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Personal Challenge to win 100 sessions

Started by See_Jerek, November 30, 2008, 09:04:16 AM

0 Members and 20 Guests are viewing this topic.


Man, I guess this is how Herb feels all the time... lol.

Look.  I'm not meaning to take a shot at Jerek.  It's just that this started off as a personal challenge (excellent idea) but then this "innocent" comments would pop up "how much would you pay?".

Now it's a system that he paid for and won't go into detail (unless you PM him?).  Just looks fishy thats all.  Jerek was/is fairly new around here and when he first joined all he talked about was how much he was losing.  Then all of a sudden he's got this amazing system that was right in front of our eyes??!?  wow - we all must be blind.  

I don't know about most of you, but if I was tired of losing all my money (as jerek said he was). I wouldn't go testing something new (on RNG by the way) with oodles of money.  

Look - I have no idea if this is legit or not.  The only way I will know if it's legit is by testing myself (and no, I'm not asking too).  No screen shots or anything like that.  Not saying I think he's a fake.  I just don't know either way.  And really I don't care.  I hope that it's geniune and that he's winning like crazy.  That'd be awesome!  

Okay, I'll stop my comments unless it's directed toward me.  Keep on keeping on jerek.  I wish you the best of luck (honestly).  



hes legit and if you knew jerek well enough you would know he tests with thousands of pounds, thats just his way

The Spiders Kiss

Well I would like to put in my tuppence people.
The fact that one of our co-forum members is winning substantial amounts of money should be an inspiration to us all ,not a call to arms ..men against men.
I have found Jerek to be honest and upstanding in all my dealings with him and I think he should be congratulated for showing that ,although he hasnt got the HG,winning good money is possible.
Just my take on it


There isn't a chance in hell that anyone here is ever going to beat an RNG game with a gambling system.  ;D


No worries bud, your point is clear.

@spider kiss:
Well said mate.

hahah. Agreed. >:D



Mr Chips,

Ok I see your point and it's a good one. :)

I just thought that, since Jerek haven't mentioned the system's name or the name of its seller etc, the latter won't have a proof that it's his system that Jerek is playing, thus he can't take advantage of the situation.
So far, Jerek is just playing 'a system'. ;)



Quote from: Herb on December 21, 2008, 05:18:33 PM
There isn't a chance in hell that anyone here is ever going to beat an RNG game with a gambling system.  ;D

Hello Herb,

I got to agree with you on this 100%......I lost all the profits I got in 1 day,total titanic situation.



Session 41 Playtech live wheel
Start BR $16032
End BR $16367
Profit +$335
Running total $6367


Quote from: mattymattz on December 21, 2008, 05:08:33 PM
Man, I guess this is how Herb feels all the time... lol.

Look.  I'm not meaning to take a shot at Jerek.  It's just that this started off as a personal challenge (excellent idea) but then this "innocent" comments would pop up "how much would you pay?".

Now it's a system that he paid for and won't go into detail (unless you PM him?).  Just looks fishy thats all.  Jerek was/is fairly new around here and when he first joined all he talked about was how much he was losing.  Then all of a sudden he's got this amazing system that was right in front of our eyes??!?  wow - we all must be blind.  

I don't know about most of you, but if I was tired of losing all my money (as jerek said he was). I wouldn't go testing something new (on RNG by the way) with oodles of money.  

Look - I have no idea if this is legit or not.  The only way I will know if it's legit is by testing myself (and no, I'm not asking too).  No screen shots or anything like that.  Not saying I think he's a fake.  I just don't know either way.  And really I don't care.  I hope that it's geniune and that he's winning like crazy.  That'd be awesome!  

Okay, I'll stop my comments unless it's directed toward me.  Keep on keeping on jerek.  I wish you the best of luck (honestly).  


Hello Matt,

Thank you for your views on this matter,you are right about me being very new here.In fact,I came here together with Ryan08.When I ask that particular member on how much he would pay for this 'magic' system I didn't know it will stir up so much crap,cross my heart there was no hidden agenda behind that question.If I knew it will cost a stir or any unhappiness,I won't do it.I was just trying to poke at him for the fun of it but by the looks of it,it is not funny and it turns out to be a lousy joke.I was in fact a big time loser in roulette,I never deny it and you knew it as well don't you?I tried a lot of systems on VLS and sadly none work for me.However I have to admit that some systems do have potential but it may not be in my taste.I have seen and heard things like ''never buy a system,it doesn't work'' kind of thing here in VLS always.Of course,there are many scammers out there and the best is to stay away.That will be my advise to any fellow members as well.

But....hear me out first,I have already lose thousands on roulette no harm being scam of a few hundred dollars no harm done just take it as another losing session.The person who sold me this has demostrated how effective it is right before my eyes,he plays for bread and butter and this system is one of his tricks in his bag,100% refund policy if it fails to work and produce profits,personal coaching by the man himself until I can understand the concept fully and in return no details of how it is done to be in public eyes.

Yes I am winning with it and even at this point.If I were to lose any money of my own,I couldn't care lesser about honouring my promises to the system seller I will tell the whole VLS how it is done.To be really honest,I was given an offer by a member for the system thru PM (You know who you are) I could have made some money out of it but I didn't.

A few things that I wish to stress is

1.The system is not a holy grail and its not something new,its an old trick in the bag.It has been around and its still around
2.I am not trying to sell anything to anyone even when I have to dig out money from my own pocket for it
3.This is not an advertisement
4.I did lose money with it


Quote from: Marven on December 21, 2008, 01:45:52 PM
I personally fail to see where Jerek ever sounded like he is 'bragging'.
From what I have seen, the man is a very honest and straightforward person whom I admire and respect.
My friend,
I don't know what others are thinking but as far as I go, when I first joined this thread I had no such ambitions other than congratulating and encouraging Jerek in his daring fight against the casinos.
This, after all, is only a 'Personal Challenge' thread, not a 'New Secret HG System' thread. Think of it as a sort of a personal diary.

I no longer believe in systems and automatic playing, they ALL fail in my opinion and not a single system is truly infallible against the house: It is the right human decisions, discipline, and experience (coupled with the right conditions such as not playing RNG) that make all the difference in any decent system.

I haven't asked for anything and yet I was privileged to know. This only goes to show the kind of great person that Jerek is.

With that said, I can safely tell you that this is no 'holy grail' to go crazy about.

I know that it can tank.
The man clearly showed that it can tank.
He also clearly explained why he wouldn't publish it and we must respect that.
I did.
If I still remember correctly, a couple of months ago I went through an experience that made me lose hope in roulette and almost quit it forever. But then, I've heard someone in another forum saying that he was winning and it gave me hope to continue.
Thank you, but I will vote for the usefulness of this thread, especially that I know the man enough now to know that he isn't lying.

Hope you understand.

We surely do mate.
Keep winning, you deserve it. [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

All the best to you all,

Hello Marven,

I just wanna let you know I am a big time loser before I was using this system,I really was.A lot of people can bear witness to this.At some point,I also almost reach the point of giving up,who's got thousands to lose every now and then?I don't print money I work from 8 to 5 for them and its heartache as I was constantly losing.I wasn't enjoying roulette at all taking it seriously.I was enjoying the game more when I was playing it for recreation.

I also never believe in buying systems as well,why is there a reason to buy one when there are so many systems here for free?The system seller must have done some magic before my eyes to convince me to pay for it.I always wanted to play professionally it is a dream for me and it still is,it seems likes I am at a higher level of play with this system alone and it takes me one step closer to my goal.I am delighted and pleased with myself not becos I am winning money its the joy of beating the casinos with unfair conditions against us and before this is happening I only knew 3 things in roulette


But hey I'm doing much better now at least,I wasn't losing all the time and I am sure the day will come for you


Thank you my dear friend.
I appreciate every word.

All the best to you,



I do not want to cause any unhappiness or arguements in the forum.I have said and always stress that all of us have a common enemy and that is the casino,so to say all of us are like family and if this thread is the cause of any unhappiness or any negativity then I would rather stop it


I would like to hear everyone's general opinions on this again my intention is not to cause any unhappiness here.
If there are unhappy people out there and think that I have other intentions besides completing this challenge,then I will rather not go on.


Quote from: see_jerek on December 21, 2008, 06:53:32 PM
Hello Matt,

Thank you for your views on this matter,you are right about me being very new here.In fact,I came here together with Ryan08.When I ask that particular member on how much he would pay for this 'magic' system I didn't know it will stir up so much crap,cross my heart there was no hidden agenda behind that question.If I knew it will cost a stir or any unhappiness,I won't do it.I was just trying to poke at him for the fun of it but by the looks of it,it is not funny and it turns out to be a lousy joke.I was in fact a big time loser in roulette,I never deny it and you knew it as well don't you?I tried a lot of systems on VLS and sadly none work for me.However I have to admit that some systems do have potential but it may not be in my taste.I have seen and heard things like ''never buy a system,it doesn't work'' kind of thing here in VLS always.Of course,there are many scammers out there and the best is to stay away.That will be my advise to any fellow members as well.

But....hear me out first,I have already lose thousands on roulette no harm being scam of a few hundred dollars no harm done just take it as another losing session.The person who sold me this has demostrated how effective it is right before my eyes,he plays for bread and butter and this system is one of his tricks in his bag,100% refund policy if it fails to work and produce profits,personal coaching by the man himself until I can understand the concept fully and in return no details of how it is done to be in public eyes.

Yes I am winning with it and even at this point.If I were to lose any money of my own,I couldn't care lesser about honouring my promises to the system seller I will tell the whole VLS how it is done.To be really honest,I was given an offer by a member for the system thru PM (You know who you are) I could have made some money out of it but I didn't.

A few things that I wish to stress is

1.The system is not a holy grail and its not something new,its an old trick in the bag.It has been around and its still around
2.I am not trying to sell anything to anyone even when I have to dig out money from my own pocket for it
3.This is not an advertisement
4.I did lose money with it

Well answered Jerek - cheers.  I wish you the best bud.



Quote from: see_jerek on December 22, 2008, 02:27:39 AM
I would like to hear everyone's general opinions on this again my intention is not to cause any unhappiness here.
If there are unhappy people out there and think that I have other intentions besides completing this challenge,then I will rather not go on.

Keep going jerek.

Whether you will reveal your system end of the day is your choice.

If you are successful (which i truly hope) then you would have proven that roulette can be beaten and more importantly motivates everyone here to work harder to develop their own killer systems.

Even if you fail (i hope not) you can still share your experience with us which is also equally important as we can all learn from mistakes that you make....... at your own cost of course  :) ;D

Wish you success m8.

Cheers !!

