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The Line Leveller

Started by atlantis, March 10, 2008, 07:07:02 PM

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I cleverly fused together 2 systems; my "Elastic Lines System" variation and "The Leveller

System" and produced this hybrid which seems to be working good for me, so I am sharing it

with you! May it bring you good fortune and profits galore!!!

Based on trending lines...

The Lines used are:

The progression:

bet 1 = 1/2 unit (0.5 units)
bet 2 = 1 unit
bet 3 = 2 unit
bet 4 = 4 unit

A win on bet 1 - restart at bet 1
A win on bet 2 - restart at bet 1
A win on bet 3 - restart at bet 2
A win on bet 4 - continue at bet 4 until amount in bank is equal or better than current

highest recorded total so far then restart at bet 1.

A loss on bet 1 - restart at bet 2
A loss on bet 2 - restart at bet 3
A loss on bet 3 - restart at bet 4
A loss on bet 4 - continue at bet 4 until amount in bank is equal or better than current

highest recorded total so far then restart at bet 1.

Sit at table and start by recording the LINE NUMBERS of the numbers spun until all but 1

line has yet to appear. (or use history marquee)

I have shown a sequence below which demonstrates the "Line Leveller" in action on Wiesbaden

Spins for table 2; 09 Mar 2008 as tested thru Rxtreme simulator.

Now after recording those line numbers until 1 line number is missing we check that there

is at least 1 trending line in the last 6 numbers. If so, betting can now begin...
If not, continue recording until a 'trending line' appears in the last 6 results.

When betting commences we are ALWAYS going to bet the 'trending lines' (lines which have

appeared 2 times or more) from THE LAST 6 SPINS ONLY - and in addition to this we are also

going to take into consideration "sleeping lines" and also sometimes the most recent

line that hit too.

Update a list of the current line numbers after every spin and then check the most recent

last 6 line numbers to determine the primary bet positions:

Bet positions are based on the last 6 line numbers recorded + prior numbers also consulted

at times to ascertain sleeping lines.

If only 1 trending line we bet that line + the most recent hit line + the 2 furthest back

'sleeping lines'.
The most recent hit line is the line *other than the trending line already noted* which hit

most recently. For instance if the last 6 lines recorded were
1,3,6,4,5,1 then the trending line is 1 and the most recent hit line other than that is 5

and in this case the lines to be bet would be 1 and 5 + the 2 furthest back lines, 2 and 3.


If there are 2 trending lines in the last 6 decisions we bet those 2 lines + the 2 furthest

back 'sleeping lines'.


If there are 3 trending lines indicated (which is the max there can be in 6 results) out of

the last 6 notations we bet those lines + the furthest back 'sleeping line'.


Thus there are ALWAYS 4 lines to bet each spin.

The lines to bet will often vary after each spin; but not always, sometimes they remain the


The only time no bet at all is made is if the LAST 6 LINE NUMBERS recorded are all

different. We simply wait until a trending line materialises before recommencing the system

at the correct entry point.

Zero counts as a loss; so increase the next bet on the same lines unless you are already at

the max bet of 4 units, in which case continue playing at the 4 unit level.

Play for low stakes. I start with base bet of 4 x 0.5 units. I suggest do not play online.

Suggested target to aim for is 20 to 30 units.

Example follows...




The below example never gets to bet 4 and (!amazingly!) the bank balance never goes below the starting figure of 500

Wiesbaden Table 2; 09 Mar 2008.
Spin,Number,Type,Bet Unit,Win,Loss,Net,Unit Bal.,Bet Layout

1,'10,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
2,'17,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
3,'20,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
4,'30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
5,'0,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
6,'21,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
7,'5,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,

8,'24,Bet,2,3,-2,1,501,.5 : Line(1-6),Line(7-12),Line(19-24),Line(31-36)
9,'32,Bet,2,3,-2,1,502,.5 : Line(1-6),Line(7-12),Line(19-24),Line(31-36)
10,'5,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,500,.5 : Line(7-12),Line(13-18),Line(19-24),Line(31-36)
11,'24,Bet,4,6,-4,2,502,1 : Line(1-6),Line(7-12),Line(13-18),Line(19-24)
12,'27,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,500,.5 : Line(1-6),Line(7-12),Line(13-18),Line(19-24)
13,'23,Bet,4,6,-4,2,502,1 : Line(1-6),Line(7-12),Line(13-18),Line(19-24)
14,'1,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,500,.5 : Line(7-12),Line(13-18),Line(19-24),Line(25-30)
15,'5,Bet,4,6,-4,2,502,1 : Line(1-6),Line(7-12),Line(13-18),Line(19-24)
16,'10,Bet,2,3,-2,1,503,.5 : Line(1-6),Line(7-12),Line(13-18),Line(19-24)
17,'31,Bet,2,3,-2,1,504,.5 : Line(1-6),Line(13-18),Line(19-24),Line(31-36)
18,'25,Bet,2,3,-2,1,505,.5 : Line(1-6),Line(13-18),Line(25-30),Line(31-36)
19,'4,Bet,2,3,-2,1,506,.5 : Line(1-6),Line(13-18),Line(19-24),Line(25-30)
20,'29,Bet,2,3,-2,1,507,.5 : Line(1-6),Line(13-18),Line(19-24),Line(25-30)
21,'36,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,505,.5 : Line(1-6),Line(13-18),Line(19-24),Line(25-30)
22,'22,Bet,4,6,-4,2,507,1 : Line(13-18),Line(19-24),Line(25-30),Line(31-36)
23,'23,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,505,.5 : Line(7-12),Line(13-18),Line(25-30),Line(31-36)
24,'6,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,501,1 : Line(7-12),Line(13-18),Line(19-24),Line(25-30)
25,'20,Bet,8,12,-8,4,505,2 : Line(1-6),Line(7-12),Line(13-18),Line(19-24)
26,'9,Bet,4,6,-4,2,507,1 : Line(1-6),Line(7-12),Line(13-18),Line(19-24)
27,'18,Bet,2,3,-2,1,508,.5 : Line(7-12),Line(13-18),Line(19-24),Line(25-30)
28,'33,Bet,2,3,-2,1,509,.5 : Line(13-18),Line(19-24),Line(25-30),Line(31-36)
29,'2,Bet,2,3,-2,1,510,.5 : Line(1-6),Line(13-18),Line(19-24),Line(25-30)
30,'29,Bet,2,3,-2,1,511,.5 : Line(1-6),Line(19-24),Line(25-30),Line(31-36)
31,'23,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
32,'29,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
33,'22,Bet,2,3,-2,1,512,.5 : Line(7-12),Line(13-18),Line(19-24),Line(25-30)
34,'13,Bet,2,3,-2,1,513,.5 : Line(7-12),Line(13-18),Line(19-24),Line(25-30)
35,'16,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,511,.5 : Line(7-12),Line(19-24),Line(25-30),Line(31-36)
36,'19,Bet,4,6,-4,2,513,1 : Line(7-12),Line(13-18),Line(19-24),Line(25-30)
37,'11,Bet,2,3,-2,1,514,.5 : Line(7-12),Line(13-18),Line(19-24),Line(31-36)
38,'20,Bet,2,3,-2,1,515,.5 : Line(1-6),Line(13-18),Line(19-24),Line(31-36)
39,'3,Bet,2,3,-2,1,516,.5 : Line(1-6),Line(13-18),Line(19-24),Line(31-36)
40,'33,Bet,2,3,-2,1,517,.5 : Line(13-18),Line(19-24),Line(25-30),Line(31-36)
41,'24,Bet,2,3,-2,1,518,.5 : Line(13-18),Line(19-24),Line(25-30),Line(31-36)
42,'33,Bet,2,3,-2,1,519,.5 : Line(13-18),Line(19-24),Line(25-30),Line(31-36)
43,'28,Bet,2,3,-2,1,520,.5 : Line(13-18),Line(19-24),Line(25-30),Line(31-36)
44,'3,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,518,.5 : Line(7-12),Line(13-18),Line(19-24),Line(31-36)
45,'10,Bet,4,6,-4,2,520,1 : Line(1-6),Line(7-12),Line(13-18),Line(31-36)
46,'8,Bet,2,3,-2,1,521,.5 : Line(7-12),Line(13-18),Line(19-24),Line(31-36)
47,'1,Bet,2,3,-2,1,522,.5 : Line(1-6),Line(7-12),Line(13-18),Line(19-24)
48,'25,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,520,.5 : Line(1-6),Line(7-12),Line(13-18),Line(19-24)
49,'33,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,516,1 : Line(1-6),Line(7-12),Line(13-18),Line(25-30)
50,'7,Bet,8,12,-8,4,520,2 : Line(1-6),Line(7-12),Line(13-18),Line(19-24)
51,'20,Bet,4,6,-4,2,522,1 : Line(7-12),Line(13-18),Line(19-24),Line(31-36)
52,'8,Bet,2,3,-2,1,523,.5 : Line(1-6),Line(7-12),Line(13-18),Line(19-24)
53,'14,Bet,2,3,-2,1,524,.5 : Line(1-6),Line(7-12),Line(13-18),Line(19-24)
54,'22,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,522,.5 : Line(1-6),Line(7-12),Line(13-18),Line(25-30)
55,'2,Bet,4,6,-4,2,524,1 : Line(1-6),Line(7-12),Line(19-24),Line(25-30)
56,'7,Bet,2,3,-2,1,525,.5 : Line(7-12),Line(19-24),Line(25-30),Line(31-36)
57,'35,Bet,2,3,-2,1,526,.5 : Line(7-12),Line(19-24),Line(25-30),Line(31-36)
58,'27,Bet,2,3,-2,1,527,.5 : Line(7-12),Line(13-18),Line(25-30),Line(31-36)
59,'35,No Bet,0,0,0,0,527,
60,'18,Bet,2,3,-2,1,528,.5 : Line(13-18),Line(19-24),Line(25-30),Line(31-36)
61,'23,Bet,2,3,-2,1,529,.5 : Line(13-18),Line(19-24),Line(25-30),Line(31-36)
62,'6,Bet,2,3,-2,1,530,.5 : Line(1-6),Line(7-12),Line(13-18),Line(31-36)

Game Ended.

Spins: 62
Profit: +30
Time: 1 hr. 2 min @60 spins/hour
Max drawdown: 6
Lowest Bankroll: 500

I think this better than Elastic Lines Variation because-:

1) 4 lines are covered instead of the previous max of 3
2) The progression is capped to rise no further than 4 units
3) Sleeping Lines and Recency Line taken into account

Good Luck.


