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Great Universal Theory - Graphical User Interface Tracker

Started by alarian, February 16, 2009, 12:36:44 PM

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[highlight]New Version, GUTracker0.22B[/highlight]

Updates for 0.22B

  • Menubar
  • Crossing Limit can be set in Options Menu (Changes the value at where to display a crossing... 7 means only crossings like X=7 >X=6 and X=7 >X=7 or higher will show
  • Session Maximum Spins in Options Menu. Tracker will restart after this amount of spins has been reached. 0 = no max.

Updates for 0.2Beta
Spin number is displayed.
Crossings at 9 and above are reported.

Instructions of use
Check the Simulation box to simulate numbers using Random Number Generation. Click "Spin" to get the next number.
If you want to track numbers from a Casino, simply click the number that hit (click it in the GUT not the Casino.)[/highlight]

This section is part of Millionaire School Phase 2 - Expanding your bankroll

Many of the players on these forums are followers of the Great Universal Theory (G.U.T. or GUT)
GUT is a flat bet strategy which is said to be long lasting with a positive outcome.
This is also called a HG (short for Holy Grail strategy/system).

Credit to Winkel for publishing this theory. Here's the link

This section will be devoted to bringing things together with the main focus being the development of a program which I call GUT which is short for Great Universal Tracker. The current version number will be displayed at the top of this post, below that a changelog. You can get the program as .zip file attached at the bottom of this message.

To do list (as in not yet done):
+ Real-time graphs which will graphically illustrate upcoming crossings
+ Bet selection, so you'll instantly know which numbers to bet on
+ Automated Number reading on all major online casinos
+ Automated betting, so you can just start up the program after all parameters are set and leave the computer to generate cash for you.

Requests will be accepted in this thread.
All messages that are deemed redundant by me will (after being noted) be deleted.
This thread will eventually be locked when development of the program is finished.
For those of you who find their posts deleted, please don't take it personal.
I will be striving to keep my sections as informative and clean as possible.
If there is a need, a separate discussions thread will be created.

Summary of the Great Universal Theory:
GUT is a bet selection strategy that focuses on binomial distribution.
Note the following certainties in a session of roulette.

  • There will be a number of Unhit numbers ranging from 0-37
  • There will be a number of numbers hit a specific amount of times at all times ranging from 0-37
  • All Numbers will be hit at some point regarding infinity
If we represent these certainties on a graph we'll see that the amount of numbers that remain unhit will start at 37 (obviously there are no numbers hit when you start a session). After the first spin, 1 number will be hit ONCE and 36 numbers will remain unhit.
Over the course of several spins, the amount of numbers that remain unhit will eventually drop to 0.
The amount of numbers that have been hit ONCE and only once will raise as numbers are hit for the first time and then drop to 0 as numbers are eventuall getting hit for the second time.
This is also true for numbers that have been hit TWICE and more...

Numbers hit more than once, more than twice e.t.c. are also each represented by a curve on the graph. These will start at 0 and over the course of several spins, these properties will raise to 37.

What we have now is something similar to the left graph below.
The left graph is from a real session and the right graph is the theoretically balanced distribution.

This image is also inline at the bottom of this post

What does all these lines mean then?
The black line represents the amount of numbers currently NOT hit at every spin.
The pink line represents all the numbers hit ONCE or MORE.

First... Let's just focus on these, the other lines each represents "Numbers with status hit exactly once" at every spin... Those that are hit exactly twice... twice or more, exactly 3 times e.t.c... You don't need to bother about those now, just focus on the black and the pink one.

Are there some certainties about these that we remember from before?
Yes. The black line representing all numbers with the status unhit after every spin, will go from 37 numbers before the first spin to 0 numbers after the course of some spins.
The other line, representing numbers with the status hit once or more after every spin, will do the opposite, go from 0 to 37 numbers hit.

What can we conclude from these certainties?
Well, the thing that you take advantage of with GUT is that these lines HAVE to cross at some point. This can only happen when the amount of unhit numbers are 1 more than the amount of numbers hit.
This narrows our opportunity to bet on the unhit numbers. We call this a crosspoint
Generally, this specific crosspoint is not worth betting on.

If you now look at the other lines, it doesn't matter what kind of status they represent, you will see that they are all crossing atleast one other line. These crosspoints are other betting opportunities.

The rules are as follows (this quote has been modified to be more clear):
Quote from: Winkel on August 30, 2008, 01:37:21 PM
We have 37 numbers on the wheel. OK?
after the first spin we have 1 appeared and 36 not appeared (thats logical enough?)
with the second spin we count again

If you proceed this counting you will eventually get a situation where you have
19 numbers that hasn't appear yet, and 18 numbers that have appeared once or more.

This is the first possible "crossing", but is not recommended to play.

All possible crossing that can be played:

We have these crossings between
0 and 1 (numbers not hit and numbers hit once)
0 and >0 numbers that did´nt appear and numbers that appeared)  once and more than once
1 and >1 numbers appeared once and numbers appeared more than once
2 and >2 numbers appeared twice and numbers appeared more than twice.

We bet when a crossing is in sight.

A crossing is in sight, when the difference between two charcteristics is 0 or 1 (see list above)


Quote from: esoito on February 19, 2009, 03:06:11 AM
What is really needed is for some kind soul to write a simple, step-by-step GUT manual, written in clear, correct and concise English especially for newcomers to roulette in general and GUT in particular.

No, not you Alarian. You've already got enough on your plate with the Millionaires School!!

Do you know the Basics? I've put them all down above, if anyone disagrees then I kindly ask you to notify me so I can update the description.
I don't think anyone has really gotten a better grip of GUT than the basics, other than that people are testing to learn more.
From what I've learned through the 70+ pages of GUT, Winkel hasn't taught us much more... Except you won't be a constant winner by only using the basic strategies, there's more to it.


Alarian, I wanted to ask if it was possible to make some changes to your software GUTraker useful.
The first and possinile see if the last 5 0 6 extractions (like track4).
And depending on whether you can add a button to jump back the last 20 draws.
Also a button for cancel the last number.

Hello and thanks



