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Started by JHM, November 28, 2008, 01:47:41 PM

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New Ken


Hi Guys.

@New Ken  EC's= Even Chances Mate

I was looking on our old Forum This Morning and came across this post by VICTOR.

I will put the Link at the bottom of this post as well so You guys can read more about it and see Graphs as well.

This may help in the Quest to find the Bet or at least spark something.


Like I said, this is a 4-location playing:

2 Columns + 2 Dozens

Selection criteria I have used in my testing:

- Double Jump:
Meaning both the dozen and the column are different from previous spin. (They both "Jumped" from the dozen/column).

- Double Stay:
Meaning both the dozen and the column got a it at ANY of the last two dozens.


When playing these 4 locations, you can have the possible outcomes:

Win +2 units by a hit on a covered column + a covered dozen (double hit).

Lose -1 unit by a hit on only 1 location.

Lose -4 by zero or a miss on both.


The gaming uses Virtual Play a lot, and to some extent human factor (a few).

I like to enter after a win. A positive tram starts with a win.

After a lose = Virtual Play.


So the basic play I did was this:

- Start in virtual play mode.

- After a double-jump, enter betting for the CONTINUATION of the double jump event. On a lose = Back to Virtual Play.
- After a double-stay, enter betting last two dozens + last two columns. On a lose = Back to virtual play.

Usually it gets to win little and lose little, except for the -4 loss. Most common in my testing is to fall slowly by -1's.

When to rise?

Simple: when you are below you previous highest amount and have got a DOUBLE hit (a win on both a dozen and a column).

Only raising +1 per successful double-hit. Decrementing -1 on a single location hit, and making a FULL reset after a loss at the 4 locations.

More to come, including a test with actuals & graphs. Yes. PTC has made some nice upward-trending charts...


New Ken

my brain left 4 the weekend---EC= even chances ::)

Lanky, JHM, i know you guys are really trying.   Charles says he plays every spin in a session...?


Hi Lanky, how are you cobber? Thanks for sharing mate.


I'm not sure, but I think he does.

Right now I'm working with 4 double streets. Still don't know how bets will be placed. But sofar this looks promising. Find a table where 4 streets are dominant in 6-8 last spins and bet that 4 double streets.

New Ken

Plan to spend the weekend (if I can) looking anew at table movements. That's where he says to look...god, I'm tired

and for the life of me, the only unconventional bets I can think of that the average person will notice are streets, double streets, quads... :P

New Ken


No Need for virtual play, he bets every spin. And he clearly states that his "BET" is only for roulette, so IT CAN NOT be applied to any other games...

As I said many times before, please read the pages of his website, there are many facts, write them down. And then try to come up with a bet. I see so many system's/strategy's come by on this tread, which dont take in account the facts...


More new info:

"In the meantime please remember that "Unfairness" like roulette is "Random" and affects us all.  I will try to do the subject full justice."


When he talks about movements, maybe he is talking about the back and forth motion of the results. If you imagine a pendulum swinging between red and black, it will go back and forth throughout the game resting back around the middle over so many spins.


redhot  he is remanufacturing the results ,therefore that creates a bet   that can give him a movement on the table  thats the bet if you play follow the last out come thats what he means by movement i no this for sure ill bet my balls on it. the only bet that allows us to make a run and a  change ,and i also think not at the same time  ,  is follow the last outcome on page 7 he say to launch a increment on red or black odd or even and so on  and as you win you can play the 1st 12 ,and so on and the and then make the higher odds bets as you win more casino money,thats common sense  if you read he also says one bet at a time dont place other bets .and dont forget to take the winning bet  off why because it might just change .  hi lanky what you posted is good  but if you read one of the emails on page 7 or 8 of this post i ask him of that exact bet that you posted and he replied you will lose in the long run. my conclsion  of this bet is follow the last out come that is your movement that gives you the bet that allows you to trap what he calls the runs and changes.he does say its that simple.  and its also a bet if you think about it does not follow any pattern and it allows you to bet every spin of the wheel  . there is a post on the other nolinks. roulette forum   its called roulette facts  posted by rcw i found interesting  he uses the movement concept on reapeats and no progression but there are no set rules .any ways all the best in your quest.regards tino


I just did 2 tests following the last outcome. (R/B O/E H/L Dozen and Column) 5 bets in total

First 100 spins     Max +33  Min -5   End Balance +12
Second 100 spins Max +4    Min -70 End Balance -63

Somehow I dont think this is it......


If you look back in the topic, you see this bet is tested by multiple members. Ken, Wally gator and me, and failed to all of us too.



I noticed these two posts made recently by Winkel.
They deal a lot with unconventional movements of results, and runs and changes. He is actually using the word 'move' too many times.



Just a thought.

Right now I'm studying the movements between 0, 1, and >1 groups.
In this study, I am considering the 'runs' as when a group moves up or down, and the 'changes' when a group is waving.



Look at when Winkel considers the possibilites of the situation posted by Alex:

1. possible result: "0" is rising down after sleeping and is going on (bet 0vs>1)
2. possible result: "1" had no hit and are like to spin up (no bet)
3. possible result: ">1" are waving (in their results not in figures) (no bet)

Didn't Charles say we should look at all the possible moves that could happen, or something like that?



I have tested the G.U.T. and failed to me, you can see my testing in the test area. I also don't think this is what Charles means, because you are tracking at least 18 spins, mostly more.

