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Beware of con artist on the web

Started by See_Jerek, March 18, 2009, 11:17:26 AM

0 Members and 3 Guests are viewing this topic.

Is Bobby a scammer?

Yes goes without saying
15 (48.4%)
No he may have some real problems paying up
2 (6.5%)
4 (12.9%)
No he is not just a scammer, a great liar as well
8 (25.8%)
None of the above
2 (6.5%)

Total Members Voted: 26


Hi all,

Bobby has told me today that he has now given a another deadline of 5.30pm friday.
I had asked him to aknowledge it on this thread as I do not want to be accused of fabricating any sort of tale.
I could not think of a positive outcome at this point,I have been let down too many times.


i acknowledge on the final dateline i requested from Jerek.



Let's face it folks, if bb was a true scammer, he would not have made that last post.  He would have just kept the cash and remained silent.

Trust me as one scammed out of $600, when they have your cash and intend to scam you, well, you don't hear from them again

Let's keep the faith.



Quote from: TwoCatSam on March 26, 2009, 04:02:32 AM
Let's face it folks, if bb was a true scammer, he would not have made that last post.  He would have just kept the cash and remained silent.

Trust me as one scammed out of $600, when they have your cash and intend to scam you, well, you don't hear from them again

Let's keep the faith.


Hello Sam,

I wish to keep my faith along with you.I am sorry to hear about your case.
I requested BB to aknowledge the post if I didnt ask,do you think he will give any sort of respond?The answer is NO
I wanted him to respond as I do not want to be accuse of fabricating any sort of stories to the public.

Again,I wish this whole matter to end in a amicable way but it seems not going towards that direction and after being told lies again and again.
Where is your confidence?
Right at the dumps


Hello all,

I shall not elaborate on this matter further,totally sick and tired of it.
Let's make merry ourselves,I shall engaged a clown to entertain you guys ;D


hi to all,

i have applied for an overdraft facility and will get funded in my account on Tuesday, 31 Mar 2009.
and i will manually transfer to Jerek See's bank account.

it's true i have failed him on many dates. sorry, but until i show results, nothing i say is of any creditbility.

thanks. and sorry to Mr Kimo for the inconvenience too.




Hello Skakus,

A warm welcome to you.I am sorry you had to see the ugly side of the forum since you are here.
However,whereever you go,there will always be some black sheep that spoils the fun by bending the rules.
I have been a victim up to this stage and I can't see anything postive ahead to be honest but I guess I need to let people learn about this incident and be really wary.Truly,I do not want another of such incidents here again.Its a shitty feeling and I do feel better b***hing about it.At the end of the day,good or bad I got to move on and let this serve as a warning to others and hope such things will not happen to another person here on VLS.

@ Number 6

Of course,I will keep inform everyone here on what is going on.I got lots of PMs from brothers here who are genuinely concern about me.We have done some wicked roulette together and everyone's hoping for the best. 


OK, people, call me a Pollyanna, but I believe in BobbyBobby.  Maybe the man has made a mistake, but the fact he shows up here and admits it goes a long way in my book. 

Keepin' the faith.....




I agree with much of the general overtone of your post; however, I also find some of it to be equally pretentious, insulting, and condescending.   Specifically, this Quote -

"What I'm trying to say here is, See-Jerek, don't get hung up on this mate, it's only a little bit of money and a little bit of bother. Both can be rectified."

From your writings I assume that you don't know See_Jerek and don't know his means and financial situation.  If indeed I am incorrect in my assumption, it seems to me, that reply would have been better if sent by pm rather than a public post.  Furthermore, even if the amount of money in question isn't significant by Jerek's standards, does that really matter?  It seems that you may have missed the point.  Don't gamble with money you don't have.  Don't gamble with other peoples money that you can't cover.  DON'T USE THIS FORUM TO SOLICT MONEY FROM OTHERS FOR GAMBLING.   

It is clear that Bobby asked for the money and not Jerek who suggested this scheme.  In other words, it was Bobby's idea and therefore he deserves this scrutiny.

Quote -"However, it would definitely, in every way be beneficial to Jerek if he moved on from this."  I too hope he moves on, but do appreciate the updates on the situation.  This thread is a good public service announcement and I would like to that Jerek for posting it. 



This guy Bobby most likely had good intentions when he borrowed the money and probably thought he had some "crackerjack" system and could take any amount of money, double it quickly, and then keep half while returning the borrowed money.  Here is the truth as I see it:

1.  Bobby did not mean to scam Jerek.
2.  He lost the money because his "crackerjack" system lost like all roulette systems do.
3.  He then took more money out of his account because he thought it was just a fluke that his "ultimate" system lost and he lost that money too because nobody can beat roulette, not Steve Hourmouzis, not Kimo Li, NOBODY.  The only reason anybody wins at roulette is because they make bets that have close to a 50% chance of winning and they get lucky that day.
4.  He lost all his money because he is a gambling addict and then did not want to admit that he was an absolute failure and his roulette methods really suck and he started lying, because thats what junkies of any sort do, they lie about everything.
5.  He is probably scrambling around right now trying to come up with 50 bucks because is in his mind he can take that to the casino and win back Jereks money and probably a hundred bucks for him to(NOT).
6.  How do I know all this - been there, done that!

My advice to Bobby:
Come clean and get help, apologize to Jerek and this forum and ask for the nearest gamblers anonymous meeting.  Keep going back - It works if you work it!

My advice to Jerek:
It's 2009, I don't care if someone is your "countryman" or not, everybody is out for themselves and the world economy sucks so nobody has any money.  Don't give money to someone you hardly know especially when they say they are going to win more by playing roulette or unless you know you will never get it back!  Bottom line, it's your fault.  Sorry, just the facts.  No offense meant to anyone.



You may have some valid points and some good advice.  Though I obviously disagree with # 3 and I am not sure why you brought Steve and Kimo into this thread like that.  I am confident that Kimo beats roulette based upon what he has shown me .  His 28 matrix combined with the Holyman are deadly plus I'm pretty sure that he wins w/ DS regularly.  I think Steve H. might be able to beat roulette with VB as well, if not I think he can beat/cheat it w/ one of his machines, but I'm not sure.  I write this knowing that I've criticized him recently, but one has nothing to do with the other.  I'll try to leave this thread alone.

Good Luck


Edit and clarification -
I've been questioned about my reply.  I have not been given Kimo's specific method of playing his matrix.  Sorry, for those who inferred this.  RP


No offense to Kimo or Steve or anyone who is a roulette professional.  I have the utmost respect for Kimo and Steve, well, I haven't decided about Steve yet but anyway...I just think that there are logical ways to approach roulette, but when you win it is because the numbers went your way that day, thats all.  No system can beat it.  It is a fact that it cannot be beaten and the house will always win in the long run.  Just the facts man, just the facts.


Quote from: TwoCatSam on March 27, 2009, 04:13:14 PM
OK, people, call me a Pollyanna, but I believe in BobbyBobby.  Maybe the man has made a mistake, but the fact he shows up here and admits it goes a long way in my book. 

Keepin' the faith.....


Hello Sammy,

I hope so I really do.There is a reason why I use the word hope 8)


Quote from: RPro75 on March 28, 2009, 04:14:39 PM
No offense to Kimo or Steve or anyone who is a roulette professional.  I have the utmost respect for Kimo and Steve, well, I haven't decided about Steve yet but anyway...I just think that there are logical ways to approach roulette, but when you win it is because the numbers went your way that day, thats all.  No system can beat it.  It is a fact that it cannot be beaten and the house will always win in the long run.  Just the facts man, just the facts.

Hi, RPro75  ;)

From your quote above you use the phrase "roulette Professional" I read that as somebody who gets paid to play roulette Correct ?

Therefore that person would be winning at roulette Agreed ?

"In the long run" is a relative term.... I assume that Kimo has been winning for a v long time, so for him roulette has, so far, been beat.....

Meanwhile the rest of us keep looking...... :-[

BTW, your latest thread over at RF states you are "done" with roulette, so why come here & tell us all it cannot be beat..... ???

take it easy.... 8)

