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Started by JHM, November 28, 2008, 01:47:41 PM

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New Ken

OR, the eventual question that must be answered:

What are the unconventional movements of results on the table


Quote from: New Ken on January 16, 2009, 04:20:55 PM
WHERE does he mention INSIDE BETS in his pages??

Marven, for me, THIS is the question(below) we should be asking:

Q: What are the conventional movements of results on the table that an average player would    see/notice?

Well you see that's the problem. I went too far with roulette lately that I can no longer think like an average player.
It's simply too easy that I can't find an answer that I'm sure about.

Perhaps the conventional movement is, well, the obvious: For example from red to black, from the first dozen to the second, from number 5 to number 22. etc

As you see, the word 'movement' always implies a 'from & to' context.


There is also the visual aspect, eg. from left to right (or the opposite) within the table.

Those would be 'conventional' wouldn't they?

New Ken

Hold on, Marven. So we observe a change from no 5 to no 22.

5---R/O, 1ST DZ, 2ND COL, HIGH(1-18).


22---B/E, 2ND DZ, 1ST COL, LOW(19-36).

Maybe there are limited movements, or movements like these that can be exploited.


New Ken

Remember he spoke about something being "confined"

New Ken

Hey, I only just noticed: I've been upgraded to "Excellent Member".

Lil ol' me...

NEW KEN! ::)


Quote from: New Ken on January 16, 2009, 04:37:32 PM
Hold on, Marven. So we observe a change from no 5 to no 22.

5---R/O, 1ST DZ, 2ND COL, HIGH(1-18).


22---B/E, 2ND DZ, 1ST COL, LOW(19-36).

Maybe there are limited movements, or movements like these that can be exploited.


Yes, there are limited movements for the next spin as Charles said:

"Roulette randomness is confined to being random within the numbers, dozens, colours, etc. of the wheel and table. That will be 37 or 38 for the two standard wheels. Therefore it is not infinite randomness.

The list of combinations that can be produced is endless..."

The next number will be one from 37.
But if we looking the coordinates or codes of the numbers what New Ken post in a table at page 26. We can found only 30 different combinations, locations (+zero).
36 number with 30 code. And Charles already convert the results into code.

But I have no idea how we can use it.

Carpanta said:
He must have triggers for the big money bets while using dummy bets just to be participative during those "dull" spins and maybe so as not distort results.

If he looking a specific trigger that means to me he use the past results to calculate when to bet.
But he said: "Do not be fooled by "reading" past results"
Can we play with trigger without previous spins?

Congrat New Ken to the upgrade!  ;)


New Ken

Thanks, Ernesto.
So, I too have been thinking about that 36 nos/30 codes thing, but haven't any idea as yet how to exploit it, or if it's useable.

I've been researching playing opposite colour from last spin, opposite suit(odd/even), opposite 18 (outside bets, 10 units each=30units per spin)

But I will appreciate if someone else can also test this...



I'm thinking same thing, just try to catch the last Runs/Changes on EC.
I'm not sure what is Runs and Changes.

On Odd / Even
OOOO -> Runs?
EOEOE -> Changes?

I try to catch more Runs and Changes together. But every Run can switch at every spin.

And we can combine many ways EC bets with column/dozen bet, but it still remain "odds bet" which can't beat.
Charles said: "You cannot overcome the "odds" or use any other means to manipulate the bet. A single bet (on its own) in roulette is an "odds" bet."

Lets go back to the main question, the unconvetional moves.



Wouldn't the G.U.T's crossings be considered as a sort of 'unconventional moves of results inside the table'?

Just a final thought before I go to bed. :)




I think Enrique's discs and charts are worth looking into.
I reckon they are 'unconventional' enough to qualify. ;D

Seriously though, I'm going to dedicate some time to it.
He says his method is consistent but needs a lot of work, and I believe him. :)

At least he is sharing his method. ::)

Good luck to all.

Your friend,


In Charles' website long ago about 2001,he emphasized in the word "three",his website name also "3million".Sothat i think the bet is include 3 location on table layout,maybe 2 dozen and 1 double street.Only 2 dozen hs losing streake last 6-7 as he said his bet can lose 6 in a row.Now i hv a "trap" bet but unfotunally it work only in progresstion mode.I'm testing to destruction this bet.Hope it will last 30session!! ;D


Hi f-rl-player,

Good reading inbetween the lines  :thumbsup: However, i also read somewere that he said that he should exactly named his website 4million because of the amount he has made with it, so he claims ::)

Carlitos  8)


Quote from: Carlitos on January 17, 2009, 10:16:30 AM
Hi f-rl-player,

Good reading inbetween the lines  :thumbsup: However, i also read somewere that he said that he should exactly named his website 4million because of the amount he has made with it, so he claims ::)

Carlitos  8)

I think he  has actually made 4million but still name his website:3million,he said it's a misname and he usually use number :"3". Ex:lose 6 bet in a row,1 bet cost 3 unit :6x3=18...and many more..I don't thin it's a coincidence but his intention


.......... he also talks about 4 winning betts...... that he is aware of......  :o

Carlitos  8)

