to be very much different than what I am getting with real money sessions.


Hey Hammy,
My numbers came from DB and from Weisban files.  I don't have an exact count for how many winning vs. losing sessions, but the loses were too much for the wins to handle.  I even tried just betting the 1st and 2nd step, which was better overall, but still negative (in terms of balance).



ok, thanks mattymattz !

your results tell me this system is not acceptable over the long run, I am working on a safer alternative that won't earn as high profits but it must safeguard against losing our bankroll with a bad run.

I will get back to you all !



I have revised my "single street system".
It will only involve betting on 6 ss or 5 ss throughout the session.

The betting progression for 6ss is: 1,2,5,10,20 for profit of +6,6,12,12,12
Bankroll needed is 228 units.

The betting progression for 5ss is: 1,2,4,7,12,20 for profit of +7,9,13,14,14,10
Bankroll needed is 230 units.

Step 1.  Track ss hits until there are 6 ss that have not hit.

Step 2.  Bet on those 6 ss that have not hit with progression above.

Step 3.  Now bet on the 5 ss that have not hit with progression above.

Step 4.  Now bet on the 4 ss that have not hit PLUS the ss with the most hits so far with the 5 ss progression above. If there are 2 ss that are tied for the most hits bet both with the 6 ss progression.

Step 5.  Now if the ss hit was one that had no hits bet on the other 3 ss that have not hit plus the 2 ss with the most hits with the 5ss progression. If the ss hit was one of the most hit ss then bet again with the same 5 ss progression. If there are 3 ss with the most hits, bet all 3 ss plus the 3 ss with no hits with the 6 ss progression.

Step 6. Stop !!  you have made a nice profit. If you want to play another session, start over again tracking new ss until you have 6 ss with no hits and go to step 2. Good luck !

BTW,  I have played 5 real money sessions at Roxy Palace to test this revised system and made profits of $37, $35, $37, $29, and $37. Each session only took about 7 minutes and less than 20 spins. I like the concept of using ss that have hit the most because you will find there is definitely a pattern of hot ss that hit in a short span, we may as well take advantage of this.




That's the way to post rules!!  Leaves no wiggle room. 

Wish I had time to try it, but I will copy it to my "systems to test" file!



thanks hammy - I'll be sure to give this version a go!



"Five Streets v1.0" in the Members Downloads
section will help play this system.

Pic and details in my "Common Sense" section.


Hammy, you said "If there are 2 ss that are tied for the most hits bet both with the 6 ss progression".
What about if there're more then 2 ss (ex. 4) that are tied?


Hi iceberg1912,

That is not likely to happen with just a few spins at this point but if say 3 ss have 2 hits each, pick the 2 ss that have hit most recently. So whenever there is a tie, pick the most recent ss hits.

BTW, I played 3 more real money sessions with the new revision system and made profits of $38, $36, $33, an easy $107 in about 25 minutes of play at online casino.

I will post back if and when I get a losing session, hopefully not for awhile  :)


Thanks hammy for the updated rules!!


I just tested 4 trials and I won on all of them, made about $120.  I went as high as the 4th progression.



well done !
yes, it is normal to get the 4th progression once in awhile, but mostly the hits are before that.

may I ask where your 4 trials were played ?

thanks !


Quote from: hammy on September 24, 2008, 03:31:01 PM

well done !
yes, it is normal to get the 4th progression once in awhile, but mostly the hits are before that.

may I ask where your 4 trials were played ?

thanks !

BoDog casino, practice money


Quote from: TwoCatSam on September 23, 2008, 08:29:46 PM

That's the way to post rules!!  Leaves no wiggle room. 

Wish I had time to try it, but I will copy it to my "systems to test" file!


Don't worry buddy - I'm on it!

First test:
Total Spins: 249 (I tested the entire spin collection, even though I wouldn't play like this.  But I get a better picture overall this way)
Sessions played: 18 (see table below for a breakdown).  Please note that "W-S2" means "Win - Step 2"... "W-S4" would mean Win - Step 4... so you know what step in won on.  Also, for the 4Street Bet, "W-S3(5)" means "Win - Step 3 (Bet 5 lines) as we have the option to bet 5 lines or 6, depending on the hot streets and how many there are.  (Also - I only look over the past 18 spins in determining the hottest street(s).)

Session,6-Street,5-Street,4-Street +,End Profit,Overall

I was impressed on how it rebounded nicely.  If this keeps up, I would easily consider playing with a stop loss of 2 or 3 losses, and looking for 50 to 100 units profit.

I'll keep you posted.  Cheers Hammy.


PS - Have I mentioned how much I love these tables?? [smiley=3D-Smil/36_1_27.gif]

