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Beware of con artist on the web

Started by See_Jerek, March 18, 2009, 11:17:26 AM

0 Members and 4 Guests are viewing this topic.

Is Bobby a scammer?

Yes goes without saying
15 (48.4%)
No he may have some real problems paying up
2 (6.5%)
4 (12.9%)
No he is not just a scammer, a great liar as well
8 (25.8%)
None of the above
2 (6.5%)

Total Members Voted: 26


Hello guys,

Let's call our scammer Bob ok?
I will not mention this person's nick he is using here to protect his identity.
I shall share with you a story over a span of 2 weeks which I have been made a victim of a scam.

I receive an email from a member here last monday,stating that he is Bob my fellow countryman.I didn't wanna talk much with a total stranger despite the fact that we both come from the same country.Later that night,I had a chat on skype with Jak and we are having a discussion about Kimo's GPM.Out of interest,I ask Jak about Bob if he knows anything about him.Jak told me Bob is from my country Singapore and he a student of Kimo as well.

The next morning,there is more email from Bob and he wanted to exchange skype contacts with me which I did.The reason why I was doing that is becos I can't get any of Kimo's books at all the bookstores and I was thinking he could tell me where to get them.So we hook up on skype,I ask him what I need to ask and he told me where to get the books,at the same time I was playing roulette online.I just done withdrawal a thousand over dollars and I had S$900 in my account which I wanted to play with and go further with my challenge.

Bob told me he plays roulette full time online and doesn't have a full time job and he makes about 3 to 5k monthly.He claims that he had ever won and withdrew S$190k from betinternet.com using Kimo's method.I wasn't amaze by it as the biggest amount I have saw people won is also around that figure.Bob suggested that I gave me my user id and password for my betting account as he wanted to demostrate to me how effective Kimo's methods are and reassure that the maximum drawdown is only 160 units.However he claim that he is unable to show my exactly how he does it as he doesn't want to offend Kimo by leaking out the secrets.I was thinking to myself what the heck?there is nothing to lose just 160 units thats it,I will be along side with Bob on skype anyway.so I stupidly gave him all the passowords,so he was playing and losing alright until my account was only left with S$300,that is a loss of over 500 units.

I was damn pissed man I didnt like that not only I lose some money,I also did not get to see Kimo's method being effective.If I wanna lose money I make sure I lose it myself instead of letting others lose for me.Bob then suggested that we chip in together to play @ betinternet and ask me for S$1000 for funding,I was very unwilling to do so as this guy just lose $500 of my money and he is asking for more to lose.Then he offer to protect the capital,he send me a screenshot of an advance wire transfer of S$1200 that will take place that following thursday directly credited to my bank account,If there is any loss of any sort.He will bear the loss on his own.I decided to go along with it knowing that I will get an amount of S$1200 in my bank account no matter its a win or loss.Bob was being pushy the whole day urging me to wire the S$1000 as soon as I can so he can start making money.That evening I did a wire transfer to his account.He promise me that he will give me a report everyday on how he was doing on betinternet.com

On wednesday,Bob told me he had to go for military service for a week,all Singaporeans are subjected to 2 years of full time military service and 1 to 2 weeks annually after completion of your full time liablilties.Bob told me had won close to US1.7k in those 2 days which I never saw any evidence or whatsoever.This is when I started to smell a rat,Bob suggested that we should take it a step further and offer me if I wanna top it up with more funding of S$2000 so he can play bigger units.I didn't want to simply becos I haven't even get back a cent from my investment yet.He was being pushy about it and he knew I was firm with it.In the end,knowing that he can't convince me,he came up with another idea and ask me if I could help to deposit $2000 on behalf of him as he can't leave the barracks.To cut the story short,he was telling all sort of nonsense just to get money out of me.I just turn him down.

Thursday came and I am suppose to get the wire transfer of S$1200 which I never did,I become damn pissed and confronted Bob and f##k him upside down for not honouring his words.He told me he couldn't leave the barracks and didn't have online access to do any sort of banking.At this point,I smell trouble but I had no choice but to go along with it.He reassure me that once he can leave the barracks on Sat**day,he will make the withdrawal from betinternet and I will defintely get my money on Monday.

On Monday,he claim that betinternet has not credited his bank account with the money.I go into a rage and call him all sort of names.There is nothing I can do now,I just wanted to get the money back.His reasoning was that he had never done a withdrawal over the weekend and he didnt know it will take a few working days.It was a tall story I knew it was a scammer in action.Again with his bag of lies,he told me that he was sorry about the whole thing,he never expected this to happen.Then he tried to trick me by telling me that I will get $2000.00 instead of the $1200.00 as he had won quite a neat sum.
I couldn't care lesser I just want to take what belongs to me.Again he gave another deadline and that is on Wednesday morning everything will be over,that is what Bob promise.He has got an email from betinternet stating that the funds will be in his bank account on Wednesday.I ask to see the email which he is unable to produce up till now.Its obvious,its a lie so he can't produce anything

Came today which is wednesday,I started chasing for the money in the morning.I got another tall story that the funds are in but it will be clear by 5pm.
I knew this was another lie becos in the 1st place he said wednesday morning why now 5pm.I started to ask about the money at 5pm sharp,he told me he is busy and he will get back to me by 6pm.I knew I was going to get another grandmother story at 6pm and true enough.He came up with this lie that the funds are in his bank account and need 2 days to clear,he can only pay me on Friday.This is the lousiest bullshit I have heard,I gave him a piece of my mind,I have enough of the bullshit stories and Bob still thinks that I was born yesterday.When ask to produce that email from betinternet,he can't produce anything.

I am writing this to warn fella members to be wary of such scammers.I am very unlucky to meet one and I only blame my own foolishness for falling into a trick.I think I should make a police report and let the authorities deal with this scammer.I urged the hosts here to release his IP address to me to help the local police get hold of this rat.At the same time,I urged Kimo to expel this scammer out of his private section.Please offer me any kind of assistance if you can.

My fellow members,

I have a few questions for all of you and if you can answer it to the best of your knowledge from what I have written

1.Will you ever cheat,con and scam your own countryman?

2.Does Bob have a questionable character?

3.Is Bob a scammer?

4.Is it possible to encounter so much problems withdrawing from a online casino?


Reveal his name. He should be permanently banned.


Quote from: Shorty on March 18, 2009, 11:37:16 AM
Reveal his name. He should be permanently banned.

Hello Shorty,

I am still pondering if I should do that or should I let the police deal with this
Internet fraud spells JAIL


Quote from: See_Jerek on March 18, 2009, 11:41:17 AM

Hello Shorty,

I am still pondering if I should do that or should I let the police deal with this
Internet fraud spells JAIL

Hey Jerek,  ;)

Evil story man, so sorry this has happened to you  >:(

Unfortunately I doubt is will be seen as Internet Fraud, you gave him your passwords Etc. That no doubt will be in the casino T & C's as a huge no no.... :o The casino wouldn't of paid out ANY winnings IF they knew this, of that I am sure.

Your telling the truth, so IF I was you I would spill who it is, least that way nobody else here goes through what you have gone through.....

Hang tough bud  :thumbsup:


See Jerek,

I don't think the police would do anything, as you gave him the passwords and such (of course, I'm going by Canadian law).  But you should share his name to warn others so it doensn't happen to them.

Tough luck,


Quote from: MattyMattz on March 18, 2009, 12:44:12 PM
See Jerek,

I don't think the police would do anything, as you gave him the passwords and such (of course, I'm going by Canadian law).  But you should share his name to warn others so it doensn't happen to them.

Tough luck,

HeHeHe great minds think alike Matty  :thumbsup:


As it's you & me,

The blind leading the blind....... 8)


LOL Xman,

I'll go with your first assumption :)




Sorry to hear mate. I hope this was money you can miss. You're playing with big amounts. I only take 50,- with me when I go to the casino and I'm pissed when I lose.

Good luck with getting your money back.


Hello Guys,

Thank you for your advices and concern.

Your guys are right,let's spill the beans if I don't see dollars and cents by friday.


Quote from: See_Jerek on March 18, 2009, 01:06:59 PM
Hello Guys,

Thank you for your advices and concern.

Your guys are right,let's spill the beans if I don't see dollars and cents by friday.

Here's hoping your "name & shame" threat will be enough to get those dollars back in your account.... 8)

If not....

"Bob" had better get a tin hat, cause there will be a sh%t storm coming.....

The Spiders Kiss

Hi Jerek
Now we all know scammers exist but for one VLS member to another???..............I DONT THINK SO
Mate you MUST name this person
1) so no one else falls for this shyster
2)So that all the crap in hell can rain done on him
Im sorry to hear this happened especially to a stand up guy like you


Hello Spiderkiss,

Not only a VLS member tried to scam another member,to top it up its a fellow countyman living in the same country.
It sucks man when I think of that,I am totally disppointed.



So sorry to hear about it mate. It realy sucks when you put your trust in someone and they end up screwing you.

Jerek, suggestion, you know who he is, how long he has been a member of this forum and if the money does not get to you by Friday, name and shame him mate. If he has been a long time member the there is a possibility that somebody here may know him and where he lives.......... >:D

Then get some mates and go "PAY" him a visit.

Hope this turns out for the best mate.



Sorry that happened to You Mate.

Kimo Li is a friend of mine & if You give Me that persons Name I will follow it up for You Mate.

Your Friend.


Kimo Li


Anyone on this forum who claims that they have my ultimate method is a liar.

Do not trust anyone who says they have my method.  I will investigate this allegation.

Kimo Li

Kimo Li
