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Started by VLSroulette, February 22, 2009, 08:29:15 PM

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Quote from: RPro75 on May 23, 2009, 12:15:17 PM
Ok, so what is it then?  I'll bet everything I own you won't reveal it because you, like Dyksexlic, DON'T HAVE A WINNING BET BECAUSE THERE IS NO CONSISTENT WINNING BET EXCEPT VLS METHODOLOGY.  BTE, you have now got yourself on the Win3Million website, which is what you were trying to do in the first place.

Here it is folks, CasinoPitBull's 5 minutes of fame on W3M:


ok u  have  right  so  I  didnt  find nothing  becouse  it  is  not  exist )))))))))))))))))))))))))))) :pleasantry: :pleasantry: :pleasantry: u see  u  r  1   person   whoo  discovered  me ))))))))))))))))))) Charles  have  right u  r clever  than  everyone  i  have  to  say :good:   SIMON  PLEASE  CONTACT  ME  THANK  YOU


You know what CPB, it's nothing personal, even if it seemed that way.  It's just that I am sick and tired of people claiming to have found this wonderful bet that beats roulette that even the most brilliant scientists, mathematicians, and statisticians say does not exist and could not find.  Then when they claim to have found it, nobody can ever provide proof.  Why?  Because there is no such thing and it does not exist.  Do you know the kind of study that has gone into the research of a viable way to beat roulette?  Have you any idea of the genius minds that have tried?  Are you saying that CEH and now you are smarter than Albert Einstein???  There simply is no way to do it.  I've been researching for about 3 years now and I just recently (within a week) found my answer to win on a consistent basis and that is VLS LW Methodology.  That is the most unique and innovative technique existing today to win at roulette.  Anyone who cannot see that is not a fool, but they have just not exhausted everything else yet.  I spent all kinds of time developing systems that in the end always failed until I found the LW Tracker.  I am now winning $100-$200 per day on RNG.  With some more perfecting, there is no doubt in my mind I will be playing roulette 5-7 days a week and not working a 9-5. Now, if you have found something, here is what I suggest.  Find a neutral and trustworthy person on this forum, like Victor or Lanky, tell them what you have and swear them to secrecy.  They can then create a post and tell us all nothing about the bet, simply YES or NO.  If you cannot or will not do this, then I say to you CPB, you are a LIAR and a CHEAT.


when you say that the lw is a consistent winning bet, does it mean that it loses in the long run?
I am asking cos i tried several ways at trying to 'crack' the lw, but still end up -2/3% in the long run.

can someone guide me to the best way to play this please!


Quote from: Philc on May 23, 2009, 04:12:19 PM
I'm not saying that there is winning bet, and I'm not saying that there is not.
BUT.. How did Albert Einstein try to beat Roulette? with Maths? And then he said it Can't be done?
So that makes You and Victor and a lot of others smarter than Albert Einstein.
Why didn't Einstein develop the LW Methodology?
Maybe he was a genius but he did not look in the right places? Just like me. LOL

The LW Methodology does not beat the maths or change the odds.  It is a tool to help you identify patterns and what the wheel is doing at a particular time so you may exploit it.  Everyone must develop their own way to play the Lw's.  It's simple, if you get 5 L's in a roe, start betting foe a w because the chances of 6 or 7 L's in a row is so rare, I've only seen it happen once.  If you get 10 w's in a row, bet for an L, because it's coming.  I've never seen more than 16 w's in a row.  I'm talking over 2000 RNG spins played in the last 4 days.  It's a miracle tool if you learn how to use it.  It's made me close to $1600 in the past 4 days, and that's no bull.  Theoretically, it does not beat the game, it helps you find the most logical bet.  Anyone can win if they always make the most appropriate bet.  Of course, you still won't win every bet, I don't, but I bet I win at least 7 out of 10 bets.  I can say with surety it's far better than anything CEH has.  I started using $1 units, now I am using $5 units, the next step is $10 units, and so on. Also, i've been hammering Baccarat pretty good using Reverse Labouchere with a stop-loss.


Quote from: Philc on May 23, 2009, 04:59:49 PM
It does not change the maths, it does not change the odds. But it must beat both the Maths and the Odds.
If it wins 7 out of 10 bets on average it is the HG.
If it wins 7 out of 10 bets on average it beats anything Einstein thought of.
Any bet that wins Roulette consistently beats anything Einstein thought of.
It must do - he said it cannot be beaten.
Don't know, I don't analyze it.  Too busy playing with it and winning.  Don't know if it is the HG or not.  It's making me a hell of a lot of money, that's all I know.  Believe it, don't believe it, doesn't really matter to me.  All I know is it's looking a lot like I'll be playing roulette for a living.  I've made more in 4 days than in two weeks at my old job.  Thank-you Victor.


Quote from: Philc on May 23, 2009, 06:03:53 PM
RPRo75 That's a Cop Out.

It amuses me when people say that if Roulette was Beatable, Einstein would have beaten it.
My wife said  If you could make money playing Roulette, Bill Gates would have done it.. And she said it without laughing. Eh?
If Bill Gates was so clever he would have started up Apple Computers and Google.

So Einstein maybe did not think of everything.
But to say that Roulette cannot be beaten and then to say that the LW beats it consistently is a contradiction.   

I didn't really expect a direct answer. It would have to be either.

1. Yes I have the HG.
2. No I am not winning consistently.

Sorry RPRo75 it's just the way my mind works.

No problem, buddy.  Doesn't bother me any, because I know how to win mow and I am doing it.  So what if I can't explain it?  It works.  Is it the Grail?  Don't know.  All I know is it is tthe best tool I've ever used to play roulette.  Many people win at roulette.  Could you ever make the money Bill Gates has made with roulette? Absolutely not, that's why he doesn't play.


Anyway, here's my session for today.    It took about 6 hours but you can see the results for yourself.  Of course, there will be those who say I doctored the photos, or it's play money, or whatever.  The fact is is that if someone wants to doubt you they will.  So be it. I know the truth and that is all that matters.



Quote from: Philc on May 23, 2009, 06:49:14 PM
RPro you don't have to prove anything to me. I'm not trying to wind you up.
The point I am making is that any consistent bet is the HG even if its 7 wins out 13 Consistently and Reliably. Or is it not?
Even a bet that NEVER loses I would class as the HG. If it NEVER loses it must have some point where it is profit.
I believe you that the LW wins, many people say it does.
Just one point though:
If you keep Increasing your bet every day or whatever, and at some point you lose, you are risking some or all of your past winnings.

That's right, but you have to exercise control.  For example, if i lose 2 bigger bets in a row, I don't increase my bets and try to recoup, that's how you lose more.  I know that the LW will win more than lose, so i decrease and grind my way back up.  Don't be fooled, I made over $400 today, but it took almost 7 hours of continuous spinning.  It's no get rich quick scheme, it is work like anything else.  If you think you are going to work 2 hours a day and make $400 a day doing this, you are wrong.  Thursday, I played for 10 hours and made about $240.  Tomorrow, I may play for 6 hours and only make $90.  It's a grind, but what isn't?


3 more hours grinding - $281.  The bigger your bankroll gets, the easier it is to make more money faster.  I started out with $100 4 days ago.



I'm not saying I know how to beat roulette but anyone with half a brain knows you can't beat rng.  It's computer software designed to make money for the casino.  Duh!!!

As for CEH, I am very happy for you and your success.  (Man, You do not know how jealous I am of you).  I can't wrap my head around the bet.

For those of you like me trying to find a genuine, profitable bet and strategy, I am looking at the dozens right now.  I've found out a bet that doesn't work so maybe if we flip it (reverse the bet) it might work.  I am showing the reversed version.

You get two dozens like if the results are a,b,b,c,b,c,a,a,b,c then you catorize it:
a c b c b c-next bet is b (since b would be the change because c's and a's go together this time)
b      a
b      a

after we found the a's and b's going together, c appeared, then once b appeared-we now have a chance to bet on c for a change since a and b are together (a series).  The next opportunity we have is on the last result that's a c.

How can you put all your heart and effort into something and not find it? Where's god?

I post on here because I am a Very Lonely Sucker.  I don't know ANYONE interested in roulette betting, so this is all I have. 
Sorry Charles.


It continues to surprise me that people keep quoting Einstein as saying that roulette is unbeatable.

CEH said that he spent 20 months fulltime finding his bet. I'm sure Einstein wouldn't have spent 20 minutes on it. As a mathematician, he would have said roulette is a negative expectation game, so it can't be beaten.

I'm sure he had plenty of other things to solve, rather that the game of roulette.



Quote from: Moccoman on May 25, 2009, 02:57:45 AM
It continues to surprise me that people keep quoting Einstein as saying that roulette is unbeatable.

CEH said that he spent 20 months fulltime finding his bet. I'm sure Einstein wouldn't have spent 20 minutes on it. As a mathematician, he would have said roulette is a negative expectation game, so it can't be beaten.

I'm sure he had plenty of other things to solve, rather that the game of roulette.

There have been many other studies.  I remember reading something about a project that involved 20 MIT students and they concluded there was no single bet that would produce a profit every spin, amongst other things.  I don't know all of the details, so I can't really comment on it in any depth.


Quote from: Moccoman on May 25, 2009, 02:57:45 AM
It continues to surprise me that people keep quoting Einstein as saying that roulette is unbeatable.

CEH said that he spent 20 months fulltime finding his bet. I'm sure Einstein wouldn't have spent 20 minutes on it. As a mathematician, he would have said roulette is a negative expectation game, so it can't be beaten.

I'm sure he had plenty of other things to solve, rather that the game of roulette.


You're right moccoman. he never gave it any more than a cursory thought. You know he kept seven identical suits in the wardrobe so he wouldn't waste any brain space on deciding what to wear each day........

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