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Re: Countermeasures

Started by VLSroulette, April 08, 2009, 04:38:17 PM

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"Countermeasures are intended to go both sides to ensure a fair game; both for the punter as well as for the casino.

There is the Myth the dealer can shoot your section when you tip. A myth they (dealers) are willing to sustain for having  grateful punters tipping at large.

Ask yourself why that dealer you think has the ability to sector-shoot your numbers if you tip him enough isn't wearing a gold Rolex watch on his wrist because the ability to sector shooting at live casino conditions is a gold mine and I don't mean it for the ocassional tips, I mean it because of actual dealer-player collusion. Anything beating -2.7% in favor of the player is advantage play, be it dealer-induced or not.

Regarding dealer shooting with accuracy at modern low-profile competely level wheels with low frets, "spoony"  pockets and "scattery" balls I'd love to see accurate 3-4 number sector shooting defying standard deviation long term at well-maintained modern roulettes under actual casino conditions."

- Author: a certain spanish player I like to read from a lot...


Ah! The Rolex watch part reminds me about this Manrique's quote:

"When someone tells you he has a winning roulette system, look for the truth at his shoes".



This is probably another lie, but a dealer once told me the "eye in the sky" would pick up on any such tomfoolery.  He even went on to say that when he fell into a rhythm and started throwing sectors, the boss would tell him to count to four before throwing the ball every spin or two as to throw off the sector players.

I'm sure the casinos consider collaboration with the dealer as cheating.  If they really could cheat, why would the casino allow the dealer to takes tips to cheat?  None of this makes sense. 

Now, numerogomogolomy---well, THAT'S a different story!!  Right, Herb?



Imagine being friends with such a dealer? You'd be rich in no time and the "eye in the sky" wouldn't be slow to catch on either unfortunately.


There is the Myth the dealer can shoot your section>>>

Its an Urban Myth that never dies. There was just a long argument on GG about it, with one side saying we who don't believe it are just not experienced enough. If a dealer could do it, he would be rich in no time by having a partner that came in once in awhile and having him place just one big bet. Its almost the perfect crime because if done right its undetectable.

