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Roulette Bot Pro Review

Started by Breeze88, February 08, 2009, 12:43:34 PM

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Hi All

i think you all should read this review before you spend your money on the Roulette Bot Pro Software

after you read the review , you decide if you still want to spend money on it.....

here is a statement why he did this review

         First of all I will answer to the question why I do this.     
          I never like to pay any attention to all these roulette systems sallers except the case when somebody use our name    
          to promote his own software and the worst is that he post wrong info about us.    
          Matt or Tiago2 or how he call himself on its site did this so I will post my review related to his site.



I do not know Matt but Tiago is, it's a nice guy and very honest.

The competition serves to increase the commercial products and to set quality standards.

Unfair competition only serves to create chaos and instability.

You have often presented in the forum for your products and they have never done this already suggests ...

The competition is offering something better, a better price and not discredit the work of others.


HI All

@ lulloz all you mentioned is correct infact concurency is very good and we like this.  as long as it is in a professional manner
   but if someone is trying to bash our software or name .. wich cannot  be tolerated , then he has to deal with the consequences
  wich in this case was a review of his software from our point of view.......

but as you mentioned concurrency is good

This is why we modified RBS and DCS prices.

RBS will be 67$
DCS will be 97$

So now we have better price for better software.

Finally all is ok for us because under the way to be released are another new software so we can get them for free or part of them to all VIP members who bought RBS or DCS.



That is an interesting review of MY bot.  He has NO facts straight.  Here are some counter responses to his non facts.

- I am selling it to make extra money.  So if MMM is selling his bot does that mean it doesn't work because he is selling it?
- The reviews are real people, beta testers.  How does he know if they are fake or not, he can not prove it.
- True I do not have a forum because they take allot of time to run properly and I simply do not have the time.  There may be a forum in the future.
- I am NOT Tiago we are 2 different people, this makes me laugh.  He is my programmer!
- As for Tiago's other projects like never winter roulette, so what if it was never finished, it was given away for FREE as a fun project.
- You can use ALL features of my bot during the trial period, and you can use it in real money mode.  I only suggest using it in play mode to get use to it so you do not lose all your money while you are fine tuning your settings.
- The screen shot of the GUI he has there is only one of the four I show on my site, that is just part of the configuration screen.
- In my Terms Of Service I never say you can not get your money back, it says your refund is limited to you purchase price only.
- Yes I do have recommended casinos on my site with affiliate links, so what if you don't like that don't use the link.

The admin of MMM is totally paranoid.  Within 30 minutes of my site going live he was emailing me and trying to threaten me and bully me etc.   All I ask people is to do your own due diligence when looking at reviews as MMM posted about Roulette Bot Pro.  Also do your own diligence on anything I post, I have nothing to hide.  I am not paranoid and I sleep well at night to :)

I will answer all questions, if you want you can PM me




the review was only posted because you posted  wrong info about MMM.

We thought that Tiago2 is the owner of this.
Finally I received info about someone about this.
Tiago2 did some bad things and this is why this happen.
Matt i feel very sorry for you because you deal/work with Tiago2

Finally this is only game called virtual concurency.

and the review about Roulette Bot Pro has been Updatet by the way



Quote from: Breeze88 on February 08, 2009, 03:57:55 PM
We thought that Tiago2 is the owner of this.
Matt i feel very sorry for you because you deal/work with Tiago2
and the review about Roulette Bot Pro has been Updatet by the way

- If he thought Tiago2 was the owner why did he not just ask me instead of asuming and telling people we were the same person?  ???

- I am sorry you feel that way about Tiago2, he is a great guy and a great programmer, I am sure most people would agree with that statement.  :thumbsup:

- Breeze88 says he changed the review, well not really....the top part has not been changed at all, he just an added a bit on to the bottom that still contains wrong info, I will clairify.

His Site: "Looks like Matt started to do what I told to him so this is good.  In this way you can see how I can controll this also another are agree with me.  Ok after this Matt at list will remove or already removed his affiliate links so this is a step forward.    But I think this will not cost him a lot."
- I have not changed anything on my site, I still have a recommended casino page with affiliate links on it.  So I do not know what Breeze88 told me to do and I changed it.  ???

His Site: "I also did a big step and put my RBS software for 67$ and DCS software for 97$  and even with this exist special price for both.  In some of previous emails he told me that he want a turnament.  Then OK. We can do this."
- Ok great he lowered his price, competition causes people to do that.  If I caused him to lower his price then I will gladly take credit for that, it seems that way to me.  ;D I do not know what he is talking about that I want a tunrament.  Only thing I can think of that comes even close to what he is talking about is he did try and bully me in an email and telling "The war is on!" because I would not do what he wanted.  :o

His Site: "Ok so looks he invested some money. But I am sure Tiago2 is good student so he gave to Matt the software for free"
- This is 100% false.  Tiago worked MANY MANY hours on this bot and I paid him well for it.  :thumbsup:  Even if he did give me the software for free, who cares and why does it matter?

His Site:  "My suggestion to another roulette sallers is to don't post wrong info about my network because it consist from people who work with me and invested in this a lot of money and time.  Till now nobody except Matt and Tiago2 did bad things against our community. Hope this will be a lesson and for the others."
- See more bullying tactics......witch by the way do not work. 

I ask people to check my compairison chart on my site, If I misrepresented MMM or ANY other software tell me about it with proof and I will admit I made an error and gladly change it.

In my opinion Breeze88 is really paranoid. >:D 
Is it just me that thinks this?  Please let me know, I may be way off base here but it is just my opinion.



Quote from: Lulloz on February 08, 2009, 01:21:47 PM
I do not know Matt but Tiago is, it's a nice guy and very honest.
The competition serves to increase the commercial products and to set quality standards.
Unfair competition only serves to create chaos and instability.
You have often presented in the forum for your products and they have never done this already suggests ...
The competition is offering something better, a better price and not discredit the work of others.

You got it!  Competition for me or anyone else increases quality and ussually a lower price for similiar products.

I try not to bad mouth other products, I only try and present the facts, some people may take that as bad mouthing but there is a difference.



Quote from: Matt on February 08, 2009, 08:45:09 PM
You got it!  Competition for me or anyone else increases quality and ussually a lower price for similiar products.

I try not to bad mouth other products, I only try and present the facts, some people may take that as bad mouthing but there is a difference.


Ok Matt if you try to present the facts then first study the software you try to compare with your product
beacuse MMM doesent stand for a software but for a community  ::)

the software you should have taken care of should be RSS and RSS Pro , but if you would have compared them with yours you would have a different outcome then it is shown on your site write know... so please do your home work before comparing things you dont
even have a clue of...

and for declaring me paranoid shows me with what sort of people i have to deal with......'sad'



Quote from: Breeze88 on February 08, 2009, 08:55:10 PM

Ok Matt if you try to present the facts then first study the software you try to compare with your product
beacuse MMM doesent stand for a software but for a community  ::)

and for declaring me paranoid shows me with what sort of people i have to deal with......'sad'

I know MMM is a community but all the software MMM has still applies to my chart. As for studying software are you telling me you actually studied my software?  you can get a 100% free trial just like everyone else.  I dont think you did because you have so many wrong fact in your review.

If you are paranoid or not I will let the readers of this forum decide :)



Quote from: Matt on February 08, 2009, 09:06:10 PM
I know MMM is a community but all the software MMM has still applies to my chart.


No it doesent fit the chart , because your software is a Rip-Off from RSS - Pro... so infact all points you compare match exactly
what RSS - Pro can do and manny more things..

by the way i didnt wrote the review iam a part from the MMM community and for this ... i have a distaste about Scammers and your site screams Fraud and Scam all over the place... and you sell a product that is a complete rip-off from a product we developed ...and i really cant ignore this....



Quote from: Breeze88 on February 08, 2009, 09:19:54 PM
No it doesent fit the chart , because your software is a Rip-Off from RSS - Pro... so infact all points you compare match exactly
what RSS - Pro can do and manny more things..

by the way i didnt wrote the review iam a part from the MMM community and for this ... i have a distaste about Scammers and your site screams Fraud and Scam all over the place... and you sell a product that is a complete rip-off from a product we developed ...and i really cant ignore this....

How is my software a rip off of your product that is a scripting program?  My software is a roulette betting software and RSS is a scripting program aka a roulette software designing program to make roulette betting software. They are totally diferent.  And if RSS can do more then than my program good for it.  If people want to try my software for free then they can and they will make up their own mind.

Please please please point out how my site is a scam, give me quotes. 



Ok here are some typical quotes and phrases every scammer has on its site and hey .. they even show on your site

things like ...

start making online casinos to your personal ATM , today!

make 100$ in 5 min

and of course the well known scammer trick.. Testimonials from friends or Fake testimonials....

now i cam across alot of scammer sites  in the past and your site fits into this.. sorry...

but anyway i wish you good luck in selling your bot.. as the saying goes , every day one  idiot wakes up



Quote from: Breeze88 on February 08, 2009, 10:08:43 PM
Ok here are some typical quotes and phrases every scammer has on its site and hey .. they even show on your site
things like ...
start making online casinos to your personal ATM , today!
make 100$ in 5 min
and of course the well known scammer trick.. Testimonials from friends or Fake testimonials....

now i cam across alot of scammer sites  in the past and your site fits into this.. sorry...
but anyway i wish you good luck in selling your bot.. as the saying goes , every day one  idiot wakes up

If you are going to quote my site at least get it right:

"Get your No Limitations FREE TRIAL now and start using online casino's as your personal ATM today!"   That is what is on my site, that is marketing not a scam.
"Actual game play in a real account, not play money like the competitors show. $100 profit in 5 minutes!" This is a caption below a video on my site, the title to that video is
"Roulette Bot Wins $100 In 5 Mins - Amazing!" (Just stating a FACT) That video show me using a REAL account in REAL money mode making $100 in 5 minutes.
There is NOWHERE on my site I say "make $100 in 5 minutes" 
As for my testimonials these are real people that beta tested my program, you have no proof they are fake.

So now all of a sudden you wish me luck in my selling, ok thanks.



Quote from: Matt on February 08, 2009, 10:26:31 PM
If you are going to quote my site at least get it right:

"Get your No Limitations FREE TRIAL now and start using online casino's as your personal ATM today!"   That is what is on my site, that is marketing not a scam.
"Actual game play in a real account, not play money like the competitors show. $100 profit in 5 minutes!" This is a caption below a video on my site, the title to that video is
"Roulette Bot Wins $100 In 5 Mins - Amazing!" (Just stating a FACT) That video show me using a REAL account in REAL money mode making $100 in 5 minutes.
There is NOWHERE on my site I say "make $100 in 5 minutes" 
As for my testimonials these are real people that beta tested my program, you have no proof they are fake.

So now all of a sudden you wish me luck in my selling, ok thanks.


As a productuser of RBS and RSS i´m not get anything out of being partial to anyones product, but in order to give relevant info i would if i was you Matt change some info on the hompage for your product.
At your homepage you compare MMM with a software which is the same as compare the company that makes products with a specified product, and if you actually do this i can assist you by telling you that you actually need to catch up because this would inlude RSS, DCS, RSS and (RSSpro, soon release) and when you do this comparison you put your software on the top (ofcourse because you own and sell it) and this in my point of wiew is some kind of scam because the in the way you do it you compare the limitations and this would put your software below "MMM".

(maybe you already changed this, if so forget about this post)

So in order to compete with MMM:

1. you need a forum
2. you need better support
3. you need better software developteam (or if you got one man that´s better than plenty this would be enough)
4. you need better softwares

If you accomplish all this i might be interested as well.



Quote from: Alfolof on February 08, 2009, 10:40:56 PM
As a productuser of RBS and RSS i´m not get anything out of being partial to anyones product, but in order to give relevant info i would if i was you Matt change some info on the hompage for your product.
At your homepage you compare MMM with a software which is the same as compare the company that makes products with a specified product, and if you actually do this i can assist you by telling you that you actually need to catch up because this would inlude RSS, DCS, RSS and (RSSpro, soon release) and when you do this comparison you put your software on the top (ofcourse because you own and sell it) and this in my point of wiew is some kind of scam because the in the way you do it you compare the limitations and this would put your software below "MMM".

(maybe you already changed this, if so forget about this post)

So in order to compete with MMM:

1. you need a forum
2. you need better support
3. you need better software developteam (or if you got one man that´s better than plenty this would be enough)
4. you need better softwares

If you accomplish all this i might be interested as well.


Tell me what is wrong on my compairison chart please. What features do ANY of the MMM products have that I have wrong on my chart.  People need to get specific and not make general claims without anything to back it up.

I never said I NEED to compete with MMM or anyone!  Geesh :o

As far as the support, how do you know what support I have?  95% of my emails I personally answer within 10 minutes, the rest within 8 hours.

You do not know what I have as far as a development team so how can you say it needs to be better?

If you think I need better software then dont buy it.

Thanks for your comments Alfolof,  Your writing style and English sure looks familiar.  ;D 

