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Personal Challenge to win 100 sessions

Started by See_Jerek, November 30, 2008, 09:04:16 AM

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Quote from: winkel on December 09, 2008, 01:28:35 PM
Hi see Jerek,

I am right and I must be right.

The possible combinations of 37 number are limited. And every Combination is possible. even if they present you 37 times the 1 or the zero: it is possible.

The amount of combinations is not thinkable that huge it is.

as an Example:

if you have three chances R B Z
There are 9 possible combinations
each is possible to appear. Nobody would bother a RRR or ZZZ or BBB RBZ ZBR BRZ etc.

as long as the generator is random (RNG, TRNG or any else, and there are proofed to be)
there must be the same "possible" results whatever you play.

A big point is the fastnes: If you see in a brick&mortal a 15 Red, you see it once in 2 Hours and it is still on the marquee
If you see a 15 red in an OC you just need ten minutes to see it appear and 10 to see it disappear.
In a Brick and Mortal your home, when the second 15 Red appears. On a OC your still sitting there and watching.



Hi Winkel,I read your post and decided to play a little while longer to see if the RNG would eat me up if I go head on with it aggressively.The results are amazing.Just check it out and thank you so much for imparting your invaluable knowledge.

Session 27 Playtech RNG
Start BR $8864
End BR $9884
Profit +$1020
Running total +$9976

A record breaking session!
This is a tribute to you winkel!


Above a thousand in one session!
Jerek, you made my day mate, I'm glad for ya. [smiley=tekst-toppie.gif]

I admit I don't have the stones to play RNG in online casinos as I don't trust them, but a big thank you to winkel from me as well.

Keep winning brother.

Your mate,


jerek, great just great

somethimes you need to have big kahoonies to play with that amounts  ;D


Can hardly wait for the end of the 100 sessions, go for it !

Keep us with hope.

Cheers, Rjl


Hi Jerek.

Mate I love to see when any of Our Members Win at Roulette.(or anyone else for that matter)

But this My Mate This what You are doing Is/has/will give the whole Forum a Lift Cobber.

Good On Ya Mate ....Go get em Tiger.




Awesome broe, That + 1000 units is truely remarkable... Well done mate


Just to put some clouds in the coffee:

as long as we don´t know,
- what he is betting
- which unit-size he is betting (tables show 2-25 or 5-25 limits)
- if he uses a progression or he is flat-betting
- how many spins he needed to reach the results

it is only money that he won. 1000 could be 40 units of 25, or 200 units of 5 or 500 units of 2
and if the table allows a table-minimum of 2$ with bet on 20 numbers 10ct each, it is much more difficult to judge what is going on.

Hi See Jerek,
a litle bit more information, (not the whole strategy of course), would help
I hope you can see my questions as constructive ones




Good point, I can't help but agree with you.

Quote from: see_jerek on November 30, 2008, 09:04:16 AMThis will be my 1st testing contribution to this forum,no details of how it will be played.I do not wanna post nonsense here and become a public enemy.More details will be released if it doesnt tank in long term,if it tanks then all of you forget about it,it won't work.

The above is where he explained that he will be willing to share but only after it works.

All the best,


good work mate, i got cut off from the chat too, what game were we playing by the way? too much wacky baccy i cant remember lol


Quote from: winkel on December 09, 2008, 09:08:26 PM
Just to put some clouds in the coffee:

as long as we don´t know,
- what he is betting
- which unit-size he is betting (tables show 2-25 or 5-25 limits)
- if he uses a progression or he is flat-betting
- how many spins he needed to reach the results

it is only money that he won. 1000 could be 40 units of 25, or 200 units of 5 or 500 units of 2
and if the table allows a table-minimum of 2$ with bet on 20 numbers 10ct each, it is much more difficult to judge what is going on.

HI See Jerek,
a litle bit more information, ()not the whole strategy of course), would help
I hope you can see my questions as constructive ones



Session 28 Playtech RNG
Start BR $9884
End BR $10086
Profit +$202
Total Running +$10188

A short one,I just wanna see my BR and profits in 5 digit figures.

Of course,your questions are constructive ones winkel.....
I am playing ECs on a $5 table and 3 x Double street on a $2 table,meaning $6 bet on a $5 table EC,or $2 x 3 double street on a $2 table
Average spins per session is about 100 to 200 spins
I am using a positive progression up as you win so to say I am putting more and more chips down with every win and I will only reduce my bet size after my BR is up at a higher level.


Quote from: ryan08 on December 09, 2008, 11:47:17 PM
good work mate, I got cut off from the chat too, what game were we playing by the way? too much wacky baccy I cant remember lol

Hello Ryan,the game we are playing is the game I am playing lol  ;D


Quote from: Boo_Ray on December 09, 2008, 05:42:10 PM
jerek, great just great

somethimes you need to have big kahoonies to play with that amounts  ;D

Yes Max,you are right....Defintely you need balls of steel to play those big bets.


Quote from: rjl on December 09, 2008, 05:42:42 PM
Can hardly wait for the end of the 100 sessions, go for it !

Keep us with hope.

Cheers, Rjl

Hello Rjl,

I hope I could do that and if it its achieveable.It will be no secret.In fact,its not any sort of voodoo roulette or magic system I am using. The system has been around for ages even on VLS I can find it coded perhaps people winning with it are keeping low about it or maybe no one bothers to use it as it requires big capital and iron balls to play it.


Quote from: Lanky on December 09, 2008, 06:59:24 PM
HI Jerek.

Mate I love to see when any of Our Members Win at Roulette.(or anyone else for that matter)

But this My Mate This what You are doing Is/has/will give the whole Forum a Lift Cobber.

Good On Ya Mate ....Go get em Tiger.


Hi there Lanky,

I do hope what I am doing for now can uplift the forum as you said,it would be even better if I can complete the challenge without hiccups and reveal the secret which is not a secret at all.

I hope you are feeling better now as you are reading this mate.

