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Richard Grace’s Work

Started by RichardGraceFan, April 03, 2008, 11:53:33 PM

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Hello friends.

I am new to this forum, reading it with interest. I also wanted to make my contribution since I notice a friendly community, and perceive my contribution to it will be received with open arms.

While I am not a proficient gambling writer myself, I want to share with you the works of Richard Grace. He is the creator of the Barbi systems.

Due to respect to Richard, I will not post his actual systems, but yet his phylosophy is a gem and fits the type of conversation flowing at this section of the forum.

I must confess I am only a recreational Gambler. I thank beforehand all the readers who like the phylosophy of gambling and know the value it has, regardless of the system used.

Hope you enjoy these writings. I know I have.

Yours truly.

My posts are heartfully dedicated to Richard and Barbara Grace.

God bless you both.


It is important to be precise within the context and demanding in our expression.

The posts will be appended to current forum topic in chronological order. This way we guarantee a methodical and orderly exposition and ensure ease of use for further reference.

First post of the series is:

Play Roulette like you would play chess



First of all, [smiley=welcome/welcome.gif]

And I'm thanking you in the name of the forum for sharing the man's work, even if you don't publish his system, we certainly enjoy the reading.

Hope you wouldn't want to leave us wanting for more... and that "more" is on the way.

A grateful friend,


Hi Fan of Richard Grace,

I run the name Richard Grace on the Google machine and the outcomes were not so positve on his Barbisystems do........ nolinks://nolinks.roulettesystemreviews.com/r-gracebarbisystem.htm  :o

Carlitos  8-)


Carlitos, dont trust this site .... Stefano just want to sell his system and he makes bad reviews of others.




Hi JD,

This site is of Stefano? Okay, i will check it out. If it is then mine apoliges for being wrong....  :-?

Domain name registration does has his name.

Anybody here got the Barbi system and if so, does it work?

Carlitos 8-)


Hi Folks,

Taken from //roulette-systems.com website -,

[edit]  System:  Barbi System
Retail $100

Strategy: The site boasts about 4 main systems ranging from the old Barbi to the new U.K. Barbi. Most of the information on their CD is redundant and difficult to read, much like their website. Nevertheless, one of their main systems is what they call 10/9 single street system. All you do is put a bet on each one of 9-10 of the 12 streets, hence covering most of the table. Of course, the ONE time it hits in a street you're not covering, you're wiped out. The regular Barbi system calls for you to place two to three units on a combination of streets, lines and quads. There is no progression, so when it hits on a section your not covering there is no way to make up for your losses, so you're only chance is to be right most of the time.

Does it work? Temporarily.

Is it easy to use? Yeap.


...............  :o

Carlitos  8-)


Hi Luckystrike,

Thanks  ;)

Carlitos  8-)


Thank you all for the warm posts.

Regarding the published Barbi system on that webpage, I am neutral as to it being a "good" or "bad" thing.

I relate this to the situation of music and the internet.

It is a great moment for MUSIC, because it is accesible and it is free by online file swapping. But at the same time, musicians complain.

I will leave it up to you to answer this one acording to your own judgement.


Now I continue with the publishing in chronological order:


