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Roy Ward Dickson system

Started by Tangram, March 31, 2009, 01:37:45 PM

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Roy's estate planned to republish the book "how to win at roulette and blackjack" but apparently the project has been shelved. I've heard about his roulette system but have never seen it. Does anyone have it, and if so is it worth being curious about?



I have had this stashed for some years

Roy Ward Dickson said a playable hot number is...

a. One that has not come up for at least thirty consecutive spins. ie. 30 spins or more never less.

b. One that after such an "establishing period of absence" finally came up.

c. And which did so twice more during the next 19 spins or less, subject to the special exceptions below.

That is three shows in 20 spins or less after an absence of 30 spins or more.

A number is NOT playable if it comes up three times in a row.
A number is NOT playable if the DIFFERENCE in the 'gap' between the first-and-second appearance and the 'gap' between the second-and-third appearances consists of more than six.

Say the qualifying numbers' initial two shows were on the first and seventh spins, that is a 'gap' of 6 and the third qualifying show came up on the 19th spin, that is a 'gap' of 12 spins, then the DIFFERENCE in the 'gaps' of 6 & 12 = 6. The number is playable!

Again, suppose the initial two shows are on the first and third spins, that is a 'gap' of 2 and the third show is on the twelveth spin, that is a 'gap' of 9, so the DIFFERENCE in the'gaps' of 2 & 9 = 7. The number is unplayable!

Another example, suppose the initial two shows are on the first and tenth spins, that is a 'gap' of 9 and the third show is on the twentieth spin, that is a 'gap' of 10, so the DIFFERENCE in the'gaps' of 9 & 10 = 1. Playable!

Back a playable qualifying number for UP TO 9 spins NOT counting spins where zero shows.
Of course zero itself can qualify to be playable.
Bet one unit on the first to the sixth playable spin and two units on the seventh to the ninth playable spin.
If the string of nine bets all fail to achieve a win stop betting that number immediately.
Stop backing that number immediately a bet wins, that is the hot number shows for the fourth time.
As soon as one such playable hot number bet has won stop that playing session at that wheel, even if it was your first bet. No more bets that day at that wheel.
Should three successive playable strings each of nine bets all lose stop that playing session at that wheel.
If you have lost two strings of nine bets and are playing a third when a second number qualifies as playable DON'T commence betting on it. Either you win your currently active string and walk or you walk away after losing three consecutive strings of nine anyway.


Hi Geoff,

Thanks a lot for posting the system, I knew someone would have it.  :) I remember someone on VIP was a big fan, can't remember his handle but his signature was something like "RWD - the only winning system" or something like that...

So I assume you've not played it yourself?



"stop that playing session at that wheel."  Are we to assume the wheel will "remember" we won and work like the devil  >:D to beat us.



Quote from: TwoCatSam on April 01, 2009, 07:31:37 PM

"stop that playing session at that wheel."  Are we to assume the wheel will "remember" we won and work like the devil  >:D to beat us.


Just you Sam just you >:D you an angel in disguise :D



I think a lot of systems are based on that idea, and also that the wheel will "remember" we lost and work like an angel to help us.  ;D


Now read this quote carefully:

"As soon as one such playable hot number bet has won stop that playing session at that wheel, even if it was your first bet. No more bets that day at that wheel."

Well, Gents, I got a problem with that........

If the wheel has no memory in relation to numbers, streets, dozens and the like, what are we to make of this?

The brains tell us that if dozen one has slept for ten spins it is just as likely to sleep one more as it is to hit because the wheel cannot remember that dozen one has slept for ten spins and is due.  Yet if we win we must scurry quickly from the casino because the wheel wants to get even with us.


What if I left and my old friend, Coussin Gonflable, sat down to play the same system?  Surely he is doomed to failure, as I would have been had I stayed.  Or does the wheel cut him some slack as he is new?

No matter how thin you make your pancake, it still has two sides.



Instead of looking to whats NOT happening on the Carpet. Look at the Carpet and see what happens. Then Bet.




I suppose there are two ways of looking at it. If the premise "the wheel has no memory" is correct (and the mathematics and all available evidence does point to that), then the vast majority of systems are doomed to failure, because they are built on quicksand. But perhaps if you look at things differently, not in terms of the wheel having a memory, but at the way random numbers behave. It certainly is true that numbers do not arrive on cue when they are due (according to the law of averages), ie; they do not hit once every 37 spins. This means they must arrive in clusters (in order to maintain the long-term average). I think systems like this are designed to try and capitalize on that fact. But of course, you never really know when a cluster is beginning, all you can do is guess.  ::) Isn't this the basis of many systems on the forum, including Victor's LW method?



I have posed the question  When is a wheel a new wheel? I feel four hours should be sufficient.

Yes the Lw method does try to determine the way the table is playing.  And I think a lot of systems do the same.

R. D. Ellison once said if you won on the 3qA to leave the casino at once.  He later modified his thinking to say there was actually no reason for this; if you were winning, sit tight. 

It's a good discussion and good food for thought.

Does anyone ever feel that some days the wheel just hates you?  In literature, this is called "personification"......giving the wheel the ability to hate as we humans do.  I wonder......



I like your Reflections Sam. You are a true Philosopher.  8)



Quote from: TwoCatSamWhen is a wheel a new wheel? I feel four hours should be sufficient.

Not sure I understand the question Sam. When it hasn't been played yet? or when it has been played for four hours? or do you mean we have four hours to answer the question?  :)

Quote from: TwoCatSamDoes anyone ever feel that some days the wheel just hates you?

Yes, but I try not to hate it back. There's no place for emotion at the tables. I bottle up my anger and kick the furniture when I get home.



I mean....

You play the wheel and it is dead set against you.  How long before it turns around and gives you a fair shot.  I usually wait at least four hours.  Or if I win, I wait four hours to play again. 

Thanks, /Compa.



I don't think in terms of time.  If you eat a meal or leave the building then you can go back.  I'd pick a different table, though.


RWD is a good basis for backing the lead numbers. A few alterations here and there.

