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Roy Ward Dickson system

Started by Tangram, March 31, 2009, 01:37:45 PM

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Hi RWD followers, maybe even TwoScatSam?

Tangram, I was the VIP member who advocated the RWD method and my sig was "RWD - the only winning method, long term".

Glad to see your creation of this area.

In spite of my handle here, I still only play the RWD method and looking at my recent records, I've won 10 sessions and lost 6, which is pretty amazing as I should have lost 20 sessions for that number of wins on average. (win 1 lose 2).

I usually monitor two tables and start betting on the first one where a hot number becomes a candidate.
If I win I'll stop betting for the night.
If I lose, I'll continue to monitor that table and if (usually when) two more hot numbers show themselves eventually, I'll bet as per the RWD method and stop on a win or until both numbers fail.

For a lot of people this is boring, but for me making a profit is never boring.

I was very interested to hear of a possible re-publication, although I've got the book already, but it should be of interest to a wider audience.

Speaking of interest, you might like to take a look at his fascinating scanned original "Monte Carlo Anecdotes...". You can read it online or download a PDF.




Quote from: TwoCatSam on April 01, 2009, 07:31:37 PM

"stop that playing session at that wheel."  Are we to assume the wheel will "remember" we won and work like the devil  >:D to beat us.



I assume you were referring to that post above.  That was a logical question.  If you must leave the wheel after winning, are you not assuming the wheel will "remember"?  It's OK to go the neighboring wheel as it has no beef with you.  Is that it?

Again I pose the question which no one ever tackles:  What if you just won with this system at table 2 and had walked away.  I just sat down to play the system.  Am I doomed to lose because you walked away?  What if you turned around and came back and we both played?  Are we then both doomed?  What if I'm not doomed?  Would you then win?  What if I had NOT sat down and you just played on, would you be doomed or win?

These I call "sweep under the rug questions".  We sweep them under the rug and hope we don't trip over them, but we always do.

Zero, I have asked this question of many systems, not just this one. 



Guy's, I have played my slightly modified version of RWD Hot Numbers since the book was first released and I have half a dozen copies of it in my library.

You are all correct of course about the walking away on a win bit, it doesn't make sense and it is not profitable to do so.

I have logged hundreds of thousands of real spins into a specially written program to refine RWD's rules slightly and to fine tune my money management and betting strategy to maximise profit and my modified strategy has stayed in profit for over 30 years.

BUT HERE IS THE REAL QUESTION...WHY? I have struggled to come up with a reason why it works on wheels all around the world, single and double zero doesn't matter? About the only thing I am convinced about is that it needs a real live croupier to work. Any sensible suggestions welcomed.


Hi Jim,

I'm glad you posted, I remember the name now...  ;) and nice to hear you're still winning. The RWD web site has been there for some time. I got in touch with them well over a year ago and in a recent email they told me they've put on hold the project to republish the book. But thanks to Geoff posting the rules anyone interested can give the system a try.

Thanks for posting the link to the online book, as you say - fascinating stuff.

@ Sam,

If you can continue to qualify a table then it makes no sense to walk away (either if you're winning or losing), you just continue to track until fresh qualifying conditions arise. In actual fact you're not really walking away at all, at least not if you plan to ever play in a casino again. What's the difference between walking away and coming back the next day, and staying at the same table all day? it's all the same. Same goes for anyone playing in your place. As long as the start and exit rules are followed then it shouldn't make any difference.

Quote from: macca37I have struggled to come up with a reason why it works on wheels all around the world, single and double zero doesn't matter? About the only thing I am convinced about is that it needs a real live croupier to work. Any sensible suggestions welcomed.

macca37, so have you done much testing on RNG's? it could be that the system exploits some kind of dealer signature.


Quote from: Tangram on April 05, 2009, 08:34:50 AM
@ Sam,

If you can continue to qualify a table then it makes no sense to walk away (either if you're winning or losing), you just continue to track until fresh qualifying conditions arise. In actual fact you're not really walking away at all, at least not if you plan to ever play in a casino again. What's the difference between walking away and coming back the next day, and staying at the same table all day? it's all the same. Same goes for anyone playing in your place. As long as the start and exit rules are followed then it shouldn't make any difference.


I wholeheartedly agree!



Macca, glad to hear that you are still profiting from the RWD method and great that you have modified it for even greater profitability.

Two and Tangram, I think RWD's insistence on leaving the table after a win is due to at least two valid reasons.

1. It is psychologically "damaging" to start to give back your immediate winnings trying to win more.
2. The sheer time it takes to get a "hot" number (from 30 minutes to 3 hours+) means another lengthy wait, which would be tiring.
3. RWD makes reference (I think) to the law of averages and if you look at Hamburg or other results over a night, you won't often see more than 1 hot number "coming in" on the same table. (You may remember from VIP  - I know Macca does - that getting 2 hot numbers to play AND WIN at the same time on the same wheel is very rare - once in 2 years for both of us).
4.  Dealers subconsciously avoid or go for your hot number depending on their mood, wakefulness, attention, desire to hit or avoid an area etc. or consciously do all or none of the above.

Wheels do not have memory, but "something" makes the law of averages work, so a number that has been absent for a time is "due" whether you like that terminology or not.

RWD's method is the full package - bet selection, strategy, money management, profit and loss management and gaining a psychological edge.
I may have brain-washed myself, but I can't comfortably play anything else.

Having said that, here are some anomalies I've noticed;

The 7th spin is the most frequently hit (as per RWD) and where it does not hit, it is often a neighbour that does.

If the number does NOT hit during the required 9 spins, it often hits on the 13th spin! (Don't ask!)

The first spin (and therefore bet) after a hot number has been identified, often hits a neighbour and in fact, by betting neigbour bets for the first 6 spins only, a quicker profit can be made, though at a greater initial expense.
Also, as a part of this scenario, the neighbour seems to hit more often on the 1st spin, so doubling the bet on the 1st spin makes sense.

RWD maintained that one should not bet more than 9 times on a number (unless 0 has appeared) but annoyingly, the hot number often seems to hit on the 10th spin (after I have walked away from the table).



The Spiders Kiss

Quote from: zeroandtheneighbours on April 05, 2009, 05:10:50 PM

RWD maintained that one should not bet more than 9 times on a number (unless 0 has appeared) but annoyingly, the hot number often seems to hit on the 10th spin (after I have walked away from the table).


This happens all too readily to me too.Lol.
Nice post Zero thank you



I agree with two of your points:  It is very demoralizing to loose what you just won.  Been there; done that.  And, it does get tiring and the mind wanders.  Those two reasons are good ones for leaving the whole casino and taking a walk while your dog checks her pee mail.

Secondly, numbers appear because of "statistical pressure" to do so. 



Quote from: TwoCatSam on April 04, 2009, 11:22:05 AM

I assume you were referring to that post above.  That was a logical question.  If you must leave the wheel after winning, are you not assuming the wheel will "remember"?  It's OK to go the neighboring wheel as it has no beef with you.  Is that it?

Again I pose the question which no one ever tackles:  What if you just won with this system at table 2 and had walked away.  I just sat down to play the system.  Am I doomed to lose because you walked away?  What if you turned around and came back and we both played?  Are we then both doomed?  What if I'm not doomed?  Would you then win?  What if I had NOT sat down and you just played on, would you be doomed or win?

These I call "sweep under the rug questions".  We sweep them under the rug and hope we don't trip over them, but we always do.

Zero, I have asked this question of many systems, not just this one. 


Two, I think we're all doomed (to paraphrase Fraser, from "Dad's Army", BBC TV) except for me and Macca...

Spider's Kiss, thanks for the compliment - and to refer back to the walking away syndrome, it seems to happen to everyone I speak to at my local casino and none of them play RWD.




Tangram, Jim & Co

I have run enough trials on Random Generated numbers to know RWD does not work so yes it must be associated with "dealer signature" BUT HOW? WHAT? WHERE? WHEN? & WHY?

Your anomalies are interesting! One of my mods is to extend the betting sequence out to exactly 13 spins. The neighbours showing still frustrates the hell out of me even after all these years because I cannot pinpoint a profitable way to play them.

I do think I can control the negative pyshological effect of giving (loaning) back winnings but even after all this time there is no feeling to compare to leaning over the table or calling the croupier to place your first and one and only bet straight up on a "hot" number and have it come up on the very first spin. Better than sex? Maybe not but close.


Macca and all,

I agree, it's a great feeling to call a bet on a single number, or to be the only player at the table, and have it hit straight away.

Recently I had an audience (not my preference obviously, but a small crowd gathered after I started playing) and I was the only player on the table. The hot number was 5 and the dealer spun the ball. (this was the third spin).
It was one of those times when the ball went round the wheel about 5 spins longer than the usual 10-12.

I "knew" then that it was going to fall into the 5 slot and it did.
A sharp intake of breath from the onlookers added to my joy of winning.

The dealers know me after all these years and they think I win all the time, which of course I don't.

My profitable way of winning with the hot number and neighbours is as follows;

Select the hot number as per RWD.
1st spin bet the hot number and the neighbours (2 each side) by 2 units each.
Win, walk away.
Lose, continue betting the hot number and the neighbours by 1 unit each for the next 5 spins.
Win on any one and walk away.
I know that winning on the 6th spin just gets your money back, but it's better than losing it.
Total cost per session, 35 units. Per-session profit ranges from +70 (1st spin win) to +5 (5th spin win).

As stated, the hot number or it's neighbours hits on the first spin quite often (5 out of 22 sessions on average) and 13 out of 22 win, including these 1st spin wins, on average.

These results come from a limted set of data as you can see, so a lot more live sessions with hot numbers qualifying need to be recorded.

Macca, if you don't mind the public forum, would you share your improved RDW methodology?





Very sorry but I am not prepared to share my RWD mods.
I have included them in my book which may or may not be published by my Grandson after my death.

It takes quite a few hours but the info is available to everyone to test and refine the RWD rules and develop their own mods.

Sorry Jim hope you will understand



Thanks Mike, I do understand of course. Live long and prosper!

When  you state "info is available to everyone to test" do you mean from data recorded or from the RWD book text?

Your possibly-to-be-published book sounds tantalizing.
If your Grandson decides to publish, ask him, before you go, to let me know:-)




I was referring to live spins including those from Hamburg.
Plus spreadsheet programs developed by Arteinvivo, minor mods required.
Then it's just lots of work testing each variable independently and as combinations.

Yes my Grandson is an economist and marketer so if he does decide to publish rather than use the info himself I have no doubt you will all hear about it before the release.

Keep winning


