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NWRScripter, modify tiago2 great doz and colums script with my method

Started by KevinNash, January 11, 2009, 04:19:47 PM

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 :) Hello all, I hope you feel well,

First of all, excuse me for my bad english I'm french, I have found tiage2 script here : nolinks://vlsroulette.com/roulette-coding-zone/new-system-eager-to-see-tested/

I have a method who works pretty well but very ( too ) long to play without a bot, it's similar to your script at the begining :

you wait for a col or doz not hit for exemple 9 times, after you bet on it and on another one using 1 3 9 27 81 243, etc... progression, the better is to bet the other column who doesn't hit the most, example :

you wait for 1 doz has no hit 9 times ( so at this time, only 2nd and 3rd doz have hit or zero ), suppose 2nd doz hit 6 times and 3rd doz hit 3 times, OK ? 2nd doz is dominant at this time so :

You bet 1 chip on 1rst doz ( who have doesn't hit 9 times ) and you bet 1 chip on 3rd doz ( this one who have only 3 hits on the last 9 ).

If win, start again to wait for 9, if lose, bet 3 on 1rst and 3rd column again, stop at the progression you want in case of many looses in a row.

Doing the same with the 3 columns ( after the same 9 no hit at the same time and that rocks ! )

With your script, we only bet on the doz/column who doesn't hit 9 times in a row but if the 2 others continue to hit, you loose. With mine, the only way to loose is if just one doz/col ( this one who have 6 hits on the last 9 in my example ) continue to hit again and again.

Of course it happens some times but you win more ( really more ) than you loose.

Another question, how to stop the script after win a certain amount chips ? I know how to stop after X spins but not after X wins.

:'( Look here my poor try : nolinks://teubes2.free.fr/Casino/TestDouzainesColognes.psc don't laugh please, in this trial, I just try to code if 1rst doz doesn't hit 2 times in a row, so bet on 1rst and 2nd doz.

That works but if after the bet on 1rst and 2nd doz the 1rst doz hit, no problem, the bets are clearing and start to play again but if after the bet on 1rst and 2nd doz, the 2nd doz hit, the script doesn't stop the progression and bet again   :-\

I hope you'll be interested by my system and could help me to code it.



Quote from: Tiago2 on January 12, 2009, 04:58:56 AM
I'll try and get some time to help you code this.

:thumbsup: It would be really nice !

Can you also do an alternative who is :

if a doz or column hit X times in a row ( 9 for example ), start to bet on the 2 others doz/col with the same 1,3,9,27,... progression ?

Other way with good results too ( not as good as previous strangely, but not enough tests to say that I think)


Quote from: Tiago2 on January 12, 2009, 04:58:56 AM
I'll try and get some time to help you code this.

Did you had the time to try code this Tiago2 ?


Sorry mate Im really short on free time these days. I'm going abroad at the end of this month and need to finish on other coding projects. I wont be able to code this till I get back.



 ;) OK Tiago2, no problem, I'll wait for you.

I hope you'll understand my poor french-english... :-[

I'm doing intensive tests with NWRS, very interesting.

I'll post here for those who want to try this great bot

This damns Playtech RNGs are very hard to beat in real mode !

I have tested the first attached script with 500.000 spins in fun mode, 10 wait for a doz/col doesn't appear and a 18 steps progression with a 2000 bankroll, perfect, never lose.

So I have the holy grail lol, let's go to real mode : bankroll out in 50.000 spins with a nice 30 times without the same column ( 32Vegas ) !  :'(

On 1.000.0000 spins in real mode, I never saw more than 30 times without a doz/col to appear, so with a 1 more security step, I play now with a wait and step that cover 32 times with no hit.

Some Playtech give you a 10 chips no deposit bonus and the best is Joyland Casino with a 26 chips no deposit bonus.

You'll find 2 others script, nice to use with this free bonus :

1=> for a start bankroll of 10, 22 wait and 10 steps progression

1=> for a start bankroll of 26, 19 wait and 13 steps progression, Joyland special  :)

It takes a long time to win but that works and you can of course increase the progression after the wins.

You MUST play with the 10 cents chips with this scripts and low bankroll but in the NWRS casino config you MUST add the chips in a different way, you add 1, 10, 50, 100, 250, 1000 and when NWRS ask you to click the chip wit value of 1 you click on the 10 cents chips, value of 10 on the 1 chip, value 50 on the 5 chip, etc...

I'll give you too a excel sheet to make your own progressions calculations ( in french, sorry but easy to use ) and NWRS of course !

Have fun all



42 times !  :-\ No system can beat that !

Damn RNG, sure they cheat, last time I saw  a col doesn't hit 30 times and just after a single hit, doesn't hit 30 times again, same third column..... Clearly impossible in a lifetime on a real wheel !


Hi KevinNash,

I am trying to download the video for the casino config, but am not able to, as tiago needs to re-upload it to rapid share. Would it be possible for you to give me give me some kind of instructions on word or notepad.

I have a couple idea's and different progressions that may be able to go past 42.

Thanks in advance


Quote from: MXkid77 on January 24, 2009, 04:04:25 AM
Hi KevinNash,

I am trying to download the video for the casino config, but am not able to, as tiago needs to re-upload it to rapid share. Would it be possible for you to give me give me some kind of instructions on word or notepad.

I have a couple idea's and different progressions that may be able to go past 42.

Thanks in advance

:) Hi ! Nice to see this topic move on, it would be great to have others script here, personaly, I'm not very good at coding.

I'll try to explain you with my poor english :

6 steps to configure a casino :

1 => choose " configure a casino "

2 => tick the european roulette

3 => put a little bet, spin the wheel to have the " rebet button " on the casino window, now click get rebet in NWRS

4 => make sure you have now the " spin button " on the casino window, not the rebet anymore, click capture in NWRS, when capture is finish you must enter and assign the 37 numbers

5 => add the chips value ( 7 chips in 32Vegas for me : 1, 5, 10, 25, 100, 500, 1000 ), right on the first unassigned chips and choose assign, NWRS will ask you to assign the 7 chips, at this point is the tip for the cents, you can assign the 10 cents chip as a false value of 1, the 1 chip as a value of 10...

6 => enter the name you want and click finish.

That's all, next time, just choose the casino you want to use in NWRS.

If for a casino you want to play in fun and in real mode, you must create 2 casinos in NWRS, a fun and a real because the chips positions are differents.

I hope that help you,



Thanks Chris,

I tried this last night, but maybe i was impatient when it was capturing the spins. Seemed to take too long.

I did notice though, for the 1st assigned chip, you can enter 0.10.... have you tried this??

Thanks for your help so far.


Quote from: MXkid77 on January 24, 2009, 08:38:48 AM
Thanks Chris,

I tried this last night, but maybe i was impatient when it was capturing the spins. Seemed to take too long.

I did notice though, for the 1st assigned chip, you can enter 0.10.... have you tried this??

Thanks for your help so far.

You can assign the 0.10 chip but you can't setup a progression with 0.10, 0.30, for example in NWRS, doesn't work for me.

When you assign 0.10 as 1, you can also use the same script in fun and real mode ( fun has no 10 chip, start with 1 ), that's better for the tests.

Happy to help you, can't wait for your scripts !  ;)


Still can't get it to capture, it gets rebet fine, the i click rebet to get the spin button, click capture and i can see it says capturing 0 of 37, but it does'nt click spin to get the casino to spin??????


 :-\ Strange, did you try with another casino ?

Have you the same problem in fun and real mode ?

If you get the rebet, capture must work, I hope Tiago2 read this and help you


yeah i've tried 2 different casino's, how long did your configuration take???

